Recount and UNCounted videos regarding 2008 Elections


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Portland, Oregon
Not sure if anyone caught Recount that was shown recently on HBO with Kevin Spacey (luckily hubby found it for me on torrent since we don't have HBO) But it was really good. I know -- we ALL know how the 2000 election came out that year, but this 2 hour film gave me a bit more insight with what really went on... got me so ticked off a few times where I had to pause it and walk away to cool off and come back to watch it.

You can see the trailer of this here - click on WATCH VIDEO

Also cast YOUR ballot there, they promise to COUNT IT THIS TIME

Also watch this bit with Kevin Spacey speak with the real Ron Klain here

Another video I've recently come across.. and again this one concerns me with what COULD happen in 2008
This one is called UNCOUNTED

The more I watch these sort of shows the more I wish more US States would follow what Oregon has done since 1999. We get our ballots in the mail, cast our votes, sign , seal, and deliver back via mail. It has also saved our state millions of dollars each year AND voter turnout has increased threefold. No question or problems has come up on who or what we've really voted for.

I love computers and all the technology that comes along with them, but when it comes to something like VOTING for important issues and how greed and corruption gets in the way, it really concerns me. I hope to heck we DO NOT have a problem in 2008.

A big talk lately is over the Electoral count- and that it COULD BE A TIE of 269 to 269 (between Obama & McCaine) in the electoral votes
More about it all found here from June 11th, 2008

Although we are several months away from the General Election in Nov 2008, it's too late for US States to do anything about this now on how they vote and what they use to vote with.

I just hope this is a better year than what we've seen in the past : where votes were NOT being counted, or VOTERS were turned away and NOT allowed to vote.
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Cool! I found the UNCounted video to view online - uploaded April 17 2008 (watch it before "somebody" has it pulled):

Video description: UNCOUNTED is a wakeup call to all Americans. Beyond increasing the public’s awareness, the film inspires greater citizen involvement in fixing a broken electoral system. As we approach the decisive election of 2008, UNCOUNTED will change how you feel about the way votes are counted in America.

URL Link for more info found here:

This video discusses not only the 2000 election, but the 2004, and the 2006 elections -
And all the more reason why something might play out in the 2008 elections.

If you wish to keep the above video before it's possibly pulled off Google, just copy and paste above link here on
Then from the pull down video select Google, then click on download.
You'll only be given the FLV version but better than nothing and it is 185 megs in size.

If you do not have an FLV Player, I highly recommend using this free awesome FLV Player found here:

(works better than any other FLV player I've ever used)

And if you download the FLV version and watch it with the above FLV Player, you can adjust it so it does not look so pixelized as it does on with the online Google video version.

My husband (very picky guy) even found this video quite an eye opener and does not consider it some sort of conspiracy type video at all.
It's not like that just to let you all know. If you get a chance, PLEASE watch it.

Also check out their BLOG found here
One interesting comment reply left there caught my eye :

"The “free press” is long gone in this country. The once proud professions of “reporter” and “journalist” are now just stepping stones to becoming a wealthy celebrity or reality show host. The “news” shows are merely headlines about how many died in the latest world catastrophy and which movie star entered rehab. Once the media is bought and paid for, those who would steal elections have nothing to fear."

And most of us are well aware of how VERY BIASED AND LIMITED our news is in the USA since BIG media corporations have pretty much bought them all up...
Hopefully this will not happen again....


Obama 2008
This is a great documentary; and yes I believe the media is part of the deception. I also believ Mr Athan Gibbs was murdered.

Thanks for the post
This is a great documentary; and yes I believe the media is part of the deception. I also believ Mr Athan Gibbs was murdered.

Thanks for the post

Thanks for watching that UnCounted video - it is quite good. And yea, I've also thought that about Mr Gibbs too. :(
Thanks for watching that UnCounted video - it is quite good. And yea, I've also thought that about Mr Gibbs too. :(

It certainly crossed my mind as well.

Thanks for the video btw. I can't say any of it (or at least very little) is new to me though. I followed those elections like a hawk. I know they (GOP) tried to disallow exit polls after the Bush Gore 'tie' saying that they skewed the vote. I was furious at the time because I was/and still am sure that it was because the exit polls revealed the dirty business going on. My undergrad is mathematics and I understand and trust well run polls. When I tried to explain to people what was happening at the time they all just said that they preferred to wait for the vote counts and that was all they trusted. I couldn't get a single one to 'get it'. I was so frustrated I still get upset when I think about it.

I downloaded the video after I watched it. I don't know if I can make anyone else watch it though. It would be good if I could because it takes and puts everything in one place (like I had it in my head when I couldn't get people to listen) so maybe they would finally see.
It certainly crossed my mind as well.

