(quitting smoking)with a drug called champix


Proud Member
Mar 9, 2008
hi there ,i don,t know if this is in the right section,
i,ve recently visited an nhs smoking adviser,
she talked to me and gave me some options of different things to try (ie)patches ,chewing gum tablets,
i decided to try a drug called champix,which is supposed to stop the nicotine recepters in your brain,
anyway one of the side effects is becoming depressed,and because i already suffer from anxiety my docter was abit reluctant to give them to me,
after a long talk with him ,i promised that if i started to feel unwell ,i would contact him,
also he said to make my family and friends aware if they noticed any changes in my mood.
anyway i was just curious to know if anyone else has tried this drug?,
how did you feel whilst you were on it?,
did you manage to quit smoking?

i,ve only took one pill starting this morning.
it's called chantix

and the best way to quit something is to do too much of it. i smoked for 11 yrs before i got preg. i was two months along and couldn't quit...so i smoked a half a pack, one after the other....aka smoked myself out. now when i smell smoke, it makes me nauseos....

i threw up constantly after i smoked and i was able to quit while i was preg. even when i tried to light up again after i had z, it didn't taste good....
I cant give up at all ive tried so hard the only thing i can suggest is my dad was a 60+ a day smoker and Read Alan Carrs Easy Way to Quit Smoking and just stopped , im embarressed to say i havent tried yet but he just stopped!
it's called chantix

and the best way to quit something is to do too much of it. i smoked for 11 yrs before i got preg. i was two months along and couldn't quit...so i smoked a half a pack, one after the other....aka smoked myself out. now when i smell smoke, it makes me nauseos....

i threw up constantly after i smoked and i was able to quit while i was preg. even when i tried to light up again after i had z, it didn't taste good....
hi soso i just took another look at the box and it says champix,maybe if you are from the states it maybe slightly different,anyway i managed to give up when i was preganant,my daughter is 10 now,but i was stupid enougth to start agin a couple of years after i had her,

thankyou sugerbunny and soso,i must say i have only taken one tablet and i havn,t smoked as much today,its a pack with like 2 weeks tablets in,the lady said,you will pick your quit day,i couldn,t get my head round that for the first week i will still be smoking with them,but she said gradually when the tablets start to kick in,i probably won,t feel like smoking,thats how they work,
It's Chantix in the US and Champix in Europe, according to Wikipedia. I don't know much about it, so can't help there. But (as you probably know by now) the drug won't make you quit anyway. YOU have to make you quit in the end ;)

Have you heard there's nothing worse than an ex-smoker? Yep. If you're allergic to unsolicited tirades by ex-smokers, exit here, lol... (but I thought I'd put my experience out there just in case it helps in some way!)

I smoked like a chimney from the time I was 14 years old until I was 28. I tried nicotine gum, going it on my own, Zyban (an antidepressant drug that's supposed to help stop the cravings)... nothing worked. But then... I succesfully did it in 2000, 9 years ago. How? I woke up one morning, smoked the last one from the pack and told myself I MUST quit. Period. Period. Period. NO choice. Just DO IT. NO excuses. No matter how stressed I get this week, I WILL quit. Period! There will never be the "perfect time". Something will always come up, because life is like that. You just have to be tough, suck it up and do it.

I won't lie and and say it was easy (which it seems to be for some people, argh). No, it was hard as hell. I had every withdrawl symptom I've ever read about. But you know what? They went away! It's like 2 weeks of hell (the first few days being the worst... but it DOES get easier! It does!!! What's a measly 2 weeks?) and after a while you only rarely get a craving and they get easier and easier to ignore. And then... even those go away and finally you're free. You'll feel like such a dumbass for letting cigarettes control you for all that time, lol. You'll be free of lighters and matches and the "OMG! Did I leave my cigarettes at home?!" moments. You stop wasting your money. You can breathe! You'll discover all kinds of little things about yourself (taste, smell, breathing, circulation) that you thought was totally ok, but clearly weren't, lol. You can handle a missed work break because you're not craving a stupid cancer stick. You're free of that constant need to plan your life around smoking! Not to mention the smell is gone, the funky yellow film on walls and car windows is gone, your new clothes won't get burn holes, no ashtrays, on and on.

What helped me was not only my health and the reasons above, but my ANGER at the control smoking had over me. Think about it... the tobacco companies manipulated nicotine levels for years to keep us all hooked (this was a big controvery not that long ago, at least in America). They know that "a younger customer always turns into a loyal customer", so we've been targeted in any way they legally could since we were kids. And don't think the top guys have any moral qualms about it. If they did, they'd be working in another industry, now wouldn't they? You fall into the trap and the bigshots are laughing their arses off about you all the way to the bank. By continuing to smoke, which, although it IS a drug, it's still BY CHOICE, we're totally going along with the whole wicked plan. Giving up life, health, finances, our futures ... so some rich guy can get the leather seat upgrade on his new executive jet or the bigger swimming pool for his 3rd vacation home. Ok, I'll shut up now, but those were my thoughts at the time that strangely helped me quit.

