
Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
+2 GMT,North Europe
Now that there is the possibility to buy your favorite TV series on DVD tell us what are the ones that you'd actually buy, the whole box.

Bad Girls

True blood
Sex & the city

There are some that I caught only occasionally but I liked them like Deadwood

I would have mentioned The Simpsons but c'mon who doesn't like them? I haven't met anyone who would have hated the yellow family.
So please, mention series that are not too obvious.

For some reason I never managed to catch Buffy, the vampire killer, but I think I would have liked it same thing with Pushing dasies.

Just to mention a few! I'll be back.
I love Desperate Housewives :D

I don't know if this one is on dvd, but the serie Taking The Stage on mtv, it's for people who love dance like i do, so it's a great serie...

There's also
The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air
Days Of Our Lifes and many more
I've always loved "Everybody Loves Raymond." I do have some of the show on DVD.

I own the whole series of "I Love Lucy." "All in the Family" and "Roseanne" are two other favorites of mine but I don't have them on DVD.

EDIT: I forgot to add another great series that is currently being filmed: "The Big Bang Theory."
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Six feet under how could I forget that.
And yes rescue me is quite something. :D I watched the 1st season and then missed most of the second and now I watch it occasionally.

Did anybody watch Rome and /or Tudors?
I watched Tudors, pretty good; and I meant to watch Rome but it just came at a wrong time for me or something so I missed it.

I have the complete series of Absolutely Fabulous and Little Britain
The TV Series that I have and rewatch from time to time are:

The X Files
Sex and the City
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Angel (Buffy spin-off)
Queer as Folk
How I Met Your Mother (although the latest season is a bit disappointing)...

I also recently bought Grey's Anatomy, because I love this show. And also am going to buy Criminal Minds.

Actually, I watch many TV series, I can't buy them all lol but there are quite a few that I like besides those that I have on DVD.

Six Feet Under is a great show, and so is The Tudors. Desperate Housewives makes me laugh, although I don't think I'll be rewatching it, so I'm not going to buy it....
I really liked Prison Break, 2bad it ended....
I also love Friends, I can't even count how many times all the seasons have been aired here in Greece lol.... And although I know almost every episode, I still watch it... :D
And Married With Children is really good too! Al Bundy rocks :D
I have also been interested in X-files and Criminal Minds but I never had the chance to watch them....
Most of the other series that were mentioned above, never heard of them :doh:
I'd say that my favourite series is Supernatural...:punk:It has mystery and it's funny at the same time. I want to buy the dvds so bad....
The only shows I have on DVD are old ones:

The Monkees
Dukes Of Hazzard
Gilligan's Island
Good Times
The Midnight Special
Speed Racer
Police Squad
Star Trek (1960s, I don't really care about any of the later offspring shows)
Three Stooges - Technically the Stooges weren't a TV show (unless you count the cartoon), but were shorts originally shown before movies in a theater.
I don't count it really because it's never been officially released and the quality isn't good, but I have The Jacksons 70's variety show.
My favorite tv show series is not on the main channels. It is on Animal Planet and that is Whale Wars. I just totally L.O.V.E. that show. It is about these group of people trying to stop the Japanese from whale hunting. Every single time I see that show I just want to join the Sea Shepard and help them stop the Japanese from whale hunting. They really do look like they are having so much fun trying to stop the Japanese. I really do think that is best show on tv.
I love Bonanza. Star Trek is abosolutely awesome, but only the first two series.
And if you like comedy frasier is hilarious.
I love Bonanza. Star Trek is abosolutely awesome, but only the first two series.
And if you like comedy frasier is hilarious.
I watched 'Next Generation' and 'Deep Space Nine' occasionally when they originally aired, but never really got into them. I've never seen any of the series after those. These are some good shows that are on DVD, but I don't have them.

I Spy - I haven't seen any complete season compilations for this show, just DVD's with 2 or 3 episodes, which is a waste of money.

Hawaii Five-O
Soul Train (Time Life) - It would be nice if they also put lesser known acts on their box set, not just the popular ones. But I guess they have to make money.

Three's Company
Remington Steele/Moonlighting - They're kinda the same show, so you can either pick either one. :p But RS doesn't have Miss Depesto, the rhyming secratary, lol.

Married With Children
Cosby Show
What's Happening!!!
Fresh Prince Of Bel-Aire
I kinda like the old British show 'Are You Being Served?' But it might be more dated than the other shows.
Dirty,sexy, money was good while it lasted. Why didn't it last?

Queer as Folk (yeah both versions)
Grey's Anatomy and ER even though those hospital series tend to get lame over the years

Oh yes The Bill Cosby show :D

I liked Friends but now I've seen the re-runs too many times that it gets really irratating.

My Name is Earl (the guy who plays Earl looks like my mom's ex) :D
Oh there's many great series posted, I didn't even remember..

My favourite is Friends, and I also liked Everwood.. :blush: Few days ago I just happened to watch a British comedy called Outnumbered and it was actually quite funny :D

Then there's Everybody Hates Chris which I also enjoy watching.
Also Keeping Up Appearrances is a funny British comedy.