Ready For The Good Times.


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2007
I've noticed that there has been some negativity in the recent times. I wonder why, the trial is over, Michael is free, the press aren't giving him a hard time, he's happy and confident, said that a new album is on the way and more people are showing him respect. :) :D

So why should we be sad? :huh: :wacko:

Is it because people are bored? Well if you are you can fill your time with other things or play some games in random thoughts...

Why do some of us feel like we have to feel negative and why do most of us participate in negative threads if we wanna feel positive? I don't understand. Anyway, i'm ready for the good times so i just wrote a poem for Michael really quickly, just to sprend some happy energy here! :p

I'm Glad

Darling, i'm glad,
I'm glad that after years of torture you broke free,
Overran them and won the day.

I'm glad that we need not to feel sorry for you anymore, For you are as confident as can be,
As happy as can be,
Those who fail to see this are trapped in time.

I'm glad that it all gets better in time,
We join forces, join hands and hearts,
One family of millions,
Together because of one guy.

I'm glad that as days go by you recieve more honour and respect,
I'm glad that more people are aware of your legacy,
Someday they will be aware of you,
Your heart and mind,
So loving, sweet and wise.
Oh yes,
I'm glad for all this and all yet to come.

By Zenab.

:D Hope I Helped Spread Some Positive Energy! :D
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Dance that poem is beautiful!
thanks for sharing!!! :flowers:

On the other hand your (hopefully rethoric) questions will invite again fans to analyse fans and it got proven on this board enough that this shouldn't be done really cuz it often ends... well not nice.

This is just life... you have positive and negative moments... ppl feel well at times at times not so well and that influences their views on things... I'd really say to everyone just let them and go your own way to hopefully enjoy life however you chose to enjoy it without analyzing ppl who don't want to be analyzed.

We need to relax really. There's no sense in telling ppl not to be a certain way. lol

And me personally... I don't know what's annoying me more... sometimes I think the 'so called' negatives wouldn't remain that long that negative if they wouldn't constantly get the negative attention of positives (hmmm not sure those should be still called positives then lol) here.
Just let me be honest... the showadobadoa talk of ppl who'd probably call themselves positive but not posting much more substance or content on this board than critizising and/or analyzing 'negatives', or the jumping into threads acting all silly where doubtful questions are asked to me is just as annoying.
What we do need is content. Something really to talk about aside from positivity or negativity. It doesn't matter if Michael will bring out something new and when. He has brought out enough worth talking about for several life times and neither 'negative' nor 'positive' ppl here seem to be able to see this.

That's how life is.
Some will always see the glass half full and some will always see the glass half empty while in fact it's just half filled. *shrugs*

Aren't we all here to talk about Michael Jackson and his amazing art?
If we'd focus on that again and not constantly talk about eachother we'd all probably have it easier to enjoy this board again a bit more!

Your poem is the perfect example! And yeah when it's about me you've given me some really nice positive energy again for this board cuz I had steped from posting here but not only cuz of the so called 'negative' ppl.
People are bored and want attention but threads like this definitely help :)

Theres plenty to be happy about! Should we make a list? And excel spreedsheet to make it more official looking? LOL
People are bored and want attention but threads like this definitely help :)

Theres plenty to be happy about! Should we make a list? And excel spreedsheet to make it more official looking? LOL

Omg that would be so fun! :D We could start off with memories, all the great moments in his career, personal life (like kids being born), then we could move on to the present and future. LOL! :lol:
Dance that poem is beautiful!
thanks for sharing!!! :flowers:

On the other hand your (hopefully rethoric) questions will invite again fans to analyse fans and it got proven on this board enough that this shouldn't be done really cuz it often ends... well not nice.

This is just life... you have positive and negative moments... ppl feel well at times at times not so well and that influences their views on things... I'd really say to everyone just let them and go your own way to hopefully enjoy life however you chose to enjoy it without analyzing ppl who don't want to be analyzed.

We need to relax really. There's no sense in telling ppl not to be a certain way. lol

And me personally... I don't know what's annoying me more... sometimes I think the 'so called' negatives wouldn't remain that long that negative if they wouldn't constantly get the negative attention of positives (hmmm not sure those should be still called positives then lol) here.
Just let me be honest... the showadobadoa talk of ppl who'd probably call themselves positive but not posting much more substance or content on this board than critizising and/or analyzing 'negatives', or the jumping into threads acting all silly where doubtful questions are asked to me is just as annoying.
What we do need is content. Something really to talk about aside from positivity or negativity. It doesn't matter if Michael will bring out something new and when. He has brought out enough worth talking about for several life times and neither 'negative' nor 'positive' ppl here seem to be able to see this.

