Rebecca Black's new video


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

so this is her new song....just ok not bad actually unlike friday lol. She's quite pretty too, good luck to her, if she want to be really a singer...she should train hard perhaps? But she's pretty sweet & strong too despite the negativity towards friday she keeps going on and some FYI she even donated all the money she got from "Friday" to Japan. Think twice before hating on someone. Gotta respect this girl.

Some of her random tweets today:

Jammin' to some Michael Jackson while on my way to LA:) #lovemesomeMJ
I have a lot of respect for Rebecca, she's just out there doing what makes her happy. And come on, she's only 13! You can't expect somebody to have a ground breaking video at that age, she's just having some fun and that's the way she's been marketed by the industry.

I loved her appearance in Katy Perry's Last Friday Night video. So cute!
What a horribly self absorbed video! I don't blame her though. I blame her director...

Her whole little career here is just baffling to me. She sings like a Junior High kid in Show Choir. And her producers give her auto tune to spice it up and make it look like they intended to use this technique only for interesting ad-libs and not for the obvious fact she can't hold her own in a studio.

Props for giving her money to Japan relief though! Very unlike many music celebs today.

But the whole thing still confuses me. Yet it also doesn't. Somebody realized that this girl can make them some money for a few years, and then they'll drop her flat. Poor thing.
4everyoung said:
But she's pretty sweet & strong too despite the negativity towards friday she keeps going on and some FYI she even donated all the money she got from "Friday" to Japan. Think twice before hating on someone. Gotta respect this girl.

While it was a nice gesture of her to donate the profit from that ill-conceived song to the earthquake victims in Japan, it still doesn't change the fact that she has absolutely no talent whatsoever and no business making music. Of course, as you have mentioned, if she dedicates herself she can definitely improve and become an actual singer, but until that moment comes, I won't have an ounce of respect for her as a musician.

I agree with IvoryKeys--whoever is managing her and whoever launched her into fame and convinced her she could have a record deal and become a singer with no real effort (i.e. the use of autotune to mask her vocal atrocities) is just looking to make some quick cash at her expense (let's face it--people buy her music to talk about how awful it is, which is equally baffling). She does seem to be a rather self-absorbed person. Most people are not attacking her--they are merely pointing out the obvious truth, that is, the fact that she can't hold a tune to save her life. I'm no Nostradamus, but I predict her singing career will be a short and embarrassing one. In a few years, she'll wish she had never done this, I just hope by then she'll be able to live it down.

As for those of you who tell us not to "hate" on her because she's just living her dream--well, there are thousands of thirteen year old girls with the exact same dream as this talentless wretch. Girls who actually put effort and love into their craft, who work hard to perfect their voice in hopes of making a career out of singing someday, and the only thing standing between them and their dream, despite the hard work and years of dedicated practice they've invested into their singing, at the expense of all else, is the fact that some of them may not have enough money to begin funding said dream (i.e. rent a studio, etc.)

This girl, on the other hand, invested nothing into her singing (as evidence shows) and got to where she is today because mommy and daddy paid a company to place her in a studio, hired people to write songs for her, and put her in a video all to feed her precious ego. That is not a dream--it is a whim. A dream is pursued with ultimate devotion--it is something one wants more than life itself. Its realization cannot be bought, it cannot be artificial, for it has to come from the heart, and this, gentlemen, is most certainly not a dream! It is a fancy which will sooner or later turn into a terribly embarrassing nightmare...
^ I'm honestly just going to give her the benefit of the doubt due to her age. Sure, there are other kids out there that are more "talented" but the music business these days is a pretty ruthless world, a lot different from what it used to me. It seems a lot of things are based on luck or if somebody picks up on your marketability or not. I dare say Rebecca was capitalised on in part because her marketing team probably saw the negative reactions to Friday and went from there. She's just a fad, I think. She might prove herself to be something more tangible in a few years time, but for now she's in the category of those jokey songs that came out in the 60s, like "Lollypop" and the stuff by the Archies. Or Purple People Eater, haha! Every decade and generation has songs like that.
^The problem is that she has no marketability as far as musical ability is concerned, and it wasn't "luck" (i.e. getting discovered playing in some nightclub of something) or anything of the sort. It was her parents paying for her to appear in the video. Money is not luck--anyone can buy fame (just look at Paris Hilton). If these people were poor, no one would give a flying f--k about them, that's fact. Of course, given the horrible reactions the video got on YouTube, people are taking advantage of her newfound "fame," but that's not marketing her, that's pretty much exploiting her, and apparently she's too stupid to see that, and her parents don't care enough to do anything about it. Sad.
Not as bad as I expected. Better than Friday, but still very cornball. :smilerolleyes: Didn't know she donated her money to Japan, so I do respect her for that.
I wont be rushing out to buy it or download but it's far from the worst thing out there. I never understood the level of abuse and anger towards "Friday" - people really need to get out in to the world more if a simple innocent song is enough to send you on a tirade.

