Quotes by Michael about being Strong


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I went to read an article on Yahoo which was about Michael's last day. It was a lovely article. Then I clicked on "Buzz" and was confronted by so many thoughtless, HATEFUL and disgusting comments by people who obviously didn't read the article and just DON'T CARE about what's really real or not. I'm not one who goes around torturing myself by reading comments by idiots. I'm furious at the crap people are saying, yet I know I should be used to it by now, having gone through the entire trial.
But I'm not only pissed, I'm once again realising what a frightening world we live in. It's SCARY when people can just spit such hateful words about someone based on the rubbish they hear. Their words are so full of hatred. It's so frightening that people can be so mindless.

So guys, can you please give me some quotes by Michael to help me go through this period?
I need quotes about why he has been able to stay so strong, how he deals with the negativity, how such a sensitive person such as himself can be such an incredible survivor.

Thankyou so much in advance, guys.
Guys, thanks for your help.
I re-read 'Dancing the Dream' and that really made me feel better too.