Reality or fantasy ??

I've been living reality for a while now but currently I am more fantasy, even facing reality pretty much everyday. ;)
Reality, I don't see the point in not living in truth. Got to face things for what they are.
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Reality! Fantasy makes one increasingly dissatisfied with the reality.
There is no reason to deceive oneself. This means only pain.
I'm living in both worlds. I like fantasy more because I get what I want in fantasy. It makes me feel better. It works as a sleep medication for me too. I could easily sleep better after I dreamed and fantasized a while.
Reality everything is so harsh and I've got to face a lot of things..sadness and pain and death. Is scary in reality. You dont know what's gonna happen tomorrow in reality so I've got to make my everyday a better day for tomorrow. It's kinda hard. In fantasy, you can rewind and forward's great..
I am living in both. But more fantasy than reality. In my fantasy world I am very happily married to Michael. And that we have 6 children together. I would rather live in that wonderful fantasy world. That I have created for myself. Than of always having to face the horrible reality of where he is now.
Fantasy, I believe in fantasy because I love animations and stories to escape from reaity. REALITY SUX!!!