Remembering Michael with L.O.V.E. on the day of love

Sharon B. Sidney

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Remembering Michael with L.O.V.E. on the day of love.

On Jan. 1st 2010 I was moved to pray for Michael's soul. A feeling sat inside me that his spirit was restless. I felt a need to get others to pray. It saddened me because I recalled other times I had tried to call others to prayer but it seemed peoples hearts were far from God. Their love for Michael was shielded by doubts of a need to pray. It took a while 'till people prayed but those who cared for him did so and God moved in his life. I posted this and other things on one of my Myspaces pages at the time but it is only now that I write to you here.

On Jan. 1st there were things that I felt came to me in the spirit including this request I am forwarding on to you all now. When seven P.M. reaches you wherever you are in the world on Feb. 14th please take a moment to participate in a global day of prayer.

Michael has sung many powerful and prophetic songs. I believe Cry to be one of them. In CRY he sings "You can change the world," "I can't do it by myself" "You can touch the sky" "It's gonna take somebodies help"- If we all Cry at the same time tonight." Let us cry out to God expressing our hearts -inviting His will on earth!

Please pray that the mission God ordained for Michael Jackson's life be fulfilled though he no longer walks among us and that His will be done throughout the earth.

Please spread this message to all your heart leads you to - all who ever cared and cares for Michael Jackson.

Love and blessings to you!!!

Sharon B. Sidney

No, I had not heard of it until you made mention. It seems they are moreso meditating and sending out positive thoughts as opposed to praying though... I believe that it is good to think positive thought but that prayer is imperative.

Please spread the word for others to pray on 2.14.10@7p.m. I cannot stress how important this is. Only light stops darkness from expanding throughout the earth. We are the light!

I have something I feel a need to discuss.

I recently was in discussions with someone concerning a dispute she and I had concerning her later duplicating use of the title being used in requests for people to pray. I had asked this individual to consider changing it. She at one point stated that she would check with her team and see what the fans thought and I asked her to please not bother the fans with it since they had been through enough. We contued to text on the issue and at one point I realized it was not simply two people disagreeing on what each thought was suitable but that a spiritual battle was taking place. When I recognized this I told her so and said I would go pray - let's talk tomorrow.

I later got a phone call from someone telling me things this lady was supposedly saying about me on her twitter. Things of which if they quoted me correctly parts were untrue and were outright lies... I phoned her to see if she had actually started speaking badly of me on her twitter account and it seemed she had. She said that she "did not hide anything and that was why she said it publicly." I said "well then please post our texts that we sent to each other and nothing will be hidden." She declined.

She informed me that she did not mention my name or the name of the title/heading she was discussing but I think it is a little more than obvious. I had been using it repetitively since the first of the year and she started it's use- she said this week but I believe it was late last week so it would not be difficult for anyone on her twitter (or any other places she may have posted her statements) to determine what she was talking about.

I spent time praying on what to do concerning this and much time perplexed. Our dispute was based on the title I headed the call for prayer "Remembering Michael." My concern was that another title being announced with the same heading had and would continue to confuse some people.

I was not being petty or - I can't recall what names I heard she called me but what I was being is concerned. Concerned that people would confuse the two headings at some point and start to block it off as I know I and others often do after seeing repetitive posts because we presume we have already read it and know the information.

I think highly of the individual I was in dispute with and am only speaking of these things because it has already been one sidedly addressed in public and because I also want to ask understand satan is trying to prevent us coming together in prayer- to ask you all to pray for me and to ask the individual I was in dispute with to forgive me if my words did not come across clearly. To tell her that I love her dispite any dispute and that whatever she decides to do I will continue to trust God to work things out - I am only the messenger.

I want Michael's fans to know that the truth.

Love to you all!

