Really fed up with people


Proud Member
Jul 16, 2009
I guess this is sort of a ranting post and I wasn't really sure where to put it, so I'm sorry but I have to let this out. Some people seriously make me want to beat their asses. Yesterday, I was at a graduation party and these adults in a table next to me started talking about Michael Jackson and how they were sick of hearing about him. I was ok with that at first because a lot of people have been annoyed with all the news lately. So I'm used to hearing that. But then the jokes started and they were probably the worst I've ever heard. They were so bad and horrible and it almost made me want to cry. Then a woman was talking about how she called her nephew to wish him a happy birthday and she started talking like Michael and what she said was the sickest thing and everybody was laughing at this stuff like it was the funniest thing. I had to get away from them or I probably would have done something. I've never experienced those people in real life, just over the net, tv and magazines. It was so much worse actually hearing it.

My friends have been pretty respectful of my love towards Michael and they've been sensitive to the jokes and layed off on them, around me atleast. But one of my friends, well sort of friends, basically insults me for liking Michael. Every time I'll tweet something on Twitter about him or one of his songs she'll say some smartass thing like, "I can't believe you're worshipping that thing." or "When will you ever get over him? He's a freak." It gets much worse after that. Then I told her how inspirational and wonderful he is and she came back with, "How did you even get inspired by somebody like that? He hasn't even been around for 12 years." Yeah, I'm only 16, but I do my research and I've respected and enjoyed him and his music for a while. She's just really upsetting me, constantly insulting and being rude. If she doesn't like him then fine, but she doesn't have to make those kind of remarks towards somebody who's really inspired by him and loves him every time I want to say something about him.

I just really can't believe how ignorant and disgusting people are about Michael, especially after his death. I know I can't expect every person I meet to like him, that's just not possible. Everybody has a different opinion but some people are just downright sick and nasty.
I know exactly what you mean hun :( it's really hard dealing with these people. Most of them are very stubborn, and now matter how hard you try to tell them the truth, they will always believe what they want to believe, even it is the worst of things. If only they knew about the amazing qualities that he possessed, they wouldn't make these quick judgements. Defending Michael is easy, but changing their minds about him is the challenge. It cuts like a knife hearing what some people say about a man who was one of the most kind-hearted, caring, loving person there ever was, but they don't see that side of him. I don't even ask these people to LIKE Michael, but the very least they could do is respect him. If they knew the Michael that we all know, they would like Michael. Even if they don't like his music, they would appreciate all of his humanitarian efforts, but of course they don't seem to acknowledge all the wonderful things he has done for this world. *hugs* Hang in there! Eventually, (hopefully) the truth will come out about Mike, one day, and these people will feel remorse about the horrible things they have said about an incredible person!
They're just really missing out on such an amazing, beautiful person. I've even heard people call him selfish, which he was so very far from. He was 00.0% selfish and when people say that, that really proves that they have no idea who they're talking about at all. People don't see the wonderful side of him because they chose not to. They just don't want to. They want to believe false garbage from people who are just as ignorant as they are. How can people judge somebody so much without knowing one bit of truth about him? I know I could never do that, no matter who they are. It's so heartbreaking, especially about an incredible person like Michael.

I just wish there was some way to make these people believe that he was such a loving, kind person. :(
Michael = selfish?????? Like you I wish people were more understanding these days. Unfortunately, people love being critical of others, without the least bit of examination of themselves.
It makes me angry at people, but sad of Michael- He has got to be the most misunderstood person ever. I swear ever since stumbling on to this website, it has really helped me to hear the negative sides and then come here and be surrounded by so many people who love/ loved michael and respect him for who he was.
I am ranting too... but u r not alone.
People are so ignorant and inconsiderate. They hurt your heart, but don't let them hurt your spirit.

You have to remember, to a lot of people Michael Jackson was just a 'product'. But to us, Michael was a person, a hero, a mentor, practically a family member and someone who we cherished a lot.

To us, when we hear bad things about Michael, it is as if someone is saying awful things about a family member that we loved endlessly. To them, they are saying bad things about a 'brand' or a 'product' which is very, very makes you wonder what the world is coming to! When people can so easily forget that a man who has passed indeed WAS a man, and had a family, and children...and so much to live for.

