RedOne on Swedish Radio talking about Michael Jackson.


I tried to find the RedOne thread here but I couldn't find it, please just move this thread to the one that I know exist somewhere here on the forum.

Anyone, the Swedish producer RedOne is on Swedish radio right now. He is talking about Michael Jackson. This is what he has said so far.
- He does not want to give out any music of Michael Jackson if it's not for something good. He does not want to make money on this just because he's dead now because he knows Michael, if he's gonna put that music out there it has to be for a good cause.
-He said that Michael was a very nice and cool person who was always thinking about everyone else.
- He also said that Michael called him after hearing Lady Gaga's Poker Face and he said that he liked it and it should have been his song =) He had not heard anything about him wanting to work with her but he did share this.
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Thanks for the information!

I can't decide whether to admire RedOne and's attitude to releasing their MJ tunes, or whether to be annoyed. They don't want to be seen as profitting from MJ's death, which I believe is admirable.


On the other hand if the material they have is good then maybe they could be potential hit singles.

RedOne said he thought MJ could have made a comeback if he didn't die. By not allowing the estate to use those songs on the new album and therefore preventing them from releasing those songs as singles, RedOne could actually be preventing MJ from having a posthumous 'comeback'.
I really hope both Redone and Will.i.Am give their material to the estate so it can be put on the new album that will be released late this year, how can we have an new record without the songs MJ recorded during the last 3-4 years, if Redone and Will don't want to make money of it, that's fine. They must give those songs and let us hear it...
Yeah, perhaps they could strike a deal with Sony so that their royalty fees and a certain percentage of the profits from the album go to charity. That way they wouldn't personally benefit from the music financially, and charities would receive ongoing financial contributions for years to come.

That sounds like a win-win situation to me.
Yeah, perhaps they could strike a deal with Sony so that their royalty fees and a certain percentage of the profits from the album go to charity. That way they wouldn't personally benefit from the music financially, and charities would receive ongoing financial contributions for years to come.

That sounds like a win-win situation to me.

That would be great. If only WE could propose that offer :)
I don't like nor Redone as producers,it's not really my style.
But they are professionals and must love their art,whether we like it or not so I wouldn't want my name to be associated to a bunch of songs that are incomplete and that MJ was not really happy with in the first place.
MJ used to write hundreds of songs for one album,everybody knows that,so I doubt that the first 10-15 songs were "the ones",so I'd rather have old songs out that were axed from an album the very last minute for space reasons for example as often happens(like the lenny's one), than having new material which is far from M's standards.
I think the chemistry with both Michael and is the result of some great tracks
If Michael finished the final touches of the Will songs, then I believe they're great
Thanks got this - but why can't RedOne and Will, whom I admire as producers and am so happy got to work with Mike, help out his estate and kids?
Because they don't want to profit from Mike's death. People take advantage and make money in all kinds of ways that wouldn't necessarily be approved by the person themselves if they were still alive and they don't want to be part of it. If their motives are to be believed they're taking a moral stand.
Thanks got this - but why can't RedOne and Will, whom I admire as producers and am so happy got to work with Mike, help out his estate and kids?

Well I don't think the estate is so desperate nor are his kids.
If will and red are not keen on releasing anything as the post above says better they have their reasons both ethical or as a form of respect/protection for a very fine artist such M.
Oh yea, he also said that he still has Michael's number in his phone.... and he looks at it every now and then...
Thanks for telling us about this interview! I don't listen to the radio unfortunately. I would so love to hear the material they recorded together! And it's really cool that MJ felt that "Poker Face" should have been his, heheh :D
Thank you for posting. It seems like folks who have ACTUALLY spent time with Michael always say the same thing about him, i.e. always looking out for others and that he was just a nice guy.

As to RedOne and Will.I.Am, I believe in time, they will release the music they did with Michael, just not now. I guess it's just too soon for them and they don't want to be seen as if they are "cashing in." I can understand that. I don't believe that they will keep that music under lock-and-key until the end of time.

They both know how important that music is to Michael's fans.
As long as MJ laid down vocals, RedONE is a talented enough producer to take care of the music and make a great song. The one problem: Sony just paid $250 million for MJ's unreleased music. They aren't going to be too receptive about "charity" right now. They want as much money as possible.
As long as MJ laid down vocals, RedONE is a talented enough producer to take care of the music and make a great song. The one problem: Sony just paid $250 million for MJ's unreleased music. They aren't going to be too receptive about "charity" right now. They want as much money as possible.

How is this working? Most of the money made on sales goes to the estate and Sony. RedOne gets paid a certain amount by Sony. So RedOne can use that money from Sony on charity...

Am I following this wrong?
Maybe a few years down the road we will get the music from will and red on one album together and it might be titled "forever the king" maybe even the last album in the deal 7 years from now. Another 7 in Michael's life
So RedOne has completed songs with Michael, or atleast near completion? This is so confusing, because in the other thread most are saying that the work Michael did with him were barely near completion.
seems like Red One and Will- I -Am and Sony spent time with Michael, but have different views. it's a hot button topic.
Because they don't want to profit from Mike's death. People take advantage and make money in all kinds of ways that wouldn't necessarily be approved by the person themselves if they were still alive and they don't want to be part of it. If their motives are to be believed they're taking a moral stand.


And this does not need to be made any clearer. I see some people are back to the 'we want' and 'they must' vibe from the past but we all have to understand that the game has changed significantly, if both RedOne and Will.I.Am don't want to release those songs due to their feelings about whether or not MJ would approve is up to them and no one else. We should respect that.
Thank you for posting. It seems like folks who have ACTUALLY spent time with Michael always say the same thing about him, i.e. always looking out for others and that he was just a nice guy.

As to RedOne and Will.I.Am, I believe in time, they will release the music they did with Michael, just not now. I guess it's just too soon for them and they don't want to be seen as if they are "cashing in." I can understand that. I don't believe that they will keep that music under lock-and-key until the end of time.

They both know how important that music is to Michael's fans.

I totally agree!!!
The trouble is these guys are damned if they do and damned if they don't. They get criticised for keeping hold of the music yet if they released it people would say they are profiting from Mike's passing. I for one am glad. Michael has had so many people trying to make money from his name even after his passing and people refusing to profit from his death are a welcome relief.
Hi Indra
On which radio channel was it? I'm from Sweden so maybe I can find it on the webb and listen to it. Thanks
Thanks! I found it. He really got a warmth in his voice when speaking of Michael and you could hear how much he admired him.