Racism or not?

Dangerous 1991 HIStory

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
So... I had a very interestic debate with one of my friends and i would love to hear your opinions.

I'm going to be very short: My friend claims that his brother is racist, because he said that he finds white and black women more atractive than Asian women. My friend finds that racist (his brother is white).
However, i disagree. I don't beleive that finding one race more attractive than the other is racism. It's just personal preference on which one does not have impact. Racism would be if his brother would for example not want to be friend with someone who is Asian just because of her race.

I'm very interested in what others have to say. :)

And if you don't mind asking this, what about you? In my case, race doesn't have much impact on finding someone attractive or not.
If it's just a physical attraction thing then it's not racist.

I'm Pakistani and for most of my life I've been most attracted to white women, although I've also had periods here and there where I was most attracted to "brown" women (I'm talking like Middle Eastern, Latina, etc). In recent years I think I've "discovered" black women too :lol:... was just ogling one the other day when she bent over for something actually.

Of course there are girls from every race who are smoking hot. I also generally am not really attracted to Asian women, but that's not to say there aren't SOME Asian girls I'd be into.
dont see how thats being racist. everyone has preferences some like blondes some like brunettes.everyone is attracted to certain features. some features more than others. personally i prefer dark haired and darker skinned men. including black. does that make me a blonde (ist) lol. sorry blonde pasty white men dont do anything for me!
If it's just a physical attraction thing then it's not racist.

I'm Pakistani and for most of my life I've been most attracted to white women, although I've also had periods here and there where I was most attracted to "brown" women (I'm talking like Middle Eastern, Latina, etc). In recent years I think I've "discovered" black women too :lol:... was just ogling one the other day when she bent over for something actually.

Of course there are girls from every race who are smoking hot.

your just a dirty old man arent you LOL J/K
Not being attracted to a specific race doesn't necessarily mean your racist..I mean it could be racist if it's for the wrong reasons but usually it just comes down to what people feel more attracted to..Everyone's different in that regard I suppose

I'm attracted to all races myself..there's hot women of every race ;)
I only really find white women to be attractive...there are a few exceptions though. Doesn't make me racist, it's just my personal preference.
Not being attracted to a specific race doesn't necessarily mean your racist..I mean it could be racist if it's for the wrong reasons but usually it just comes down to what people feel more attracted to..Everyone's different in that regard I suppose

I'm attracted to all races myself..there's hot women of every race ;)

:bugeyed Are u a man? :shock:
I don't think he is racist............He just hasn't seen any good looking Asian women.

By the way.........Asian people come in every colour possible......its true.....

For example:
- Natives from the Russian Federation have same skin colour as Northern Europeans.
- Then there's oriental natives from the far east Asia.
- Then the middle east to the north of India, natives have lighter skin.
- Native skin colour gradually gets darker as you go South of India.
- And finally in the south tip of India and Sri Lanka, native skin colour is just like African American skin colour.

So looking at things that way.........your friend's brother does like Asian women!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing opinions! I'm glad we all agree on this one! :)

BTW: I just thought of something... Didn't some trashy newspaper called MJ a racist because most of his dates were white? I remember hearing about it and i couldn't beleive the stupidity of the article writer... I mean... does there even exist something like "racism to your own race"? Probably in a theory, but in a real life...
^ Yes, racism towards your own race does exist (not saying Michael is an example of this, though).
Nothing wrong with that as everyone said. I am attracted to women of all races. Every race produces fine women and women generally are attractive. Just the way women are, beautiful.
i don't understand the concept of racism toward your own race. but sex attraction is sex attraction, not racism. you never know what ur attracted to, till it comes along. but with racism, u have a preconceived notion.
I was watching a sitcom a few days ago where a black man didn't want a black doctor operating on him because he thought the doctor may have gotten ahead due to affirmative action and that a white doctor would be more competent. I know that's fictional but I bet stuff like that happens every day.
So... I had a very interestic debate with one of my friends and i would love to hear your opinions.

I'm going to be very short: My friend claims that his brother is racist, because he said that he finds white and black women more atractive than Asian women. My friend finds that racist (his brother is white).
However, i disagree. I don't beleive that finding one race more attractive than the other is racism. It's just personal preference on which one does not have impact. Racism would be if his brother would for example not want to be friend with someone who is Asian just because of her race.

I'm very interested in what others have to say. :)

And if you don't mind asking this, what about you? In my case, race doesn't have much impact on finding someone attractive or not.