God bless!!!
Hello Major Love Prayer is where you can choose to pray either way you feel to send out L.O.V.E
Hello Major Love Prayer is where you can choose to pray either way you feel to send out L.O.V.E
This is correct :) It's praying for LOVE to heal the planet and all who live here, from our souls to our soles. The Major Love Prayer site also uses words like 'meditation' and 'intention' because some people are really put off by the word "prayer" and its religious connotations. I know for others it's the exact opposite. But since it's for the whole world, everyone has to feel they can be a part within their own faith. The instructions on the site say:
"This prayer/meditation/affirmation involves participants all around the world, so the suggested instructions below are not specific to any religion or spiritual practice. Feel free to adjust the details in accordance with your own beliefs and wishes."
I guess in the end it's just semantics. People from different religions/spirituality pray differently, yet prayer is prayer when you put your heart and soul into it (and whatever form of the Divine you believe in). Have you ever read any books by Gregg Braden, like the Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer or Lynne McTaggart's The Intention Experiment? Just thought I'd recommend them to whoever is interested. Gregg comes from the more mystical and religious side (Bible Code, etc) and Lynne comes from the scientific side. I've found these very interesting. But anyway, I'm off on a tangent, sorry, lol...

But yeah, Sharon, I agree with you about us being Light and praying that Michael's mission be fulfilled, yes!:angel:I often feel like we're that... like Warriors of Light or the Army of Love. We need to accept each other with all our myriad differences and join together as ONE. Strength in numbers. Numbers that believe in LOVE.

P.S. When you first mentioned the song 'Cry' I thought immediately of another group out there... the World Cry 2010 (although it's not a prayer... just thought you might want to know about it: :heart:
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I am going to be there the 25th This monthly 'prayer' does wonders for myself. :huggy: & :wub: to all.
This is correct :) It's praying for LOVE to heal the planet and all who live here, from our souls to our soles. The Major Love Prayer site also uses words like 'meditation' and 'intention' because some people are really put off by the word "prayer" and its religious connotations. I know for others it's the exact opposite. But since it's for the whole world, everyone has to feel they can be a part within their own faith. The instructions on the site say: I guess in the end it's just semantics. People from different religions/spirituality pray differently, yet prayer is prayer when you put your heart and soul into it (and whatever form of the Divine you believe in). Have you ever read any books by Gregg Braden, like the Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer or Lynne McTaggart's The Intention Experiment? Just thought I'd recommend them to whoever is interested. Gregg comes from the more mystical and religious side (Bible Code, etc) and Lynne comes from the scientific side. I've found these very interesting. But anyway, I'm off on a tangent, sorry, lol...

But yeah, Sharon, I agree with you about us being Light and praying that Michael's mission be fulfilled, yes!:angel:I often feel like we're that... like Warriors of Light or the Army of Love. We need to accept each other with all our myriad differences and join together as ONE. Strength in numbers. Numbers that believe in LOVE.

P.S. When you first mentioned the song 'Cry' I thought immediately of another group out there... the World Cry 2010 (although it's not a prayer... just thought you might want to know about it: :heart:

Thank you for that link! It deeply touches my heart to see those allowing God to move them toward such efforts.

I appreciate the feedback on sending out lovely thoughts and all of the feedback. Thank you!

I am desperately trying to emphasize the need - that we need to pray. The song Cry came to me at the first of the year as well. I believe Michael sang many prophetic songs...

If I can locate my posts from my Myspace page where I posted portions of what was revealed to me at the first of the year, then I will prayerfully consider posting it here. An odd thing happened when I wanted to read it again last week... All of the bulletin posts from Jan 7th 2010 back to July 2009 were not accessible for me. Strange and perplexing. It was pretty intense so maybe it is best that I leave whatever I shared there for whoever read it then...

God bless you all and thanks again!!!

Sharon B. Sidney

Remember 2.14.10@7p.m.
I pray for Michael every day but I especially love the prayer on the 25th, bc it feels we are all so united that day
I've prayed for him every day since he passed and I adore the Major Love Prayer! :wub: