Really sweet/cute!

MJJ Lover xOX

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Neverland. ♥
Hey ya'll :)

I just wanted to share a little story because it melted my heart. I was at this childcare center today waiting for somebody and this little girl came running out calling "I wanna do some Michael Jackson dance! When can we do Michael dancing?" and the childcare lady was like "I'll bring in some Michael music tomorrow and we'll do some Michael Jackson dancing" and the girl was so excited and happy and was jumping up and down. It was soo cute and it made me feel really warm inside hehe :)

Just wanted to share

Awwww, how sweet.
When I have kids, I hope they'll be this enthusiastic about Michael's music and dancing!

Thanks for sharing.
Awww, that's so sweet! My nieces and nephews are coming tomorrow and I plan to give them the third degree on MJ ( why aren't you a fan yet, LOL!)
No, seriously, it makes me happy to see that so many kids are connecting to MJ's music. Just shows how timeless his music is and how it appeals to all ages, because somewhere in there is a message from the soul about love, L.O.V.E. and through music, love and kindness we can all feel united!
Kids loove him..young young's amazing the kind of affect he has on children. Not that I don't understand it, I was 7-8 when I discovered him and I loved him!! No parents or siblings had introduced me to him, was all on my own.

I had a similar experience today..:

Today I was a substitute teacher for 2nd in Norway that means that they are 7-8 years old. And I was told that they were all sweet, but there was this one boy from Brazil, who was just adopted a year ago, and could be a little "difficult", they said he was very sweet, but could try to "challenge" you..and refuse to do things and "defend" himself..and that was no weird how he behaved cause he had experienced some horrible, awful and terrible things back in his home country that no child should have to experience... I'm sorry to say, but I feel a different and you could say more love to kids like him..I so feel for them..who are sick, poor, been trough something awful "the lost children", the "survivors" etc etc.. I walked in the door..wearing my Michael t-shirt..I smiled at him and he smiled back..and he said "I like her, she's wearing a Michael Jackson t-shirt and I LOVE Michael Jackson"...I made the right choice of clothes today..he waas such a sweet boy, and he was just the sweetest kid towards me, and I was asked if I wanted to be a substitute teacher next week also..and he asked me if I could wear the Michael t-shirt. :)

It's so great and amazing to see what kind of influence he has on so many "things", a "small" thing like this(just by wearing a Michael t-shirt, something like this happened, a boy loved me and I gained his trust by that) and to greater and bigger things..LOVE..that's all I have to say.
so cuute! I love it, my little godson loves Michael. he kisses his picture, aw lol.

kids love michael, everyone loves michael. how can you not? :)
Kids loove him..young young's amazing the kind of affect he has on children. Not that I don't understand it, I was 7-8 when I discovered him and I loved him!! No parents or siblings had introduced me to him, was all on my own.

I had a similar experience today..:

Today I was a substitute teacher for 2nd in Norway that means that they are 7-8 years old. And I was told that they were all sweet, but there was this one boy from Brazil, who was just adopted a year ago, and could be a little "difficult", they said he was very sweet, but could try to "challenge" you..and refuse to do things and "defend" himself..and that was no weird how he behaved cause he had experienced some horrible, awful and terrible things back in his home country that no child should have to experience... I'm sorry to say, but I feel a different and you could say more love to kids like him..I so feel for them..who are sick, poor, been trough something awful "the lost children", the "survivors" etc etc.. I walked in the door..wearing my Michael t-shirt..I smiled at him and he smiled back..and he said "I like her, she's wearing a Michael Jackson t-shirt and I LOVE Michael Jackson"...I made the right choice of clothes today..he waas such a sweet boy, and he was just the sweetest kid towards me, and I was asked if I wanted to be a substitute teacher next week also..and he asked me if I could wear the Michael t-shirt. :)

It's so great and amazing to see what kind of influence he has on so many "things", a "small" thing like this(just by wearing a Michael t-shirt, something like this happened, a boy loved me and I gained his trust by that) and to greater and bigger things..LOVE..that's all I have to say.

Hey ya'll :)

I just wanted to share a little story because it melted my heart. I was at this childcare center today waiting for somebody and this little girl came running out calling "I wanna do some Michael Jackson dance! When can we do Michael dancing?" and the childcare lady was like "I'll bring in some Michael music tomorrow and we'll do some Michael Jackson dancing" and the girl was so excited and happy and was jumping up and down. It was soo cute and it made me feel really warm inside hehe :)

Just wanted to share


I love these stories :) Kids love Michael just like he loved them.

I'm babysitting my cousin's son tomorrow.. he's 2 and a half... maybe I should play some MJ music.. his parents are fans so I wonder if he'd recognise the songs.
My little nephew, hes only three months old loves Michael. He was crying in the car today and I put on the Bad/Remember the time video and he just kept staring at the screen and got really excited and tried to talk to Michael, he thinks Michaels talking back to him!

When I was 4 years old I watched Moonwalker over and over untill I messed the tape up, I thought Michael was the coolest guy on this planet!
too cute bless her :)

i was in the travel; shop and a little boy of about 4 was sat singing beat it to himself without a care in the world which made me smile

also my sister who is 8 at the moment is sat singing her head of to man in the mirror.

a can see a army of moonwalkers in the making already.
OMG!!!! That warms my :heartbeat:

Guys, thank you so much for sharing...

I understand his appeal though. :yes: I remember back in the middle ages, when I was around 7 years old :lol: I remember watching the Billie Jean video and just being MESMERIZED by him. Keep in mind that I didn't even know this was Michael back then. I know the name Michael Jackson for it is simply too big not to know and that's he's a great dancer but that's all I knew.

I remember thinking that he's really cute... =p and that his shoes are really cool... You know because everything he steps foot on lights up... HAHAHAH!!! You just can't deny such coolness and talent even at that age.
Re my previous post in this thread: my nieces and nephews visited today and three out of five love Michael Jackson. Their mother, my sister-in-law does too. My niece was telling me how she was practicing various MJ dance routines in her dance class. Isn't that great ? And I saw This Is It for the second time today and there were loads of kids there ( most of them around 8 yrs old), it made me smile!