Raising $$ for a little girl who needs a Wheelchair


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I sponsor a little girl through Children International. She has a medical condition that causes her legs to be extremely weak. She can walk very little but only with support. She received a wheelchair through a free distribution but it is very bulky.....made out of one of those plastic chairs you use for outside. They cannot get it into her house which there are many windy, narrow stairs. Her mother is deceased and her father abandoned her. She lives with her grandmother on $30 a month. She has no way to get around inside her house. With Children International you can request to send children special needs gifts. Jessicas list consisted of a folding wheelchair, a walker, and a bed. I am funding the walker on my own. But I am fundraising for the wheelchair to get this for her as soon as possible. If anyone is interested here is the link:


All donations are tax deductable. And Firstgiving collects the donations securely and then forwards the money directly to the organization. Thank you for reading this!
I'd love to help out. Funds are a bit tight at the minute but if I ever get anything spare I'll be sure to donate. :)
Thankyou for posting, what a great thing you're doing. I hope the funds are met soon, I will keep it in mind when I get paid next.
Thank you so much. I know things are tight for everyone right now. Every thing no matter how big or small helps. Thank you for keeping it in mind and your kind words :)