Recommendation that Dr. Conrad Murray be arrested!!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Jackson doctor says he can't pay child support

LAS VEGAS – The doctor being investigated in Michael Jackson's death told a court he can't afford to pay $13,000 in child support and other debts because he was forced to close his medical practice after physical threats against him and his staff, according to court documents obtained Friday.
A family court in Las Vegas set a Nov. 16 hearing to consider a recommendation that Dr. Conrad Murray be arrested for not appearing in court this month to explain the unpaid support.
A ruling on the recommendation had been expected this week, but Murray's lawyer Chris Aaron objected, saying in court documents the 56-year-old doctor didn't receive notice of the hearing.
Murray wasn't in Nevada and his mail was being forwarded to his closed office, the lawyer said.
Murray said in a signed affidavit written in the third person that "your affiant was forced to close his office because of numerous threats of physical violence to himself and his staff. Your affiant initially accepted employment from Michael Jackson with the intention of paying the instant obligation, as well as others, with the additional income."
The affidavit was notarized Oct. 15 in Los Angeles County, Calif.
Aaron said Murray never received any compensation from Jackson. The recession and media coverage of the pop singer's death also were blamed for Murray's financial problems.
It was not immediately clear whether Clark County District Attorney David Roger would fight the objection over the arrest recommendation. His office said he planned to file a response by Monday.
Roger previously said he planned to ask the state medical board to suspend Murray's license. Nevada laws allow prosecutors to go after professional licenses belonging to those behind on child support.
Murray had serious financial problems when he signed on in May at $150,000 a month to serve as Jackson's personnel physician through a series of comeback shows planned in London, according to court records.
The cardiologist owed at least $780,000 for settlements against his business, outstanding mortgage payments on his house, delinquent student loans, child support and credit cards.
An ongoing homicide investigation by Los Angeles police is focused on Murray, who told investigators he administered a powerful anesthetic to Jackson shortly before he died June 25. No charges have been filed.
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But I recommend that he should get arrested and be lost in prison for taking the KOP'
s life.
He is proving himself to be a liar, he was defaulting on payments before he murdered Michael. The police need to get their priorities right, never mind arresting him for not paying child support, arrest him for killing Michael.

I agree that is is good he is no longer practicing, watching him on that video he didn't inspire confidence.
But I recommend that he should get arrested and be lost in prison for taking the KOP'
s life.

I agree...Jeez it seems as though it is taking them a long time to complete this investigation...But ...he will be arrested and hopefully for something more that child support..
at least he's not practicing anymore...the world is bit safer...

can't wait for the day they'll put the man in jail.

well yeah he killed the best man in the world, so now he can just take a rest... I swear if I saw him I would kill him, I don't care what would happen to me. Michael deserves justice and I hope to God he gets it.
well yeah he killed the best man in the world, so now he can just take a rest... I swear if I saw him I would kill him, I don't care what would happen to me. Michael deserves justice and I hope to God he gets it.

I have been thinking that, recently. that if i saw him i'd go up to him tell him how i feel, what he's done, very quickly and then knock the flying **** out if him :devil: *Evil Laugh*
I really would be able to kill him. I am not joking. The fury would be that big. I would never kill anyone, except for him.
It really hasn't been all that long. These investigations take time.

Look at Howard K. Stern and Anna Nicole Smith. I bet they started investigating him immediately after her death, and only in the last few weeks have they brought charges against him.
i wish this doctor wolud get the death penalty i hate him
I think they want to finish with the Anna Nicole Smith court case before they bring Michael's to the table.
I am getting impatient. I really do not want to see this Murray because I do not know what I will do..
I would kill this man if I ever saw him in person. I would seriously be able to do it.
I think this thread has got a bit out of hand, becoming a "What would you do to Murray" thread :scratch: