Random things you learned through Michael.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Planet earth
For starters just to name a few silly things I didnt know before discovering Michael:

- That Bucharest was a city in Romania (thanks Dangerous tour)
- That Yokohama was a city in Japan (thanks Bad tour)
- That Auckland was a city in New Zeeland (Thanks HIstory tour)
- What KGB stood for (thanks Stranger in Moscow)
- Who James Brown, Fred Astaire, Elizabeth Taylor, Sammy Davis Jr, Paul McCartney, Sophia Loren and Marlon Brando is (I had no idea who these people were before Michael and thanks to him Im more educated)
- And last, being humble is more rewarding than being arrogant
- That Bucharest was a city in Romania (thanks Dangerous tour)

Omigosh!! This is so strange!!! (This is seriously the 4th time today that I thought something and went to post it and found someone else already had...) But yeah, last night I was thinking about how his geography skills must be awesome, 'cause he's been all over and then I was thinking about how I only know what Bucharest is because of him and then I was thinking about how when I came on in the morning I was going to make a thread with things you know only because of him! I totally forgot until now....and I'm officially really really weirded out. =P

Thanks, though! Great idea. ;)
How devastating an illness vitiligo can be.

I am white, so when I saw people with vitiligo, that just simply "spots" for me. Nothing really important. And back in those days, we would hardly ever see any person with dark skin in my country, so it wasn't an issue at all.

... but MJ showed me how serious this can be and how much this can hurt your heart :-(