Remember the late 80s and early 90s?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Do you remember the late 80s-88-89 and early 90-91-92..? If your over 25 and over what do you remember from that time? All I remember was life was easy.. Carefree..less stressful lol .. And movies and tv and fashion was so cool it was fun going to the movies..with no cell-phones in sight ahhh and no texting. Playing outside. What was it for you?
Do you remember the late 80s-88-89 and early 90-91-92..? If your over 25 and over what do you remember from that time? All I remember was life was easy.. Carefree..less stressful lol .. And movies and tv and fashion was so cool it was fun going to the movies..with no cell-phones in sight ahhh and no texting. Playing outside. What was it for you?

Michael Jackson! Haha!
I remember that time all too well. Especially since I was born in 1980. One of the things I remember was my major obsession with LA Gear high top sneakers. And this was before I realized Michael used to advertise for them. I even remember having a pair of MJ high top sneakers back then. To me LA Gear high tops was the shoes to have back then. I guess probably because Michael advertise for them back then. I even remember seeing this LA Gear commercial back then:

OMG Michael was just so very cute in that commercial.

I also remember seeing the premiere of Michael's Dangerous album videos. Especially Remember The Time and Jam. OMG they were so great back then. I even remember seeing this commercial back then to order the Dangerous Short Films. OMG did I so wanted that video then. But I didn't get it until years later.

You know for some strange reason Michael was thing that I remember the most from that time. I have memories of non MJ related things. But it is my Michael memories that I seem to have more of.
i love the late 80's and early 90's. music was good (bad & dangerous). tv shows were great (macgyver and baywatch lol)... and when mtv actually played music videos not some lame ass reality show like DUH HILLS ...
I remember wearing jackets, pants and overalls in all sorts of funky colours like highlighter green, pink and yellow. :lol:
We played with Super Nintendo, Sega, those big grey chunky Gameboys...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...(Leonardo was my fave).
Oh man oh man. What a glorious time it was.

I wasn't quite as much a fan of the early 90's though because I couldn't stand a lot of things happening at the time (grunge overtaking feel-good party rock, gangsta rap overtaking feel-good party rap, the culture here in America becoming more coarse, etc.)

BUT....that said, I do have some great memories of the early 90's as well. I clearly remember watching the prime time debut of Black or White. :) It was broadcast on several channels. We watched it on Fox. If I recall correctly, it was right after The Simpsons on a Sunday night. And I remember actually being shocked by the controversial end to the video. :)

And finally getting Dangerous on cassette tape. I wanted it so bad, but my parents told me not to get it, basically hinting that they already bought it for me for Christmas. So I didn't pick it up and I waited for what felt like an eternity until that Christmas morning, when lo and behold...DANGEROUS! Whoo! That entire Christmas day and night I listened to that tape on my walkman over and over and over again. That was my MJ Dangerous Christmas. :)

Besides that, I also loved watching Saturday Night Live in the early 90's with such a great cast like Mike Myers, Dana Carvey, Chris Farley, Rob Schneider, Kevin Nealon, Adam Sandler, etc.

And I'll never forget watching Terminator 2 by myself in an empty movie theater in the middle of the day.

So yeah, there were a lot of great things I liked about the early 90's, but I really preferred the late 80's. THAT was an awesome time. Actually the entire decade was great and sometimes I'm not sure which I liked better, the early 80's or the late 80's. The whole time was so much fun.

When I think of the late 80's though, I think about all the great times at the roller skating rink while listening to the new songs from Guns N Roses, Def Leppard, Van Halen, Tone Loc, Eddie Money, etc.

And I think about going to Wal-Mart to buy Michael Jackson's brand new Bad album on LP (vinyl).

And I think about sitting on my front porch, playing with my GI Joes with my buddy.

And I think about those two girls in my class who I had crushes on in 1988. :)

And going to church with my family and those great Sunday afternoons after church.

And staying up late on Saturday nights to watch SNL or WWF wrestling.

Playing Nintendo games at my neighbor's house (or playing my old Atari 2600 at my house because we couldn't afford a NES lol)

Proudly wearing my brand new Lee denim jacket to school along with my blue jeans with the holes I made in the knees using my Mom's seam ripper! :D