That's how life is.
Some will always see the glass half full and some will always see the glass half empty while in fact it's just half filled. *shrugs*

Aren't we all here to talk about Michael Jackson and his amazing art?
If we'd focus on that again and not constantly talk about eachother we'd all probably have it easier to enjoy this board again a bit more!

Your poem is the perfect example! And yeah when it's about me you've given me some really nice positive energy again for this board cuz I had steped from posting here but not only cuz of the so called 'negative' ppl.

You're welcome, and i agree with some of the things you said. :D
Dance that poem is beautiful!
thanks for sharing!!! :flowers:

On the other hand your (hopefully rethoric) questions will invite again fans to analyse fans and it got proven on this board enough that this shouldn't be done really cuz it often ends... well not nice.

This is just life... you have positive and negative moments... ppl feel well at times at times not so well and that influences their views on things... I'd really say to everyone just let them and go your own way to hopefully enjoy life however you chose to enjoy it without analyzing ppl who don't want to be analyzed.

We need to relax really. There's no sense in telling ppl not to be a certain way. lol

And me personally... I don't know what's annoying me more... sometimes I think the 'so called' negatives wouldn't remain that long that negative if they wouldn't constantly get the negative attention of positives (hmmm not sure those should be still called positives then lol) here.
Just let me be honest... the showadobadoa talk of ppl who'd probably call themselves positive but not posting much more substance or content on this board than critizising and/or analyzing 'negatives', or the jumping into threads acting all silly where doubtful questions are asked to me is just as annoying.
What we do need is content. Something really to talk about aside from positivity or negativity. It doesn't matter if Michael will bring out something new and when. He has brought out enough worth talking about for several life times and neither 'negative' nor 'positive' ppl here seem to be able to see this.

That's how life is.
Some will always see the glass half full and some will always see the glass half empty while in fact it's just half filled. *shrugs*

Aren't we all here to talk about Michael Jackson and his amazing art?
If we'd focus on that again and not constantly talk about eachother we'd all probably have it easier to enjoy this board again a bit more!

Your poem is the perfect example! And yeah when it's about me you've given me some really nice positive energy again for this board cuz I had steped from posting here but not only cuz of the so called 'negative' ppl.
I agree with every wiord you say Mechi. If I don't like a thread I steer clear of it. I think people who constantly cry negative are themselves contributing to the negativity. I have started a number of threads celebrationg MJ's work and many people look but leave no comment. I expect that they are not juicy enough:lol:
Omg that would be so fun! :D We could start off with memories, all the great moments in his career, personal life (like kids being born), then we could move on to the present and future. LOL! :lol:

Lets do it! Should we make the list here or start another thread?
here sounds good :) (I LOVE this idea...very nice)

by the way, your poem is really sweet. I hope he gets to see it, and I hope the rest of us take it to heart. It's HAPPY times ahead!!!
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k i'll start:

Lets begin with the past....

I say landing the biggest selling album of all time is a good one :lol: And not only that, but that same album selling big numbers and still being relevant 25 years later.

A good memory I had was MJ surprising the heck out of me at the 2001 MTV awards. I will never forget it. I nearly had a heartattack :lol:

Watching the HBO Dangerous tour was a good memory as well since it made me a fan for life. MJ making Dancing The Dream sealed the deal.

And MJ snatching the ATV catalogue??...Gooooooddd bid-nass :lol:
Because he's the BOMB! That's why, lol. Every time I think of what it's gonna be like to hear a new song from him and see him on TV, hopefully dancing, I just get all giddy inside, lol. I'm hyped.
Yes, the only thing is though...hes starting to affect my daily routine.

Damn it all, Michael......I cant concentrate because of you!!!!

Eh well!
Oooh, I'm ready, I'm ready! :jump:

I'm all excited because I just saw the Thrillicious commercial on TV for the first time lol I'd seen it on YT, but not on tv. Yay!


The other night I went out for dinner with my Dad. To a pretty nice restaurant, nothing too fancy, but a decent place. There was music playing not too loudly, various songs. We're conversing, and I hear something... the music.... I'm thinking, hey ..... is it? Can it be? ...Yes IT IS! It was Don't Stop Til You Get Enough!

