Rare interview in Japanese magazine 1980 "Journal Jam"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm reading through several Japanese fan sites and saw this one on Legend Of Moonwalk


Here's the Google Translation:

Thursday afternoon.
Hollywood's most exclusive in the studio here, the home of the Jackson 5's three sons - Michael Tito, Jackie around a table with snacks HOOBARI a healthy diet rich in tropical colors, just received from the fan club through a pile of questions, it is the voices and laughter floating couscous.

For The Jacksons, music is music that may be able to heal people and distorting the sovereign remedy for all ills and diseases.

Michael said. "I, if I love all music. What type of music would be the first one I have my place on the earth somewhere. I know.
Hey, I want to write as I'm saying.
Toward the child, her child is her black and white and Japanese people, like I say. I think all children are children. It can be associated with racism. It's things like GOMEN label. It's ridiculous. "
Destiny Now, the back cover of the Destiny's probably the most of Randy and Michael.
"The birds, the colors of the color of a peacock is the only possible one.
We are the love of music through the skin of all colors like a peacock to this one. "


This idea, the question of how I react to that new UEVU, constructed in the answer table.
For example, certain types of music fans, blame the new emerging form below. The increase a flat or a Beatles fan it inevitable?
。 Tito, after he playfully RASHI to talk, ending with a stiff upper griping.

"Music is the game of ideas, after all. Is the need to open the way to the front and truly-unexplored. I try to do something original, I have it.
Look, the'50 made by Little Richard's. I was criticized by many people. But that's classic. "

Have been limited to music and even the most important home entertainment Jackson family, in these days, but the brothers, but also spread to other media interest.
Michael, for example, the recent movie, appeared in The Wiz, later in the film since we had a cake like flavor to the movie that will remain forever.

"Film is forever remain so. I'll be raring to come or early the following story.
If I really get excited for the tour. 。 After the excitement but also disappear.
。 And do a movie, but I will be forever the moment the period dating nails. The Star's death. そう、チャップリン Yes, the Charlie Chaplin film, will be permanently connecting the breath of life to keep him. "


Their own brothers, to designate the fact, seems more than a little taste.
I have one video, which appeared in the last 10 years they have TV shows that are left in the recording.
"I have from the Ed Sullivan Show when I take it very small. KYAKKYA I laugh with anything else."
"Yes, the glimpse of my childhood I feel anything strange." Michael continued.
"Diana Ross in a special program, I had a great basketball game.
Just great athletes of the terribly図体, GURIYA ROJII the Rams, the Lakers Elgin Baylor, Ben DEBITTOSON RAIDASU, basketball players and I was 6 feet 9 inches in the Russell Building He MONOSUGOKATTA捌KI ball.
But Singing to the rhythm but I could. "
Michael and I laugh so KUSUKUSU, Jackie is suddenly opened his mouth, "Hey, do you have that tape? A collection I want. I will record them on tape when I come again."

Whatever the case the other brother, Michael, during recording and had by now acquired the skill, to produce their album with them.
。 Michael's solo albums, side by side with the Quincy Jones轟KU its name in history as co-producer now." I met two people, through film, The Wiz."

"Our perseverance paid off for us."
Michael gloat for the success of the producer said.
"Look. I've been into the studio and among the leading people since childhood. We Gamble & Huff's been.
。 I remember once in the body is nothing. I watched just to study. "
This is a sign of self-reliance, to say the light source to Stevie Wonder.
"Stevie often look at the session, I come back TAMAGE. DOKATTO Stevie is sit down at the gate is doing anything."

JAKUSONZU is a tour around many parts of the world, especially when talking about Japan, their words became more heated.
"The stage is a non-Japanese people is very warm, What尽SERI至RERI. The stage is an eye-opening reaction.
。 Say that music is universal language, really, while you are playing and I'm 思ITAI and transcend language barriers.
But people in Japan, I have a lot of people speak very fluent English. I'm really surprised. I think I need it in school or something. "

"I am most impressed with was greeted at the airport."
と言うのはジャッキー。 Jackie said.
「ビートルズがアメリカへやって来た時のことを思い出させる気分だった」 "I felt like reminding you of when the Beatles came to America."



I Have so much to learn

Michael said with starry eyes
"In particular, Quincy and I have to do you. Quincy's, but it's masters. This may also have something in hand to score the film, soul jazz classic pop to opera on top of that, I know everything. I'm an artist. "
。 I see. When Jackson was asked, whether it was this kind of peacock.

Then increase the number of albums, fame has filled the river life. Have to retire tomorrow, but they never get in difficulties.
But they will in years to come, he is waiting until the end of the road突KI詰MERUBEKI creative destiny.

Shake Your Body』出来るようになること。 Significant for any of them, Randy is one on the stage as soon as possible, with the Shake Your Body, they can become possible. (※'79 was in a car accident on Monday, with serious injuries in the rehabilitation of his right foot on the verge of cutting)

For the day, I can chuck all the fame and fortune in the hands握RISHIMETA. They even come to feel that spirit.

If anyone know how the read Japanese, the original text is here

AHHHHHH!!! something else new!!!
thanks so much.....ooooh, he looks so cuuuuute!!

and oh yeah- is there a Japanese speaker in the house????
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Thanks so much for posting this!!!! :flowers:

I love the pictures!!!
Thanks for posting. And the picture of Michael with a headphones/ Walkman on, and him writing is really cool.