Random Social Network Poll

I have an account on:

  • Facebook

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • Twitter

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • Youtube

    Votes: 15 93.8%
  • LinkedIn

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • MySpace

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • StumbleUpon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Toronto, Canada
Obviously most of us (if not all) have Facebook, but just wanted to know if people have accounts on these other sites as well...and whether they have a preference...

Personally, I think Facebook has been going downhill (for me)... It's just too cluttered now. And it's a HUGE time-waster.
However, I have to go on it since that's where I get all my messages and invites from friends (these people seem to have forgotten that I have a phone number or e-mail)... lol..
I have Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Bebo, Myyearbook, Orkut, Youtube and there is another one which I can't remember the name of it to be honest.

Although I have all these social networking accounts I only ever really log into Myspace and Facebook :)
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Well lets see I've only have facebook, twitter, & youtube accounts & thats it. But Myspace is going a little downhill as a matter of fact because I don't like the new layouts & all that type of stuff right about now so? I don't have any tumblr lol so I'll don't kown of I'm going to get my account on there anyway?
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I have Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and youtube accounts. I mostly use Facebook (though I can take pretty long breaks from it), sometimes Twitter (though I rarely tweet anything) and I think I have 2 videos uploaded on youtube. I check my myspace page maybe twice a year, lol.

I started all this social networking on myspace a few years ago but then like many, abandoned it for Facebook.
The great thing about these sites is that they've revolutionized the way we communicate with people... the bad thing is that nobody ever talks face to face anymore, lol!
^ Yeah that's probably true for quite a few people. I find that some people talk weirdly (like kind of fake and exaggerated) on each others walls which puts me off writing on walls. So I'm mostly on facebook just to have that contact mode if anyone wants to reach me. And its really nice knowing that you're able to reuinite with your long-lost friends, that's what makes fb awesome :)

Other than that I have Twitter and Youtube accounts. I write things on Twitter more than Facebook because I have way less followers on Twitter. Plus it's so friggin convenient to just take out your phone wherever you are and tweet XD. So Twitter for me is less about networking and more about keeping in touch with people I can't get to in real life like my interstate and overseas friends, and MJ fans.
FB, twitter and YT. Not very original. My real friends live far away from me, so if I want to keep in touch, I have no choice. Yay new technology!