Rampage in Mumbai!! To all Indian Fans!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA


(CNN) -- Gunmen rampaged through a series of targets in the Indian city of Mumbai killing indiscriminately and taking hostages at two luxury hotels.
A wounded man is carried from the attacked rail station.

A wounded man is carried from the attacked rail station.
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Mumbai police spokesman Satish Katsa said gunmen have taken over the Taj Mahal Hotel and Hotel Oberoi, and were holding hostages on multiple floors.

Flames and smoke poured from the Taj early Thursday, and several explosions were heard at the building.

At the Oberoi the military reportedly entered the building and a large explosion was heard shortly afterwards.

Another hostage situation was unfolding at Cama Hospital, CNN's sister network in India, CNN-IBN reported.


To all Indian fans...please stay safe!! I wish you find whoever did these bombings soon...and I pray for all of your safety!!

do ppl really care so little for things that dont happen in their own backyard?
My thoughts are with the people of Mumbai and everyone affected by this. I know most Indians are very upset about what's happened. It really is shocking.
These guys aren't kidding around. They were well trained, and I hate to say it, but the attacks were well executed. We're dealing with highly sophisticated terrorist probably with links or a background in military and special services. I don't know if there are any leads on who planned and executed these attacks but I'm hearing Pakistan a lot and I heard it a lot before the attacks. For ages we've been hearing that Pakistani terrorists are targeting India. I fail to understand how we could know about it for so long but still let it happen. That remains a mystery to me. My thoughts are obviously with those more directly effected by these events. It should have never happened. But now that it has, I hope the Indian police and armed forces involved can resolve the situation speedily and safely.
The ordeal seems to be coming to an end, finally after 59 hours. The Oberoi Trident and the Nariman House have been cleared of the terrorists and the operation is in the final stages at the Taj. Howver there have been massive casualties, over 160 reported dead so far, about 13 foreigners among them. My heart goes out for each and every one of them and the injured and their families.

Mumbai has been a victim of several terror attacks in the past, but this one was something else. They were carried out with such precision. The terrorists have even set up control rooms inside the hotels. They had a complete layout of the hotels with them, something even the National Security Guard commandos didnt have initially. A terrorist who was captured alive have informed that they hail from Pakistan and had taken a boat from Karachi to reach Mumbai. They are believed to be members of the banned Pakistan based terror group Lashkar e Toiba, which has close association with Al Qaeda. There also seems to be a possibility that they received helped from Pakistan's intelligence unit ISI and some locals in Mumbai.

As an Indian more than feeling anger and grief over what has happened, I am feeling numbness. Terrorists attacks has become routine here, this is like the 5th terror attack on Indian soil in the last 8 to 10 months. Here its not a question of 'if' but 'when'. The government have failed us miserably, after each attack we have the Prime Minister coming out and issuing statements and making promises, but nothing changes, they never learn from their mistakes. Pakistan have provided home to anti India elements for years now. India's most wanted man Dawood Ibrahim wanted for his role in the 1993 Mumbai blasts is living a life of luxury under the security of the ISI and the Pakistan army in Pakistan. According to some reports the terrorists might have received helped from his men. But yet we have the Pakistan diplomats denying any knowledge or involvement.

Amongst all the mayhem, its important not to forget the courage of the commandos, the fire fighters, the police and the people of mumbai. The chief of the Anti Terrorist Squad died in the line of duty along with 2 other top officers. Reports are coming in that 2 NSG commandos martyred while combating the terrorists while others have been injured. The nation is indebted to them. As far as the city and its people goes, Mumbai have risen up in the past and it will again. Thats the middle finger shown to terrorism.
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So many innocent people have died...:(
Pray to God that all terrorists will disapear soon and we will be able to live our quiet normal lives...:angel:

Wishing a speedy recovery to all those who were injured during the attacks.