I was so excited lol! I said to my Dad; 'Dad! It's Michael!' He knows I'm a fan. I expressed my approval of the playing of MJ's music to the waiter. lol
And we've been there before, and they usually play 60's and 70's rock...

I am soooo ready, and I think scads of peeps are too...


Nice thread btw, nice poem. :) It does add to my already abundant positivity; one can never have too much of it, imo. :D
Yes, the only thing is though...hes starting to affect my daily routine.

Damn it all, Michael......I cant concentrate because of you!!!!

Eh well!

lol ditto! :p

I'm seeing this Michael Jackson ringtone commercial all day & it's so cool. :D

Something like, "Stand out of the crowd with these cool Michael Jackson ringtones!"


Oh yeah and I like your poem (original poster)!

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Mechi I love that you said what you said. What I'd love to see is for fans on these (and all) boards to learn the fine art of letting a negative thread die a natural death by not responding at all.

Sure it can try your patience and ignite some strong emotions to see ignorance flagrantly displayed, but how many people would post it if they knew they could expect their thread would soon dissapear with just a little patience on the parts of positive people?

As far as negative posts within a thread, the same thing applies. The negative post is just as easy to scroll past, espcially 'habitual' negators. It is not easy because sometimes one tries to 'reason' someone to right thinking, but as Mechi said, people think how they do because of who they are being at a given time, even if its chronic sometimes.

Zenab that poem is so sweet :wub: and so true.

I'm seeing this Michael Jackson ringtone commercial all day & it's so cool. :D

Something like, "Stand out of the crowd with these cool Michael Jackson ringtones!"

Thanks for pointing this out! This is a great way for the MJ energy to segue back into public consciousness and build a great welcome for the music!

Fans are crazy to be so impatient. MJ is doing everything exactly right!


:yes: let em roll!
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I think people should stop pointing fingers at people who are pointing fingers at people who are pointing fingers at people who are pointing fingers at negative things.

Oops, I just pointed a finger at some people.


We need more fans like you!

You are just awesome!

I am sure that Michael would be sad if he saw that his fans are STILL not satisfied, after all the suffer he's been through . Maybe he would then ask - WHAT MORE CAN I GIVE?
Lets do it! Should we make the list here or start another thread?

I think we should make the list here, we could start of with Thriller release and it'll be good if we put the year next to each thing as well.

I think it should be about all the records he broke or something, then, everything good thats happened from June 13th 2005 to today! :D :wub:
I think we should make the list here, we could start of with Thriller release and it'll be good if we put the year next to each thing as well.

I think it should be about all the records he broke or something, then, everything good thats happened from June 13th 2005 to today! :D :wub:

I already started! Post 11 :D

Nother thing...biggest selling album AND the 2nd biggest selling album. Thats amazing ish right there! Changing the face of music videos forever....pretty neat too.
So it's....

*Youngest vocalist to top the U.S. singles chart

* "Thriller" release in 1982, later became the biggest selling album of all time selling 104 million copies.

* First black artist on MTV, with the music video for "Billie Jean".

*Michael Jackson won more Grammy awards than anyone in one year. In 1984, he won 8 Grammy awards

* Largest Ever Endorsement For Product Promotion - $15 million for Pepsi

(* The album "Bad" was released in 1987 selling 32 million copies becomes 2nd biggest (thats not right, is it? AC/DC's Back In Black is 2nd, right?)

*Guinness Book Of World Records 1993
Lifetime Achievement Award

* "Scream" is the most expensive music video ever made, costing $7,000,000 to make.

* In 1996, Michael Jackson released the longest music video. "Ghosts" was 35 minutes long.

* Highest paid entertainer of all time

*Most successful entertainer of all time, selling 750 million copies.

^ That's not all so help me out. Let's try to put them in order. Post your facts then i can edit this post to add it on to this, just to make it all simple and on to one post at the moment. Then we can do whatever, i think we should pin the list after finishing it, after it, it IS a Michael Jackson fan site! :lol:
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Is Dangerous the world's 3rd biggest selling album?? :unsure: Oh God i hope so...
Is the cup half empty or half full..? Lets turn the negative energy into positive engery when you have that kind of energy there is NO STOPPING US..!

Keep The Faith Ladies & Gents...