Really good story about a woman with exactly the same skin condition as Michael had


Proud Member
Sep 17, 2007

EDIT; Direct link:

Scroll down to the 'video' section, and select the video called 'Rare condition changed the color of her skin'. It made me sad watching this, knowing that many people even questioned weather Michael had this condition or not. Seeing how tough it was for this woman made me feel really bad for Mike. People can be so cruel. But it's a really good story, makes you wonder how it must have been being a young adult, always being in the spotlight and having this condition gradually transforming the colour of your skin. Michael is mentioned both in the beginning and the end, and she says that knowing that Michael had the same condition as herself were some kind of comforting during her teenage years.

It would be really nice if someone could rip the video. Would love to show this every time someone dares to question Michael, saying that he 'bleached his skin' or some other bullshit.
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I am currently looking at it on the Today show. People must reserve theri judgement. Michael was not lying..
I read a story similiar to this, but it is actually an article by Ebony magazine from 1978.

Reading it, I kept thinking of Michael. Please read it, as I can imagine many of the things this man (an actor/dancer) went through were very similiar to what Michael had to go through.

Thank you for the link. I just wish the media would've been talking more about this 20 years ago, then maybe people would understand what Michael was going through.

Thanks for posting, great article.
It's sad that people can be so ignorant that they treat a person differently just because the colour of their skin. "Prejudice is ignorance", as Michael would have said it.
I still find it hard to understand why people just cannot accept that Michael had vitiligo, when there are so many examples of people who has went through exactly the same as he did. And let's face it; even though the condition is (relatively) rare, then 1 % of the world's population will say that millions of people are suffering from vitiligo.
I can't click the link in the original post. But,

There was a story in daily mail recently about a girl who turned completely white from vitiligo.

All these stories coming out now, when he's gone.

Thanks for the link. Yeah, that's the same girl from the news clip. I feel sorry for her, but more for Mike. When he was ready to tell the world about his condition, most people refused to believe him.

I have updated my first post with the direct link provided by myfavouritewintercoat.