Man...those were GREAT times. And the tv shows like Night Court, Cheers, Alf....they just don't make 'em like they used to.
I agree with you Dave it was such a glorious time back then. Especially if you were a kid that loved Michael Jackson. That to me was the best time to be a Michael Jackson fan. I so badly wish I could relive those wonderful days again.
yeaaah i remeber them allright !!! they were fabulous :D i really miss them. things were so different back then ....even people were different ... i love that time .esp since is the time when i became a Michael Jackson fan. :wub: and i promised myself i'll love him forever i am today still fighting..still loving him .. if anyone here that shares this opinion you are welcome to contact me and maybe try and remeber those times, maybe become friends ..who knows? :yes:
I remember MTV, Michael Jackson, music videos, those cheesy 90's tv series, talks shows, no internet or cellphones - if you wanted to get information you had to rely on magazines or tv it was such a different world. and we were all connected to the same things now everybody lives in their own world. and me personally I remember my childhood, my father - who died in '96, my school years and summer vacations, life was so carefree and happy...I'm very melancholic about those things, and I'm melancholic about michael too...when I look back I feel a lot of sadness and melancholy
I remember MTV, Michael Jackson, music videos, those cheesy 90's tv series, talks shows, no internet or cellphones - if you wanted to get information you had to rely on magazines or tv it was such a different world. and we were all connected to the same things now everybody lives in their own world. and me personally I remember my childhood, my father - who died in '96, my school years and summer vacations...I'm very melancholic about those things, and now I'm melancholic about michael too...when I look back I feel so sad
it was some sort of innocent naivity back the isn't it?
da erau vremuri inocente, si sincer daca maine ar disparea internetul si toata tehnologia asta eu as fi fericita sa ma intorc la vremurile de atunci
i posted this a while kinda relates to this topic...

-when BAD was released
-the premiere of the Black or White and Remember the Time short films?
-Whatzupwitu w/ Eddie Murphy (and how much people hated the song lol)
-the oprah interview
-the Dangerous Tour on HBO premiere
-watching MJ at the superbowl halftime show
-when MJ and LMP got married and all its hoopla (and the Diana Sawyer interview)
-MJ at the 95' MTV VMAs
-the premiere of SCREAM
-the infamous statement MJ made regarding the charges (and following trial like it was OJ all over again)
-the Jackson family honors
-The An American Dream premiere on TV (and falling IN LOVE with Jason Weaver lol)
-watching the J5 cartoon and american bandstand reruns saturday mornings
-3T'S WHY w/ MJ
-when TDCAU came out and everyone called MJ a racist

those are just a few MJ major events i remember from my being the complete fool that I am...remember doing these things...

-had a jheri curl (80,90's don't front like u never had one black people!)
-wore knee and shin pads (to a dumbass lol)
-stole my mothers disco ball in attempt to reenact the RWY video
-while living overseas i made my mother rent An American Dream EVERY WEEKEND till the people just said eff it and gave us the damn thing
-not buying magazines but just ripping the pictures of MJ out (i was bad hehe)
-writing to MJ every day in hopes to get an invite to Neverland
-listening DSTYGE all day JUST to figure out what he was saying (and then writing down the lyrics so i would never forget)
-made an MJ book (where i wrote down all his lyrics to songs, pictures, etc)
-joined chorus in 4th grade and singing nothing but MJ songs when im suppose to be learning some other songs
-joined band in 5th grade cuz i couldnt sing my MJ songs in 4th grade
-told my teacher in 3rd grade i wanted to be MJ when i grew up
-told myself at age 9 that my life goal was to meet MJ (thats when i started collecting)
-cried for weeks when my father told me i couldnt go see the history tour in London (still upset about that to this day)
-went to sleep every night listening to OTW (i took my mothers tape)
-almost cut a ***** when this little hefer stole my history dvd!!!!!!! (again..i dont play when it comes to MJ)
-going over to my friends house and teaching them MJ dances ( i was the MJ source growing up lol)
-trying to do the SC lean
-watching the Dangerous tour with my cousin every time i went back home and trying to figure out his adlibs
-learning how to moonwalk (and my cousin sliding into my aunts wall *RIP* and breaking her clock)
-drinking pepsi cuz MJ endorsed it
-doing the Jackson 5 routines from the American Dream movie
Oh what wonderful memories!!!!

These are a few of my favourite things..

The days of having to send off for Bad tix through snail mail and WAITING to see if we got lucky! lol

Queueing from Stupid O Clock outside Wembley on the tours on numerous occasions and getting palpitations waiting for the doors to open so we could run to the front!

Waiting outside his hotel and shaking so much when he came out my photo was distorted!

Throwing a sickie at work to go watch Moonwalker when it was released

Having no internet so we had to REALLY make huge efforts to find out what was happening with Michael!!!!

In lean periods walking Oxford Street and visiting all the record shops back in the day and sourcing imported MJ Vinyl - which I still cherish!!!

Remembering Adrian Grant when he worked in his bloody bedroom!
I really love the fashion from this era. Everything was just full of bright and flashy colours and it had a really positive feel to it. Today's fashion is just so boring in my opinion
theses threads create such nostagia ...aaaaah

movies, tv shows, and kid shows were better. somes it up i think.
Does it make you all feel old that I was BORN in 1991? ;)

Ummm, yeah, it does. :baby:

I remember that time as if it were yesterday, especially the 80s! Bright neon or candy-colored roomy clothes; ankle-high tennis shoes; sweatbands on the wrist; permed hair like a mop; crowded lecture halls at university; seminar papers written on a typewriter (no typing errors please or you had to rewrite the whole page!