Receptionist finds baby bat in her bra


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Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Receptionist finds baby bat in her bra

By staff writers

July 09, 2008 05:32pm

A BUSY hotel receptionist was stunned to discover that the disturbance in her clothes was not her mobile vibrating but a bat nestled in her bra.

Abbie Hawkins, who works for Holiday Inn near Norwich International Airport near England's east coast, reached into her bra and pulled out the tiny, furry creature after mistaking it's wriggling all morning for the mobile in her jacket, Britain's MailOnline reports.

"I plucked up the courage to investigate and I pulled out a little baby bat. I just lost my breath when I saw it and I did not know what it was at first," Miss Hawkins said to the MailOnline.

"Once I realised it was a bat I was shocked, but then I felt quite sorry for it really.

"It looked very snug in there and I thought how mean I was for disturbing it."

Miss Hawkins said she had put on the bra from out of a drawer that morning but it had spent the previous day hanging on the washing line.

"I keep thinking how could I have not known it was there?’ Miss Hawkins said.

"I did not notice anything as I put my bra on. The night before I had had one or two drinks and I was getting ready quickly."

‘When I was driving to work I felt a slight vibration but I thought it was just my mobile phone in my jacket pocket.

"It was quite a busy morning and I did not for one minute think it was anything other than my mobile."

Miss Hawkins showed her bra hitchhiker to the rest of the bemused hotel staff before a hotel manager set the flying mammal on its way.

"Whenever I talk about it nobody believes me," Miss Hawkins says.

"Thank goodness people at work saw what happened or people may have thought I was crazy.’

Experts say bats will pick dark and safe places to roost during daylight hours.


ahahahaha :giggle:
:mello: :mello: :mello: :mello: :mello:

Speechless :mello:

EDIT: Wait, was this thing for real? :blink: :lol:
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yeah it was for real :rofl:

Bats are so cute I'd love to find one :D .... granted not in my bra though :giggle:
haha! aww how cute... but I would have freaked if that was me :lol:
*feels the need to empty underwear draw to check all her bra's* shudders :lol:
I'd say the little guy landed in her bra whilst it was on the line and she's just put it on in the morning :lol: at least he had somewhere warm to sleep :giggle:

Baby bat can be cute but not in my bra...:scratch:
LOL :lol:
And she just thought it's her mobile phone, vibrating all day :lol:
ahahahaha so if you were her friend you would now know that she doesn't answer her calls for most of the day LOL
:lol: maybe she enjoys the vibrating a little too much and doesnt answer knowing they will keep calling back :rofl:
Yeah these little demons could definately go unnoticed and mistaken for a mobile.

She must have really bad eyesight or a REALLY BIG bra to miss a bat
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How do you not notice something small and furry in your bra? :unsure:

Nice site by the way I've always thought of joining but I'm essentially a lurker by nature.
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