Randy's pal sues MJ's Estate


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

MJ's Estate -- Mo' Money, Mo' Problems

Posted Oct 7th 2009 6:30PM by TMZ Staff

For what seems like the 4 billionth time, another former Michael Jackson associate claims the pop star stiffed him out of $180,400 back before MJ kicked the bucket.

According to the creditor's claim, filed by entertainment attorney Perry C. Wander today in L.A. County Superior Court, Don Stabler claims he spent 632 hours "dealing with others on [MJ's] behalf" -- a service for which he charged $325 per hour.

This time, the claim comes from a former business manager who says Michael's brother Randy Jackson hired him to fix MJ's tax problems back in 2004.:smilerolleyes::smilerolleyes:

We're assuming the Jackson estate will throw this in the to-do list ... which has got to be one hell of a stack by now.
I swear Randy asked him to sue the estate and made him promise if he testifies for him he will get half the money . well, that's how the brothers have been working even before MJ's death .

they gotta be creative since the judge allowed Branca to pay the debts . they wanted more money as beneficiaries and screw the debts and interests , then when the judge did not give them what they want , they became creditors .
watch and see if these goes to trial Randy will testify against the estate .
Randy Jackson should pay his pal he's the one hired him not Michael.
Randy Jackson should pay his pal he's the one hired him not Michael.


Why doesn't Randy pay?

WTF is gonna happen next? Tito needs a roof repair job & not pay so the roofing company sues the MJ estate??

It's things like this that make me happy no Jackson family member is an executor.
Here's some info about the guy and his dealings with MJ

Exclusive: World of Jax & robbers

Singer says his brother and pal tried to cheat him out of fortune

Sunday, June 17th 2007, 4:00 AM

Michael Jackson claims he was nearly swindled out of his fortune during his kiddie-sex trial and only the wise counsel of the Rev. Jesse Jackson and billionaire Ron Burkle saved him.

The behind-the-scenes battle over the pop star's finances is detailed in a sworn deposition he gave for a federal lawsuit scheduled to go to trial this week.

There is a possibility that Jackson himself might even be called to testify.

The seven hours of transcripts obtained by the Daily News reveal that the agitated entertainer was convinced his money woes were fueled by a cadre of disloyal advisers who stole from him while he was busy fighting criminal charges.

The Gloved One even fingered a man close to his older brother Randy as a key villain.

It was an ordeal that left Jackson bitter about the industry in which he's spent his entire life.

"It's full of sharks, charlatans and imposters," he said in testimony taken last summer in Paris.

"Because there's a lot of money involved, there's a bunch of schmucks in there," Jackson said. "It's the entertainment world, full of thieves and crooks. That's not new. Everybody knows that."

A Santa Maria, Calif., jury acquitted him of child molestation charges in June 2005, after which he retreated into the seclusion of his Neverland ranch.

But during breaks in the trial, Jackson says he was being pressured to sign off on a multimillion-dollar financing deal by Don Stabler, an associate brought in by brother Randy, his go-to guy on financial matters during much of his career.

Jackson initially took a liking to Stabler after Randy introduced them.

"He reminded me of people that live in mid-America like Indiana," Jackson testified.

Stabler was persistent, at one point during the trial sending a message through one of Jackson's Nation of Islam security guards that questioned the singer's faithfulness to his African-American heritage.

It was a sore point for someone who has denied he purposely lightened his skin.

By then, Jackson had turned to Burkle, the billionaire pal of former President Bill Clinton, for financial help. Burkle brought in Jesse Jackson, who's known Michael Jackson since his Jackson 5 days, to help with the consultation.

Burkle was calling him on the cell phone during bathroom breaks, warning him not to sign anything, Michael Jackson said.

Stabler wasn't happy, Jackson said.

"[Stabler] said, 'What's the problem? You're not down, you're with the Jews now. You're not down with blacks anymore,'" Jackson testified.

"It was unkind," Jackson added. "It was mean. It was meanspirited. It was nasty. Simply because he couldn't get me to sign something that he wanted me to sign."

The next time Jackson saw Stabler "he wanted to take my head off." And his brother Randy wasn't too happy, either.

Randy later claimed that Jackson and his staff had run up a $700,000 bill on his American Express card during the trial, which Jackson said he would repay.

It wasn't the first time that Stabler teamed with Randy in trying to get him to sign off on a deal, Jackson claimed.

At a meeting in a bungalow at the Neverland ranch, Jackson said he had his mother at his side when he fought off another proposal.

"And I vehemently told them, 'No, I am not signing this,'" Jackson recalled. "And I just remember how angry, the intensity of the anger in the room. And so they marched out."

Jackson made his comments when he was grilled by lawyers for the Hackensack, N.J., finance company that is suing the singer in Manhattan Federal Court. The firm, Prescient Acquisition, is owned by businessman Darien Dash, who claims Jackson stiffed his company out of $48 million.

According to Dash's lawyer Steven Altman, Dash was due the money for helping Jackson refinance a $272 million bank loan and secure $573 million in financing to buy out Sony's half of the Beatles' song catalogue that Jackson co-owned.

But Jackson claimed he's never heard of Dash, a cousin of hip-hop impresario Damon Dash, and doesn't remember signing any agreement.


Source: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2007/06/17/2007-06-17_world_of_jax__robbers_.html
NYDailynews...has to be a tabloid. By their usage of certain words, i simply can't take them serious..wtf.
Kiddie sex, fingered? Oh please....nevermind.
NYDailynews...has to be a tabloid. By their usage of certain words, i simply can't take them serious..wtf.
Kiddie sex, fingered? Oh please....nevermind.

Maybe Im not understanding what you meant, but being "fingered" by someone has different meanings. Being "fingered" is a way of saying someone was pointing a finger at someone for something, not an actual sexual connotation. In this case I believe it was referrring to "pointing out" someone, nothing more.

I swear Randy asked him to sue the estate and made him promise if he testifies for him he will get half the money . well, that's how the brothers have been working even before MJ's death .

they gotta be creative since the judge allowed Branca to pay the debts . they wanted more money as beneficiaries and screw the debts and interests , then when the judge did not give them what they want , they became creditors .
watch and see if these goes to trial Randy will testify against the estate .

i like your analysis. you sound llike oceangirl.

Why doesn't Randy pay?

WTF is gonna happen next? Tito needs a roof repair job & not pay so the roofing company sues the MJ estate??

It's things like this that make me happy no Jackson family member is an executor.

Randy should go ahead pay his pal so they all can STFU seriosuly. Michael should have hire his own personal do his tax for him.
I swear Randy asked him to sue the estate and made him promise if he testifies for him he will get half the money . well, that's how the brothers have been working even before MJ's death .

they gotta be creative since the judge allowed Branca to pay the debts . they wanted more money as beneficiaries and screw the debts and interests , then when the judge did not give them what they want , they became creditors .
watch and see if these goes to trial Randy will testify against the estate .
Why would randy ask him to sue the estate? that dont make any sense to me to accuse randy of that, the man was a bad business decison. you going to have a lot of people coming out trying to sue michael estate and make money off him. by there own doing!
randy stay far away from the estate is not yours and you are very very bad business
Why would randy ask him to sue the estate? that dont make any sense to me to accuse randy of that, the man was a bad business decison. you going to have a lot of people coming out trying to sue michael estate and make money off him. by there own doing!

william is saying thats the only way randy will get any money from the estate. they are already trying to get him in as an administrator but the judge keeps pushing that idea away