Certainly can't help but respect someone who's donating money either.
I'm kinda late for this but it's one of my songs form my summer playlist I've to say it was very cute! Rebecca Black is too very cute singer for a young 14 year old to just become a popstar. :bow:

yahoo said:
Rebecca Black Pulled From School Due To Bullying

It's hardly shocking news that some on the Internet hate Rebecca Black. With her "Friday" video getting well over a hundred million hits on YouTube, it's no surprise she has a few in-person haters, too. Unfortunately, among them are some of Black's schoolmates. Their taunting has finally resulted in Black being pulled from school.

Black's mother has decided to home school the 14-year-old from now on, a new decision which also allows more time to focus on her daughter's career. But the teen seems zen about her alarming circumstances. The online anti-Rebecca comments became so violent at one point the FBI became involved when Black started receiving death threats. But now that the bullying has branched off the internet and into her real life, Black has been forced to act.

In an interview set to air tonight, Wednesday, on ABC, Black opens up about the real-life, non-Internet-based criticism she receives. "When I walk by, they'll start singing 'Friday' in a really nasally voice," she tells ABC. "Or, you know, they'll be like, 'Oh hey, Rebecca, guess what day it is?'"

If anything, Black is a poster child for how to handle sudden online fame and scrutiny. The teen has a remarkably thick skin. Perhaps she is more fit for fame than anyone is willing to admit.

"I've had a lot of experience with not being liked and all that," she tells ABC. "I think if I hadn't had to deal with that in the past, then I totally would have handled this differently and I would have gone down in burning flames. But I've learned that you just can't let it get to you."

Now, she says, fans surround her wherever she goes, and she travels with her own entourage of a publicist, manager, stylist, and, yes, bodyguard. Not letting the spotlight dim on her just yet, her "My Moment" follow-up video has reached more than 22 million views in the past three weeks (YouTube even gave her a "Rebecca" account name). She recently performed "Friday" onstage at Katy Perry's concert (and appeared in Katy's "Last Friday Night" video), and she counts Lady Gaga as a fan. While Black has only made enough money to cover her future college tuition--and she's certainly spending more than that on videos and career nurturers right now--she's one of the few online sensations who could successfully harness the unending power of haters to her own advantage.

Rebecca Black's interview airs tonight on the "Primetime Nightline: Celebrity Secrets" special "Underage and Famous" at 10/9c on ABC.

The death threats and all that really uncalled for stuff, I agree, is completely inappropriate. The nasal singing--well, that's how she sings. It's not their fault. :p

I'd be far more sympathetic if she hadn't directly placed herself in the position she did, however...she did, and she continues to relish in the public ridicule she calls fame, so my sympathy for her is very limited. Moreover, if that's the worst they did to her, why is she being home schooled? I don't think anyone would be driven to such drastic measures just for something like that. I personally underwent something a million times worse and I never got the privilege to get an actual education. Anyway, it seems to me that the homeschooling business is clearly purely to allow her to focus on her "career," and not because of bullying. Had the death threats occurred at school, I'd say otherwise--but such is not the case. While unnecessary, the teasing those children have partaken in is mild at best and hardly any reason why anyone (especially someone who has "thick skin") should be home schooled.

Poor little rich girl.
Omg, why did I click on that?! Maybe I thought there was a chance it could be catchy or even brilliant! But my god! It/she is terrible!!!!!!!
I'm honestly impressed with this. Make no mistake I still wouldn't listen to this but she went from "Friday" to Justin bieber's level. Let's see what more she can do.