Rabbi’ Shmuley Boteach Running For Congress


Proud Member
Jan 19, 2012
Not sure if this belongs to this section. If admins kindly moves this if its in the wrong place.

My deepest sympathies to all people who lives in New Jersey if he gets through :wild:
Didn't he steal money from original HTW charity?

Former Michael Jackson Associate And ‘America’s Rabbi’ Shmuley Boteach Running For Congress

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, the former spiritual guru to Michael Jackson, sexpert, and reality television show host who bills himself as “America’s Rabbi” is running for Congress in New Jersey. According to the press release announcing Mr. Boteach’s run for New Jersey’s 9th District, his “historic campaign marks the first time a rabbi is running for Congress on the Republican ticket.” Mr. Boteach promises to focus on “returning authentic American values to the forefront” while “de-emphasizing the cultural distractions that are deeply dividing the nation.”

“We’re seeing in our great nation are not caused by an economic downturn but by a values erosion. The values that have dominated the American political landscape for decades include an obsession with gay marriage and abortion,” Mr. Boteach said on his website. “It’s time to expand the values conversation and policy agenda.”

The website for Mr. Boteach’s campaign identifies school vouchers, promoting human rights and “American-democratic ideals” in “the world’s most dangerous regions” and providing a tax deduction for marriage counseling as his core positions. Mr. Boteach said his marriage counseling initiative is the start of his push to restore American values.

“Let’s begin with really saving the institution of marriage by focusing squarely on the outrageous fifty percent divorce rate. I will promote legislation that will fight marital breakdown by making marital counseling tax-deductible,” Mr. Boteach said.

Thanks to redistricting, a pair of incumbents are battling for the Democratic nomination in the 9th District. Congressman Steve Rothman moved into the area after his home was drawn into a more Republican leaning district and he’ll be challenging his friend, Congressman Bill Pascrell, for the chance to run on the Democratic ticket.

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I frankly was wondering why he wasn't before- all his Huffington Post writings are pointing toward a certain direction. I remember reading his Whitney Houston article and it was the usual 'them stupid celebrities' speech mixed with his political views. Boteach was already using Whitney Houston's death to tout his own political aspirations. Michael's death wasn't usable in this way- Whitney Houston though- home turf to stomp on. Using the deceased for a political run- yummy yummy, yummy scummy.

My deepest sympathy for New Jersey. After Michael it became glarlingly obvious that he is forming associations with other public figures for his own gain- while decrying other famous people as being blinded by fame. He rubbed elbows with a number of politicans. Boy, will some of those whom he calls 'friends' now have a wake up call later. Very sad.

Women in particular will figure out that his 'open minded sexpertism' is nothing by hardcore sexism under the cloak of something else. Nauseating how he lectured women on their mammary glands being their husband's property. It's the stone ages being sold to you as 'values'.
Note how Boteach dared to accuse Michael of being 'erotically obsessed' with someone, while Boteach himself only gravitates to a certain type of male in the hopes that some of that power might rub off on him. If it wasn't so sad, one could laugh about the hypocrisy.
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I so agree with you Pace, well said.
He is one of those people that attach themselves to famous people in order to gain something out of it (leech in other words).
Sometimes i'm looking through his twits and just can't understand why this man happened with Michael. So selfish and phoney
Oh dear god he is joking ....isnt he......:lol:
"Former Michael Jackson Associate". Another one from the whole list of former associates, friends etc using his name for their own purposes.
I saw him on Dr. Phil lately, I was wondering why he took the liberty of crawling out of his sewer hole. Well, this about answers it. Hungry to have his ugly mug seen once more to boost this latest move.
Well the others hes going up against him will have a field day with all fraud hes been involved with. he was accused again not long back of making money off yet another charity he was involved with