Relationship Question (another one lol)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
MJ's home state of Indiana!
This guy I met, I'm interested in him. But, he showed interest in me first. He told me how he felt. Then, as I got to get to know him, I got interested. We have a lot in common and he has a cute, goofy smile, and we kissed a few days ago.
Thing is, I'm afraid and worried that my feelings for him aren't real or genuine. Because I'd wanted someone to be with for so long, but I started to not care if I had someone or not fairly recently. And since I wasn't into him until after he said something, but as we talked more, I was.
I've been told not to worry about it and take it as it comes. Thoughts?
go with the flow. if u dont really like him you will realise soon enough after going out a few times
Definitely stick with him and go with the flow.. Like Elusive said, you might actually really like him and you'll soon tell if you don't :)
Thanks, guys! I tend to overthink everything. It's just sometimes I don't hear from him for a while and sometimes I don't feel anything if I think about him. Keep the advice coming, if you wish! He's been a keeper so far! (We're not official yet)
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You will definetly know for sure if you are attracted to him or not after a few dates. The 'spark' will either be there or it won't. Or you may go through the 'honeymoon' phase in the beginning and everything will be wonderful, and then things may die down and the spark may fizzle. You can't usually tell in the beginning...just ride it out and see what happens if you think it's worth it!