Ran into a MJ Hater...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York
I promoted Michael's new song "Hold My Hand" on this wrestling forum I go, too and got some positive feedback from a few people.

But here's what I encountered:
Sounds like a paedophile anthem with an R n B twist! :p

I'm not bashing, he makes good music for a dead kiddy fiddler.

I think its pretty ignorant to ignore the fact that he slept with little boys and gave them jesus juice. Just because he made good music doesn't mean he wasn't a complete mess of a human being.

What should I say to him???

Here's the whole thread if anyone is curious...
http://fans.wwe.com/go/thread/view/691/26267277/OT:_New_Michael_Jackso n_Single_Featuring_Akon!
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First of all i wouldnt say thats a postive feedback at all- he mj called a child molestor!!! and that is something MICHAEL WAS NOT!!

You should tell that guy to get his facts straight and tell him mj is 100% innocent of those alleagation- it was proven on court!
Sometimes it amazes me what must go on in the minds of these kinds of people.
At this point, anyone who thinks Michael is a pedophile is determined to ignore the easily availabe FACTS---which says more about them than it does about MJ. People with tiny minds, shrivelled hearts and no soul are not worth your time. Let him stew in his own slop and celebrate Michael with people who appreciate him.
I don't think I'd even waste my time trying to talk to that guy.

Even if you provided all the information that you possibly could, would he read and consider any of it? Or would he just use it as an opportunity to parrot back an old, tired come-backs, like "OJ was found innocent."
That's what five generations' worth of incest and an I.Q. of 50 will do to you.

Because I'm going to take the opinion of some feeble-minded dimwit who likes to watch greased-up men in silly costumes touch each other on TV for fun to heart... Just forget it.
okay the details ppl say such as jesus juice and little kids
is their imagination, which pretty sick and disgusting
is people who think about sex all the time,
is people if you follow through an mj hater, i did just to see what kind of person it was
i clicked on their name, and i came to his youtube channel
he was a 48 year old male, who liked little girls,
thats what he wrote in his youtube personal description.

prior to that he had written some comments similar to those you showed us on the Hold My Hand video in youtube
First thing I would advice you against, is using the word 'ignorant' in an arguement with an MJ hater. Avoid using that word at all costs.

Another thing is a lot of wrestling fans are into heavy metal and rock. I'm not saying all people who are into that kind of music dont like MJ. But its pretty common.

Its not really the best place to promote a new MJ song. Ive tried it before on a wrestling forum I go to, it really did not end up well.

I am a wrestling fan myself, but my god are they hypocritical talking about 'living in a fantasy world'.

Say that to him, 'I am a wrestling fan myself, but your hardly in a good position being a wrestling fan to be telling people to stop living in a fantasy world.'

Again, i'm a massive wrestling fan myself. But I wouldnt go round telling people to stop living in a fantasy world.
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This person wants to believe the nonsense they hearing. I believe he is refering to the 2005 case when he makes reference to 'JESUS JUICE' ask him did he know that that same family also accused a JC penny security guard of sexual abuse and won $100.000 while doing so. The mother of the child was thiefing money from the government by collecting welfare while they had gotton a big settlement, that is why she plead the 5th at the trial. There was video tape recording of this kid and his family praising MJ and saying he never did him anything around the very ame time tt he later said he was molested. The child himself in 2005 said he can't remember where the molestation ocurred he said he was asleep while it occurred. That is when his lying brother said he was never abuse but saw it....sounds like a story to me, the lawyer caught them lying on the stand when they identified a magazine MJ showed them that had a date that showed tey were not even around MJ at the time.....And as fo 1993 the boy father blow his head off with a gun 6 months after MJ die. And his own son did not evenattend his funeral. That same father took money from MJ insurance company to settled when the setlement said he could of still persue a legal case and get justice. But no he wanted money.. The boy in the 93 case refuse to testify against MJ and sue his fatherin court hesaidhis father attacked him and knock him on the head with a 5lb weight and peper sprayed him. He divorced his own father. Now tell me if someone molest you would not go to court and make sure that person isput away forever. I would i would never refuse to testify...
I am so done with these kind of people, it really is a waste of time. I used to get furious and type huge replies full of facts, videos and so on, and they would call me obsessed, a MJ stand and so on and son on. These people get facts and they still don't care, i don't know about you..but i wouldn't want to know these people, or simply waste time on..

These people are not worth it.
Tell him to check his facts first before he makes a bigger idiot of himself. I can't believe there are still some people out there who believe everything the media feeds them.
These people wanted MJ to be guilty and by them wanted MJ to be guilty then that means that they actually wanted those kids to be molested. Any normal human being would be happy to look at the facts and learn that MJ was innocent because then that would mean that no kids have been hurt.
First of all i wouldnt say thats a postive feedback at all- he mj called a child molestor!!! and that is something MICHAEL WAS NOT!!

You should tell that guy to get his facts straight and tell him mj is 100% innocent of those alleagation- it was proven on court!

Sorry I worded that differently lol
I promoted Michael's new song "Hold My Hand" on this wrestling forum I go, too and got some positive feedback from a few people.

But here's what I encountered:
Sounds like a paedophile anthem with an R n B twist! :p

I'm not bashing, he makes good music for a dead kiddy fiddler.

I think its pretty ignorant to ignore the fact that he slept with little boys and gave them jesus juice. Just because he made good music doesn't mean he wasn't a complete mess of a human being.

What should I say to him???

Here you go. These come in handy for times like this.



I promoted Michael's new song "Hold My Hand" on this wrestling forum I go, too and got some positive feedback from a few people.

But here's what I encountered:
Sounds like a paedophile anthem with an R n B twist! :p

I'm not bashing, he makes good music for a dead kiddy fiddler.

I think its pretty ignorant to ignore the fact that he slept with little boys and gave them jesus juice. Just because he made good music doesn't mean he wasn't a complete mess of a human being.

What should I say to him???

Here's the whole thread if anyone is curious...
http://fans.wwe.com/go/thread/view/691/26267277/OT:_New_Michael_Jackso n_Single_Featuring_Akon!

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That's what five generations' worth of incest and an I.Q. of 50 will do to you.

Because I'm going to take the opinion of some feeble-minded dimwit who likes to watch greased-up men in silly costumes touch each other on TV for fun to heart... Just forget it.

Clearly the OP is also a wrestling fan as are all the other people on that thread who are MJ fans. All a bunch of feeble-minded dimwits I guess, like me :). Way to insult a bunch of people over the ignorance of ONE person lmao.
I just read the posts on that website and someone did use OJ as an excuse LOL! Haterz are so predictable! With all the info out there to prove them wrong, it is ridiculous and down right disgusting after a time that they would rather believe the lies! I seriously, look at these people with disgust and wonder about them and their minds! SMH