Thanks for the video btw. I can't say any of it (or at least very little) is new to me though. I followed those elections like a hawk. I know they (GOP) tried to disallow exit polls after the Bush Gore 'tie' saying that they skewed the vote. I was furious at the time because I was/and still am sure that it was because the exit polls revealed the dirty business going on. My undergrad is mathematics and I understand and trust well run polls. When I tried to explain to people what was happening at the time they all just said that they preferred to wait for the vote counts and that was all they trusted. I couldn't get a single one to 'get it'. I was so frustrated I still get upset when I think about it.

I downloaded the video after I watched it. I don't know if I can make anyone else watch it though. It would be good if I could because it takes and puts everything in one place (like I had it in my head when I couldn't get people to listen) so maybe they would finally see.

EC, I am SOOO glad you caught this thread... I had you in mind when I watched this video but I know my emails can be a bit wordy at times. I know how hard you have worked too. I do hope others take the time to watch this -- they really should. It is our constitutional right to vote, and how they mess with this is VERY dangerous in the so-called land of Democracy. AND at the end of the video, it mentions to PLEASE SHARE this video with others. Hence my efforts...

I've read/ heard that something about the exit polls are getting or are under restrictions now.... hmmmm maybe because it was revealing the TRUTH?
EC, I am SOOO glad you caught this thread... I had you in mind when I watched this video but I know my emails can be a bit wordy at times. I know how hard you have worked too. I do hope others take the time to watch this -- they really should. It is our constitutional right to vote, and how they mess with this is VERY dangerous in the so-called land of Democracy. AND at the end of the video, it mentions to PLEASE SHARE this video with others. Hence my efforts...

I've read/ heard that something about the exit polls are getting or are under restrictions now.... hmmmm maybe because it was revealing the TRUTH?[/QUOTE]

See, that was the last I heard about it but we do still have polls and it has dropped off the radar. I was hoping someone hear like you would know what the status is with that. You know darn well the way things disappear from sight that the current administration doesn't want you to be thinking about.

By the way I enjoy your e-mails but just don't always check that e-mail account when I am in a crunch. I'll send you my other account.
See, that was the last I heard about it but we do still have polls and it has dropped off the radar. I was hoping someone hear like you would know what the status is with that. You know darn well the way things disappear from sight that the current administration doesn't want you to be thinking about.

By the way I enjoy your e-mails but just don't always check that e-mail account when I am in a crunch. I'll send you my other account.

I wish I remember the one article that recently came up on the issue regarding Exit Polls.. it was also broadcast on TV too.. Chris and I watched it on the news.

Here is a bit of excerpt from an article dated Sept 26 2007 - article called:
Keeping Polls Under Wraps
(from CBS Katie Couric)

"In the U.S., First Amendment protections for the news media prevent such prior restraints on publication. The one that does exist -- not reporting likely outcomes from exit polls before the polls close on Election Day -- is a self-imposed promise made by the news organizations that commission those exit polls. And even that limitation has been circumvented: by early afternoon on Election Day 2004, leaks that suggested Democrat John Kerry might win appeared on Web sites that had NOT made the promise, and the resulting speculation about the outcome of the election caused a brief flurry of selling on Wall Street."


"In the U.S., we’ve often seen that a lot can happen in the last few weeks of a campaign. The final debate between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan in 1980 took place about a week before that election, and helped turn a close race into a Reagan landslide. Al Gore gained on George W. Bush right at the end of the 2000 campaign, as did John Kerry in 2004.

According to national exit polls, 17 percent of voters in 1996 and 2000 finally made up their mind how to vote in the last week of those campaigns. In 1992, in the three-way contest with Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and the in-and-out (but always exciting) Ross Perot, the figure was 24 percent. Nearly one in four voters said they weren’t sure what they would do until the last week before Election Day. That figure was just as high (25 percent) in the 1980 race. Sometimes, as happened in 1988, fewer voters are affected; but most of the time polls suggest there can be a lot of change at the end of a campaign.

In fact, in congressional (non-presidential) elections, there are even more last-minute deciders - in 2006, 28 percent of voters said they decided which candidate to support for their district’s U.S. House seat only in the last week of the campaign. One in ten claimed they had decided on Election Day.

Pre-election polls can track those changes and help us understand them here in the U.S., even if they could not in Greece."


BTW, I USED to see many taking polls outside of grocery stores etc before every and any election.. but when the Oregon Primary was held here in Oregon, (May 20 2008) I only saw ONE outside the one Post office I happened to visit 10 days before the primary was held. I just found it odd and wonder if it's been made some sort of mandated law here now. I mean, Oregon is really pretty relaxed on things like that.. or so I thought.

I'll try to find the other articles and / or videos I heard on this. But I certainly believe the polls in 2000 and 2004 were correct, it's the OUTCOME of the elections that I find were very wrong...
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