Randy accepts Angel Award on Michael's behalf

No, Rnady was NOT kidnapped. Alejandra, his former wife, along with her two sons, was.

And Randy was not beaten up. He beat up his former wife Eliza and went to jail because of it.

Randy was in a bad car accident , he use to date bernadette Swann ,the former Lynn swann now Mrs Sugar Ray leornard. He was kidnapped by Alejandras family because he came to Columbia to get his children'
Randy was kidnapped and they tied him up somewhere, asking him if he was the brother of THE Michael Jackson. Randy said no, said he was a poor medicine man from Idunnowhere and they left him there to die. Not sure what happened after that but eventually he was found and taken to hospital.

That's all I know.

Wow. Poor guy. He went through so much sh*t
Randy was in a bad car accident , he use to date bernadette Swann ,the former Lynn swann now Mrs Sugar Ray leornard. He was kidnapped by Alejandras family because he came to Columbia to get his children'
Randy's car accident was 30 years ago. Nothing gives him the right to be the person he is not even a bad combination of jealousy, ignorance and lack of success.
Randy was in a bad car accident , he use to date bernadette Swann ,the former Lynn swann now Mrs Sugar Ray leornard. He was kidnapped by Alejandras family because he came to Columbia to get his children'

Actually, you are wrong. Randy did everything in his power to get rid of his two kids. Remember he used to say he didn't want those two kids since he didn't like the fact that he was becoming like his brothers (you know, having thousands of children). The point is: Randy wanted his children far from him, in South America and he made sure they would stay there.
But Alejandra wanted to see her children happy, in Hayvenhurst= Randy's worst nightmare.
i wish this was few years back , when he was alive ...too late !
Randy's car accident was 30 years ago. Nothing gives him the right to be the person he is not even a bad combination of jealousy, ignorance and lack of success.

Yep, I love randy. But you're right about the Car Accident took place in 1980 (and it hurt him badly). But when he healed he contenued to proform normaly (on stage at the Victory tour) all the way to 1989 when he had the Gypsy album and did some work on 2300 Jackson street album, He may still have some damage from the accident, but other than that It did not really seem to hurt his career, he just stopped doing it.

As for the photo, I like it! I wish i could be as cute as Rebbie when I turn 60!
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Randy's car accident was 30 years ago. Nothing gives him the right to be the person he is not even a bad combination of jealousy, ignorance and lack of success.

Blunt....but sadly true. Lol.

No sugarcoating needed. Thanks.
Yep, I love randy. But you're right about the Car Accident took place in 1980 (and it hurt him badly). But when he healed he contenued to proform normaly (on stage at the Victory tour) all the way to 1989 when he had the Gypsy album and did some work on 2300 Jackson street album, He may still have some damage from the accident, but other than that It did not really seem to hurt his career, he just stopped doing it.

As for the photo, I like it! I wish i could be as cute as Rebbie when I turn 60!
And the thing is that Randy is EXTREMELY talented. I remember back in the day he played a variety of instruments particularly percussion: congas, piano (including classical music), synthesizers, keyboards. Also he co-wrote a number of Jackson songs. Even in an interview a couple of decades ago Michael mentioned Randy's talent. So he's not a moppet who happen to be born in part of a famous family. If he didn't want to continue in music as an artist, he should try producing and/or songwriting.

And Reebie has the BEST singing voice out of all the Jackson sisters.
And the thing is that Randy is EXTREMELY talented. I remember back in the day he played a variety of instruments particularly percussion: congas, piano (including classical music), synthesizers, keyboards. Also he co-wrote a number of Jackson songs. Even in an interview a couple of decades ago Michael mentioned Randy's talent. So he's not a moppet who happen to be born in part of a famous family. If he didn't want to continue in music as an artist, he should try producing and/or songwriting.

And Reebie has the BEST singing voice out of all the Jackson sisters.

Yep, and his songs on the Jacksons albums that he wrote on the Album are among my faves. He is a talented intromentist,producer and songwriter. I hope in the future he does do something, because He is pretty gifted.:D

And I also agree with you on Rebbie. She has a really jazzy voice.
The Angel Award awww what a lovely name, and very appropriate for our Angel.

He was in a bad car wreck around 1979 and was in a wheelchair for awhile. The doctors said he might not walk again. Years later he was kidnapped. I think it was in South America, but not sure of the location.

Randy was kidnapped and they tied him up somewhere, asking him if he was the brother of THE Michael Jackson. Randy said no, said he was a poor medicine man from Idunnowhere and they left him there to die. Not sure what happened after that but eventually he was found and taken to hospital.

That's all I know.

Whaaaat? This is the first I'm hearing about this. Flippin heck :bugeyed
If the ones who love Randy knew what he did to Michael...

I'm pretty convinced Randy is even worse than Joe. I mean...is that even possible?
what did he do?

Too much to say. He did SO many things, during and after the trial, to Michael. I'll PM you because some things can't be said openly...otherwise I'll be banned.

Everytime I write some truths about the family, my posts are deleted.

Remember: if you tell the truth about Michael's family...you'll be banned or your posts will be erased.

So, in public, let's fake they are decent, good and functional human beings, OK? Let's pretend they are not aberrations, OK?
That's really unnecessary. It's not what you say it's how you say it. Basically, if it's said respectfully and it's not BS then go ahead, it won't be deleted.
It's also where you say it.

Well,Is there a better place to say it other than in Jackson 2003? I don't think so. If there is, warn me. And all these guys who worship this heroic family.
Aw Rebbie is beautiful and she looks great!! And nice to see Randy out and about.

Congrats Michael. :wub:
No, I don't think so. but a thread talking about a family member doing this or that is not an open attack on them. I'm just saying that sometimes things go off topic.

I don't know about starting a factual thread for why you do not like a certain family member, I'd have to ask. But for instance this thread about Randy picking up an award doesn't have to go off topic to a free for all on Randy.

Or a thread about Toya defending Jafar doesn't have to go to a free for all about LaToys saying Mj's kids were not his. It's not on topic and is not necessary to happen on every thread about an unpopular family member.

That's all I am saying. I hope you understand. If not Pm me and we can speak about it. Before I get in trouble for derailing this thread. Sorry!
I really love this award given to Michael. Michael is a true angel :) !