Rebbie's Message


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michigan, USA
Rebbies Message to Michael ... I've embraced her thoughts, since its as real as can get. Thought I'd share.

I love you so much and I'm looking forward to the time when
I'll see you again on Earth (John 5:28-29).
I know this is something you
not only cherished but talked about with others. Then the world will be a paradise, a place free from corruption and poverty.
Then the world will be a place of true peace and serenity.
This is what we were all looking to,then I'll see you again.
Sleep in peace, because as the bible says, you're just asleep,
and I look forward to life without end a last. (Psalm 37:29)
your sister Rebbie
http://www.mtv. com/photos/ the-program- from-the- michael-jackson- memorial- service/1615455/ 4025609/photo. jhtml
Just think of a world, a world without tears,
Where a man can live for a million years,
With never a grief, an ache or a pain,
And never a thought of dying again.

Think of a world, where a man plants a vine,
He can sit in its shade, and say, "This is mine."
He will live in the house his own hand has made,
And naught shall molest, or make him afraid.

Think of a world without bloodshed and strife,
Where no man dare take another man's life.
Where man unto man will unite in peace,
And malice and hatred forevermore cease.

Think of the earth as a globe paradise,
Where mountain and desert will dazzle your eyes.
With beautiful flowers and shrubbery and trees,
With gay butterflies, songbirds and bees.

Think! Just as sure as God's Word is the Truth,
A man shall become as the flesh of a child,
And the words that he speaks will be cheerful and mild.

Think of a world where a lame man will leap,
From crag to crag like a deer or a sheep.
Where none will be deaf or none shall be blind,
And the dumb shall sing and speak forth his mind.

Think of a world where each man is his brother,
Not esteeming himself above that of another.
Where man unto man will be friend to friend,
In a world without tears that will never end.

Think of a world where the dead will have risen,
From their silent tombs that held them in prison.
To forever live to love and caress,
Their loved ones and friends in righteousness.

Now a "World without tears", is not just a dream,
As many a person might make it to seem.
For just as sure as the Bible is true,
A world without tears now lies before you.

And since a world before you now lies,
Wouldn't you like to live in such paradise?
And share all the blessings that God has in store,
For all who would do his will evermore.

Good news of the Kingdom is still being sung,
Throughout every nation, kingdom and tongue.
And all who are thirsting for Truth are invited,
To join the New World Order and be united.

In praising our God, our Savior and King,
And giving to Him all we have, everything.
That we might live throughout endless years,
In a world without sorrow,
thanx you Rebbie :huggy: that was so beautiful

and ty for posting themusiclady :huggy:
beautiful message and so true for the children if our Lord and Savior!