Raymone Bain Case Hase Been Dismissed By The Judge, Details inside...

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Source: http://lesliemjhu.blogspot.com/

Raymone Bain's case has been dismissed by the Judge, because she could not proove that MJ owned her any money. Bain claimed that the signed Release Agreement does not include her 10 percent finders fee, however the Agreement's wording clearly says otherwise:

"The Release unambiguously covers “all monies, known or unknown,” owed under “any and all agreements whether written or verbal.” (emphasis added) That release language covers Bain’s claims about the Thriller deal, the Grammy ceremony, the AEG project, and the SONY/ATV refinancing, no matter what stage they were in when the release was signed."

I have attached the court document.

Wow. So shocked. Not. Just another one of MJ's 'friends' trying to get a piece of the pie and failing.
The file is very interesting and at times funny as Bain's claims were ridiculous and judge's comments were hilarious as he uses her own claims to reject the demands. Such as when Bain says they did not disclose the meaning of the release agreement and judge saying as a savvy businesswoman she claims to be they did not have to or when she claims she didn't know about the status of the deals when she signed the release and judge saying well she says that she's the savior of MJ and did everything for him therefore she apparently had more and better knowledge about MJ's business deals than he did.

We'll see if she can / will appeal this decision.

Interesting point: With this document we also see that Michael indeed signed a deal with Sony in 2007 for Thriller 25 project.
May 07, 2010

* Miscellaneous

Judge nixes $44M suit by ex-Michael Jackson manager

A federal judge in Washington has thrown out a suit by a former publicist for Michael Jackson who claimed that she was cheated out of $44 million in commisions on business deals she helped arranged for the late King of Pop.

In a ruling Friday, Judge James Robertson dismissed the suit brought by D.C.-based P.R. representative Raymone Bain, whose clients have included Boys II Men, Serena Williams and Marion Barry.

Bain filed the case against Jackson and his companies last May, over a 2006 deal she signed promoting her from publicist to business manager and promising her a 10% cut on deals she arranged for the music legend. About seven weeks after the suit was filed last year, Jackson died.

Robertson ruled that Bain couldn't enforce the contract because she signed a broad release in 2007 when she took a payment of about $489,000 from Jackson. Bain said she meant the release only to cover specific business deals, but the judge didn't buy it. "I find no ambiguity in the language of Bain’s Release," he wrote.

Robertson also rejected Bain's claims that she was tricked into signing the release since she didn't know about some of Jackson's profitable projects. The judge said that claim wasn't credible given that Bain asserted she was intimately involved in Jackson's business affairs.

Lawyers for Bain didn't respond to e-mail requests for comment Friday night.

LOL @this greedy bish and her future career...
Good that it was dismissed....on to the next moneygrabber...
The file is very interesting and at times funny as Bain's claims were ridiculous and judge's comments were hilarious as he uses her own claims to reject the demands. Such as when Bain says they did not disclose the meaning of the release agreement and judge saying as a savvy businesswoman she claims to be they did not have to or when she claims she didn't know about the status of the deals when she signed the release and judge saying well she says that she's the savior of MJ and did everything for him therefore she apparently had more and better knowledge about MJ's business deals than he did.

We'll see if she can / will appeal this decision.

Interesting point: With this document we also see that Michael indeed signed a deal with Sony in 2007 for Thriller 25 project.

so she is admitting she had more knowledge of Michael's business dealing that he....gmmm...her and Tohme.....so is that were Michael's money went??...makes me wonder. I am not surprised that it was thrown out of court..:)
Wow...& a few weeks ago, she was running her mouth about this federal lawsuit after the estate rejected her claim. Saying it wasn't over...well now it is.

Good news.

On to the next one...

**Thank you Marc_vivien for finding that great news & sharing it with us**** It almost went under the radar...
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Thank you Jesus.
That's one less person who will swindle Michael's money.
Thank goodness! Now since she gets no money from him, let's see if she does a 180 in her opinion of him.
She is one of many responsible for MJ's demise, frustrated the man to death.

Good riddance to bad rubbish! and watch how she will now turn on him via the media now. Everybody looking to get some easy money!

Now, I expect the AGE suit to go the same way as well......

She is one of many responsible for MJ's demise, frustrated the man to death.

a'int that the truth!
so she is admitting she had more knowledge of Michael's business dealing ...

that's what the judge says.

actually the document goes like this

- Raymone Bain files a lawsuit saying that in her contract said she gets 10% finders fee for any agreement MJ enters that she generated.

- She says she has worked on Thriller 25 deal, appearance in 2008 Grammy's , AEG deal and Sony/ ATV refinancing. She has been fired before some these deals are finalized and still deserves the 10% fee on them (the $44M)

- MJ's lawyers say that she isn't entitled to any money because she signed a release at the end of 2007 that discharges MJ from any future claims and payments and got a payment of $448,000.

- Bain then said this doesn't stop her from seeking finder's fee because she intended it to cover only specific and past due money disbursement and the lawyer did not clarify it.

- the judge says that the release is very clear it says " “all monies, known or unknown,” owed under “any and all agreements whether written or verbal.”

-Bain then says even if it's clear she was fraudulently induced to sign it as she was mistaken about what it covers.

- It bring the question of disclosure , in other words did the MJ's lawyers had a duty to explain her the details about the status of the deals (you have to explain/disclose if you think the other person does not know this stuff, act on mistaken information).