No, it's not racism. Some people prefer a certain type. For example there are guys who prefer blonde women, there are guys who prefer dark-hair women. In my opinion it's the same with skin color. It's natural that we have preferences. Until there isn't prejudice connected to it, I don't find it racist, it's just preference.
well..i guess some may view that as racism, but i view that as indoctrination, and weak mindedness.
I was watching a sitcom a few days ago where a black man didn't want a black doctor operating on him because he thought the doctor may have gotten ahead due to affirmative action and that a white doctor would be more competent. I know that's fictional but I bet stuff like that happens every day.
I saw this show. This does happen and this is racism towards one self. As for this guy, no it is not racism. It is preference; however, if he was asian and thought other races of women were better looking than Asian women, then yes, I would say there is some self hatred going on. Lets face it, when it comes to people of color, there is often time self hatred that gone on into our lives due to racism in our society. And this can be something that we are aware of or not. it is like the movie "crash". this is like when a black child thinks a white doll look better than a black doll. That means there is some "self" issues going on there. this is way deeper than anyone wants to admit.
I saw this show. This does happen and this is racism towards one self. As for this guy, no it is not racism. It is preference; however, if he was asian and thought other races of women were better looking than Asian women, then yes, I would say there is some self hatred going on. Lets face it, when it comes to people of color, there is often time self hatred that gone on into our lives due to racism in our society. And this can be something that we are aware of or not. it is like the movie "crash". this is like when a black child thinks a white doll look better than a black doll. That means there is some "self" issues going on there. this is way deeper than anyone wants to admit.

it sounds like you are admitting what i posted, which isn't racism, but self hatred, based on indoctrination. sort of like a woman becoming anorexic, because society told her she should be skinny. that doesn't mean she doesn't like who the essence of herself is, but she allowed outside influences to evoke insecurity about herself. the line may seem subtle, but it isn't. it's very clear. i mean, the man may be afraid of a black doctor, but is he married to a black woman, and hang around his buddies at the barber shop..many of whom are black like him? i just think fear-based indoctrination and pure racism are two different things. even if the doctor was going through affirmative action, he still had to get an education to become a doctor. the man being uninformed goes a long way.
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^^Isn't racism itself hatred based on indoctrination? And how many whites who are racist will say, "Some of my best friends are black". For instance, a racist white in the south will have sex with a black woman, will have children by her, will talk to her friends behind closed doors, etc. but in his mind she still is inferior. This is a type of racism. And thinking that a person is inferior simply based on sKin color (even if it is a color that you have in common) is racism.
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Thanks for sharing opinions! I'm glad we all agree on this one! :)

BTW: I just thought of something... Didn't some trashy newspaper called MJ a racist because most of his dates were white? I remember hearing about it and i couldn't beleive the stupidity of the article writer... I mean... does there even exist something like "racism to your own race"? Probably in a theory, but in a real life...

Probably. There's a lot of animosity towards black men who date or marry white women.
^^Isn't racism itself hatred based on indoctrination? And how many whites who are racist will say, "Some of my best friends are black". For instance, a racist white in the south will have sex with a black woman, will have children by her, will talk to her friends behind closed doors, etc. but in his mind she still is inferior. This is a type of racism. And thinking that a person is inferior simply based on sjin color (even if it is a color that you have in common) is racism.

well the doctor incident is different, because we're talking about a patient full of fear, because he was indoctrinated to think that this doctor couldn't do anything for him because of affirmative action. but that doesn't mean that that man thinks the doctor is inferior. if you think a person is inferior, that's racism. but if you are trained to be fully afraid, that's ignorance and weak mindedness. that man would probably travel in circles full of friends of the same skin color as him, and do everything else, with people of the same skin color as him, but the one thing that strikes fear into him is seeing that 'affirmative action' doctor. i knew this would be hard to explain.

if a man decides to marry a woman who he thinks is inferior, then that's fodder for a study in human psychology.

if he just decides to have sex with her, without marrying her, that's just lust. and i guess, he thinks it's love. he may get caught up in lust, but he has time to decide whether or not he wants to marry her. to marry is a choice. to get laid is an instinct.
I don't think it's racism. I believe racism only exists if you don't like a certain race for no particular reason. Other than that, it's all personal preference.
I don't find it racist unless he feels these races are above another. Racism is when someone has hatered or intolerence towards a certain race. I agree with you, I think your friend's brother just has a preference.
That's not racist, being racist is excluding someone/insulting, killing, etc.. from a group because of his color or race