Rashida Jones Tells ‘Playboy’ About “Growing Up” With Michael Jackson: “Bit of An Alien”


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York


Being the daughter of Quincy Jones allowed for Rashida Jones to hang out with some pretty cool people in her childhood — like Michael Jackson.

Rashida plays 20 questions with Playboy in the November issue (out Friday) and was asked about her memory of Michael.

“Michael basically grew up with us, so I have a million memories of him. We were at each other’s houses all the time,” the Parks and Recreation star shares. “He was definitely a little bit of an alien, for sure, and when I was young, it felt as if he was my age, not 18 years older, but with just a little bit more pep.”

“Later, we’d go out on the town together. He always wore those surgical masks. Once, my sister, Michael, Emmanuel Lewis and I got in a car with Super Soakers and went by a movie theater and supersoaked the hell out of people waiting in line. They had no idea they’d just been supersoaked by the King of Pop.”

We bet that memory has stuck with some and they’re thrilled now though!
What's the matter Ashtanga? Lol! :lol: Cuz she said MJ was a bit alien? Lol!
You can look at it a little differently,being alien doesn't have to be a bad thing.
Just means MJ was different, unique, Out of this world!! :wub:

Thanks MsCassie for posting.
He was 18 years older than she, but they still connected.
MJ hung out with Kidada as well.

Nice memories.
I think she could have used better choice of words. The rest of what she is saying is fine.
What's the matter Ashtanga? Lol! :lol: Cuz she said MJ was a bit alien? Lol!
You can look at it a little differently,being alien doesn't have to be a bad thing.
Just means MJ was different, unique, Out of this world!! :wub:

Thanks MsCassie for posting.
He was 18 years older than she, but they still connected.
MJ hung out with Kidada as well.

Nice memories.

It also sounds like a little bit of quotation from Elizabeth Taylor...didn't she say, after Michael had filmed Captain EO, that it 'looks as if an alien has taken over your body'...referring to his amazing dancing.

(I wanna meet an alien like that!)
See the word "alien" scared me a little. :unsure: But ok. ;)
:) No, I get it. I didn't like it at my first read either but soon got a different picture
in my mind after re-reading the piece.
I think she could have used better choice of words.
The rest of what she is saying is fine.
Sure she could have. But the context in which she used the word wasn't all that bad
if you look at it a little differently. *shrugs*
It also sounds like a little bit of quotation from Elizabeth Taylor...didn't she say, after Michael had filmed Captain EO, that it 'looks as if an alien has taken over your body'...referring to his amazing dancing.

(I wanna meet an alien like that!)
Not sure about the quote from Ms Taylor, but I wouldnt doubt it. :)

I love her and her show! It's hilarious.. Watch it!

Never seen it.I gotta check that out.
That alien comment makes my blood boil now!:blowup:
Michael weren't no alien. The fact this woman has to tell people this through playboy says it all really.
I think fans are being a bit too sensitive about Michael being called anything other than "normal". And that's fine of course, especially since the general public tends to view "abnormal" people in a negative light. But I don't think Rashida meant any direct harm in her "alien" comment. She did, after all, clarify what she meant by stating that he behaved as if he were more of her age at the time. Of course, she could have used a better word, like "different", or something. But I think, she probably thought of Michael as a lot more different than even the "different" people, to the point that she had to go for a more...explicit description.
I don't think she meant it in a negative way, but yeah, definetely wrong choice of words.
Can anyone here tell me why she acted like a babe in the woods???

As some of yall pointed out, she shoulda chosen words like "unique" instead.
I can see she ain't no friend of his nor a foe. She falls in the category of "I met and spent some time with MJ" acquaintances who don't necessarily care enough.
I hate it when those come out and are introduced as a friend of his.
They can make the general public believe who he was and what he was about in their minds, when all they shared with MJ was some amount of time.
I think of an old saying that goes, 'Normal people are people you don't know very well'.

To be frank, I never really cared when people call Michael strange or out there. Just because you're strange doesn't equal a bad a thing. I would call myself strange and people in my family would complete agree with me. We all have strange habits or quarks that most people don't know about and we don't tell them to strangers. In Michael's case, he couldn't hide his quarks because he is a celebrity.

So, although I can understand why fans get upset when people call Michael strange or an 'alien', I take it as an expression of how unique he was and something to be proud of. But, that's just me.
I don't think she means any harm by it. "Alien" can be either positive or negative, depending upon the context of the remainder of the conversation. Judging by her anecdote here, I would say it is safe to say she used it in a positive way. Michael liked aliens, after all (remember E.T.) Aliens are also, throughout science-fiction history, portrayed as being more advanced and holding a higher understanding of things than normal humans, so the word could have been used as a metaphor for Michael's wisdom and keen insight on the world around him.

Moreover, the rest of the article describes him as "cool," and the tone she has is generally positive, light-hearted, and fun. I enjoyed reading this. If she wanted to use the word to describe him negatively, she would have done this throughout the rest of the piece, and thus far I do not see this occurring. We are understandably sensitive in regards to adjectives used to describe Michael, but I think this story is benign.
Gosh, some of you fans are so pissy and take everything out of context v_v