- The judge says they didn't have to disclose anything because Bain herself portrays herself as a savvy businesswoman, who has her own PR firm, who represented high profile people, highly involved in the projects , managed all affairs of MJ for a time and she talked with him several times a day. She also says she has saved him from financial and legal ruin. The judge notes if we believe to her version of the events, it seems like she was more knowledgeable about MJ's business than he was. In short the judge says she had all the knowledge about the status of the deals and therefore MJ's lawyers did not have to disclose/tell her anything about them. She should have known and acted accordingly before signing the release.
that's what the judge says.

actually the document goes like this

- Raymone Bain files a lawsuit saying that in her contract said she gets 10% finders fee for any agreement MJ enters that she generated.

- She says she has worked on Thriller 25 deal, appearance in 2008 Grammy's , AEG deal and Sony/ ATV refinancing. She has been fired before some these deals are finalized and still deserves the 10% fee on them (the $44M)

- MJ's lawyers say that she isn't entitled to any money because she signed a release at the end of 2007 that discharges MJ from any future claims and payments and got a payment of $448,000.

- Bain then said this doesn't stop her from seeking finder's fee because she intended it to cover only specific and past due money disbursement and the lawyer did not clarify it.

- the judge says that the release is very clear it says " “all monies, known or unknown,” owed under “any and all agreements whether written or verbal.”

-Bain then says even if it's clear she was fraudulently induced to sign it as she was mistaken about what it covers.

- It bring the question of disclosure , in other words did the MJ's lawyers had a duty to explain her the details about the status of the deals (you have to explain/disclose if you think the other person does not know this stuff, act on mistaken information).

- The judge says they didn't have to disclose anything because Bain herself portrays herself as a savvy businesswoman, who has her own PR firm, who represented high profile people, highly involved in the projects , managed all affairs of MJ for a time and she talked with him several times a day. She also says she has saved him from financial and legal ruin. The judge notes if we believe to her version of the events, it seems like she was more knowledgeable about MJ's business than he was. In short the judge says she had all the knowledge about the status of the deals and therefore MJ's lawyers did not have to disclose/tell her anything about them. She should have known and acted accordingly before signing the release.

Thank u ivy,indeed she is savvy in filling false claims.one is gone so who is next.
that's what the judge says.

actually the document goes like this

- Raymone Bain files a lawsuit saying that in her contract said she gets 10% finders fee for any agreement MJ enters that she generated.

- She says she has worked on Thriller 25 deal, appearance in 2008 Grammy's , AEG deal and Sony/ ATV refinancing. She has been fired before some these deals are finalized and still deserves the 10% fee on them (the $44M)

- MJ's lawyers say that she isn't entitled to any money because she signed a release at the end of 2007 that discharges MJ from any future claims and payments and got a payment of $448,000.

- Bain then said this doesn't stop her from seeking finder's fee because she intended it to cover only specific and past due money disbursement and the lawyer did not clarify it.

- the judge says that the release is very clear it says " “all monies, known or unknown,” owed under “any and all agreements whether written or verbal.”

-Bain then says even if it's clear she was fraudulently induced to sign it as she was mistaken about what it covers.

- It bring the question of disclosure , in other words did the MJ's lawyers had a duty to explain her the details about the status of the deals (you have to explain/disclose if you think the other person does not know this stuff, act on mistaken information).

- The judge says they didn't have to disclose anything because Bain herself portrays herself as a savvy businesswoman, who has her own PR firm, who represented high profile people, highly involved in the projects , managed all affairs of MJ for a time and she talked with him several times a day. She also says she has saved him from financial and legal ruin. The judge notes if we believe to her version of the events, it seems like she was more knowledgeable about MJ's business than he was. In short the judge says she had all the knowledge about the status of the deals and therefore MJ's lawyers did not have to disclose/tell her anything about them. She should have known and acted accordingly before signing the release.

thank you Ivy...:)......So anyway in the end she loses and her claim in NULL AND VOID....like it should be..:D
Thank goodness! Now since she gets no money from him, let's see if she does a 180 in her opinion of him.

Oh yes I am sure it will....we are gonna hear all kinds of ish come out of her mouth now..she will be like..Michael this...Michael that. If that woman has ANY dignity at all she will just shut her mouth and carry on with her own life and leave Michael's memory alone.
great news. a judge with a brain. whats the world coming to. next comes the tell all book and interviews.
Well I'm sure she can get an interview with The Sun, News of the World, Extra, ET, whoever for a quick buck now she's now getting this.
doesn't she have that new radio show now?.....when she does try to come out and trash Michael..we should all call that radio show and tell her what a fake and a fraud she is. She wont have to much to say about Michael then..:mad:
- The judge says they didn't have to disclose anything because Bain herself portrays herself as a savvy businesswoman, who has her own PR firm, who represented high profile people, highly involved in the projects , managed all affairs of MJ for a time and she talked with him several times a day. She also says she has saved him from financial and legal ruin. The judge notes if we believe to her version of the events, it seems like she was more knowledgeable about MJ's business than he was. In short the judge says she had all the knowledge about the status of the deals and therefore MJ's lawyers did not have to disclose/tell her anything about them. She should have known and acted accordingly before signing the release.

The judge showed her up right here did'nt he!:D
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