*Hugs* I know it hurts when people say bad things, but it should just make you feel even more immense love for Michael. We need to love him enough to make up for those who just can't find it in their own heart...
Yeah, it just drives me crazy how people so quick to believe anything BAD about Michael, but when something positive or good is said people jump all over it with negativity. They believe anything but the truth. I never thought about the "product" thing and you're right. It's sad to think of it that way.

This girl just keeps on going. She just won't stop arguing with me over this. I really just wish people would do their research.
Yea, Michael is always thought of as a 'brand' or a 'product'. How much money can he make, what is he good for, what can he help us sell...he is never thought of us a the amazing, giving, caring human being that he was, :( That is why he was so exploited half the so sad...

Up until the day he died I believe even his own friends saw him as a 'product' and not as a breaks my heart =[
Yeah, now that he's gone a lot of people are going to take a huge advantage of that. I mean, people are writing books, planning movies and all that. When he was alive, they didn't even care that much to want to write a book. When they look at him they see $$$$. So sad. It's hard to imagine what he went through. Just hearing people say this stuff ABOUT him makes me upset, imagine actually being him and having to listen to such garbage. :(
I know, I know =[ It's heart wrenching. Watching the interview with Martin Bashir makes me sick, because MJ is obviously (I think) looking to make a friend in Martin, and Martin totally takes advantage of his innocence and good heart and puts him in uncomfortable situations in his own home, and then exploits him.

If I ever see that man I would like to smack him upside the head! I couldn't believe how he asked MJ if his father beat him, what he beat him with, how he felt about it....How do you THINK he felt about it!? Like he wanted to hug his father and say gee thanks for ruining my childhood and killing a little bit of my spirit dad! Wow, I just can't believe what some people will do for a story...
I know. Michael trusted that man enough to let him in his house and to be completely honest and personal with him and yet, he turns the whole thing around on Michael. Not to mention, he was kind of rude to Michael at some points too in the way he would speak to him. I wish they would broadcast the "second" version of the interview with the uncut parts. But no, instead they chose to keep airing the same's no wonder people get the wrong idea about him. They keep trying to give him this horrible image. :[

I'd have a bunch of colorful words for him if I ever happened to run into him. lol.
Hahaha, 'colorful words' love that lol

I really disliked when they went shopping.

For one, why would MJ take all those people on a shopping trip, and then spend that much cash?? And it was almost like he was manic when he was shopping, it kind of made me scratch my head a little. I love him, don't get me wrong, but it was all too bizarre. And then Bashir asking how much Michael had spent that it was any of his, OR Americas, business!! If that store owner had told I wouldn't have blame Michael if he had clocked him right then and there LOL
good that's what you get when you hang around '"people" like that.
That sucks. I guess I'm lucky that all the strangers I've seen talking about MJ since the death have been positive, and my friends and parents actually like him. I've heard a few people say they're tired of the news coverage, but that's totally understandable. I think a lot of us have gotten tired of it too, especially since 90% of it is "HOW DID HE DIE/WHO'LL GET THE KIDS/COULD MICHAEL HAVE REALLY DONE FIFTY SHOWS?!?!/SOMETHING ABOUT DR. MURRAY".

If it makes you feel better, remember that Michael Jackson has more people who love him than whoever the favorite artists are of the people you overheard. And chances are that no one will give a **** about those artists a hundred years from now.

I dunno why a friend would continually talk smack about it if you've made it clear how much he means to you. I had one friend who always made fun of MJ, but then again I never gave him the impression that it was a big deal to me; usually I'd just insult him in return and we'd move on. But that dude was one of the first to offer his condolences when MJ died. Is this person you're talking about a friend or just an acquaintance? Either way, I'd verbally annihilate her and everything she likes (which I'm guessing is retarded whatever it is).

That's what I'd do, but it's probably not the best Heal the World advice lol.
It's true that the news got way carried away about him, but I have to admit I liked hearing about him, even if it did get repetative after awhile.

They should be doing constructive things about Michael, like spreading what he STOOD for...not harping on the horrible tragedy of his death. Let him rest in peace! He would probably be doing cartwheels in heaven out of gidiness if a news channel put together a piece that celebrated his life and his accomplishments and it DIDN'T touch on anything negative or defaming.