Well, in any case, good luck!!! It's totally possible, even for hardcore addicts ;)
well done for quitting,i have on a few occassions managed in the past on my own ,but stupidly started again,thankyou for telling me about your experience it all helps thankyou,
well done for quitting,i have on a few occassions managed in the past on my own ,but stupidly started again,thankyou for telling me about your experience it all helps thankyou,
LOL, me too. Don't you want to kick yourself in the head then? I had once stopped cold turkey when I was about 19 or 20. Three months later I got back together with my smoker ex-boyfriend. One night we got in a huge fight, the cops came, what a mess. He left his cigarettes sitting on the table.... I was stressed, been up all night... da da dummmm. If only I'd have not picked up that pack that night :doh: The final time I quit I had made a deal with myself... there IS no choice. No matter what happens. If one weak moment I were to give in, I'd be back to square one. Having to go through all that crap all over again wasn't worth it. But it sure wasn't easy. I guess that's why they say smokers usually try to quit several times before they're finally successful. So true. Again, good luck :kickass:
LOL, me too. Don't you want to kick yourself in the head then? I had once stopped cold turkey when I was about 19 or 20. Three months later I got back together with my smoker ex-boyfriend. One night we got in a huge fight, the cops came, what a mess. He left his cigarettes sitting on the table.... I was stressed, been up all night... da da dummmm. If only I'd have not picked up that pack that night :doh: The final time I quit I had made a deal with myself... there IS no choice. No matter what happens. If one weak moment I were to give in, I'd be back to square one. Having to go through all that crap all over again wasn't worth it. But it sure wasn't easy. I guess that's why they say smokers usually try to quit several times before they're finally successful. So true. Again, good luck :kickass:
thankyou so much,i,ll keep you posted how a get on.
have u tried smoking urself out ? smoke one after another after another until u get sick. that's what worked for me
have u tried smoking urself out ? smoke one after another after another until u get sick. that's what worked for me

I wouldn't suggest doing that, since that can incite nicotine poisoning or other effect. I used a drug called Wellbutrin, which my doctor had prescribed for me. It works kind of like an anti-depressant, it battles the withdrawel symptoms that come with quitting. You take it for a few months while building down the doses, until you stop taking it all together. I smoked over a pack a day, and now I've been smoke free for over a year :)

I do say though, unless you start out with a firm conviction to quit, nothing will ever do the trick for you. You really need to WANT TO quit.
nicotine poisoning? i've never met anyonewho could smoke more than ten w/o getting sick. then u get pukey and everytime u smellsmoke, u associate it w/ feelingbad. the flavor becomes a turnoff...hence, u don't need meds to resist, it's no longer appealing
i just thought i,d update you all,i smoked my last ciggarette at 10pm on the 14th june so i have gone 1 whole day without smoking,it is not as hard as i thought it would be,but i guess the medication is working abit,and also knowing that i have to go at the end of the week to have my carbon monoxide reading,wish me luck.
i just thought i,d update you all,i smoked my last ciggarette at 10pm on the 14th june so i have gone 1 whole day without smoking,it is not as hard as i thought it would be,but i guess the medication is working abit,and also knowing that i have to go at the end of the week to have my carbon monoxide reading,wish me luck.

Well Done Sarah keep going I might join you soon x
Well Done Sarah keep going I might join you soon x
thanks sugarbunny,i must say it does help if you do it through the nhs and also in this case if they give you patches or anything like that it is just the perscription charge instead of the big price you pay over the counter,i got the number through my doctor,you phone them up and they tell you the nearest place near you,
it also means i,ll have more money for the concert merchandise,hehe
Also as the arena is no smoking!! Uusally when I go there Ill miss the support acts and go in just before they person ive gone to see comes on - so i can get that last fag in. On saturday I totally forgot they dont let you back out and went in at 7 to watch Ciara the support after she as done I thought id go back out - but nope not aloud!! then you no that horrible nicotine niggly feeling you get i had in all night and couldnt relax :-(
I really want to see the whole show so might try patches that night lol!!

Sorry shouldnt talk about it to much sure thats not helping you lol x
Also as the arena is no smoking!! Uusally when I go there Ill miss the support acts and go in just before they person ive gone to see comes on - so i can get that last fag in. On saturday I totally forgot they dont let you back out and went in at 7 to watch Ciara the support after she as done I thought id go back out - but nope not aloud!! then you no that horrible nicotine niggly feeling you get i had in all night and couldnt relax :-(
I really want to see the whole show so might try patches that night lol!!

Sorry shouldnt talk about it to much sure thats not helping you lol x
it,s o.k ,you can,t avoid these things,like yesterday i took my daughter to school and on the way back someone walked past me with a cigarette,and i could smell it,but unless you lock yourself indoors,haha i was even watching the simpsons last night trying to take my mind of it,and they only had to have marges twin sisters fagging it,
I found out that when i stopped for a while - only when you stop do you see it everywhere? And when your a smoker you never see anyone else and feel like your the only one lol