Reminder: Disseminating Fact from Fiction and Sensationalism


Aug 16, 2011
South Bend, Indiana
Alot of info is being reported. Much is positive attention. However we knew it wouldn't be long before the rumor mill and assumptions would start coming out. Today CNN was discussing Dr. Klein being the biological father of Michael and Debbie's kids yet they said they had "no real confirmation"! Why are they reporting things that they only think and do not know. Plus they are all over attacking Joe Jackson. Then there's that Nutritionist. Maybe what she said is true, but we really don't know either. People are seeing dollar signs sensationalizing his life and death I am sure. Let's be careful what we believe and give merit just as we have always done as intelligent minded fans.

P.S. I am sorry for bringing up the kids situation above if I violated any rules, but where are fans able to discuss this discussion now in the the media. Because even if that were the case, what's the point of disclosing personal family business that affects these children especially after all they have already endurred? They are Michael's kids regardless!!!

It is up to us to keep Michael's legacy alive along with the family and friends. We have a long way to go I predict. This is only the beginning.
Yes this garbage never stops, its just gonna get worse.
Good thread, especially in this time. When it comes down to it, there's only really a very tiny bit that we actually DO know for sure, the rest are just thread we are desperatly trying to connect. In time though, the results of the autopsies and the investigations will shine a light on the answers to our questions. We just need patience!
Its making me mad. Its not cool what the media is saying that its not MJ's Kids.
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Thank you for this thread. I know that with all the S....flying around right now, its hard not to let it get to you. But I think that the main thing to remember is this: very few things have been confirmed yet.
What does remain is the fact that Michael is no more. The whys and hows we may know in time. Let us please remember that we live in a world where the media consists of mostly infotainment, and that what sell in their opinion is scandal and sensationalism. No one in the media business are interested in a "normal" but tragic death. If anyone should be blamed for Michaels death, I think it is the constant
pressure by the media who never let an opportunity pass to hurt the man.
Have people missed the part where they said Debbie is not their mother either? Can they sink any lower.. reporting crappy speculation.
SeanK this thread is very timely.

This time reminds me of when the prosecution was putting on their case. We would get reports and would fly off the handle and then Mez would sort that ish out and we would be all calm again. I guess it is human nature.

I have taken the personal decision not believe/follow the news stories because I know the media. And, as you said, we have very few FACTS.

At a more appropriate time I will discuss WHY I think the media is behaving this way towards Michael. All I will say right now that nothing that is said will change how I feel about Michael Jackson because I loved the man, not just the brand.
Very good thread. What I see is that there are almost no facts yet and the only thing that actually has been said officially is that the reason for his death is still unknown. Then there are all these people talking to the media but what do they actually know? The thing about the children is absolutely disgusting at a time like this I think. Do the people who say this about the children now even think of them as human beeings?
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