Quincy Jones Talks About New Album 'Michael'


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Us: "Thriller" was done by T-Pain and Robin Thicke -- in a different way, obviously.

QJ: Auto-tune! Well, we had to with T-Pain. I go back to 1963 when nobody knew what it was!

Us: Speaking of Michael Jackson, some of his old stuff is being released now as a new album. Thoughts?

QJ: I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. Somebody called me up and asked me if it was Michael, and I said it sounds like Michael. But it's backed up by so many voices where I can't really dig down deep enough or I haven't really had time to dig deep enough to identify it. But no way it should be coming out. It should have all stayed in the vault.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson's final concert

Us: Why?

QJ: It seems like everybody is trying to put everything out that they can with him. I don't understand it. It's all to make money. He wouldn't have wanted it to come out this way. They must just be trying to make as much money as they can. I don't know know why else they are doing it.

Us: Why? Because he was such a perfectionist?

QJ: Right. He wouldn't have wanted anything out there he didn't put his final touches on. It's a crazy time right now. We're also looking at the descent of the record business. It's a very curious time right now. I've been in the business 60 years, and I've never seen anything like this.

Us: Does it make you sad?

QJ: Yeah, it does. I think in 10 months to a year, the record industry is going to be in trouble. Big trouble. It's all 95 or 99% piracy.
Us: Speaking of Michael Jackson, some of his old stuff is being released now as a new album. Thoughts?

QJ: I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. Somebody called me up and asked me if it was Michael, and I said it sounds like Michael. But it's backed up by so many voices where I can't really dig down deep enough or I haven't really had time to dig deep enough to identify it. But no way it should be coming out. It should have all stayed in the vault.

just as I thought - he didn't really listen to the song in detail and doesn't look like he was asked by the estate/sony.
just as I thought - he didn't really listen to the song in detail and doesn't look like he was asked by the estate/sony.

who has ever had to listen to a song 'in detail' before?

and i know there are people who will say that it's not unusual, but it is.
someone on here said the cascios said he sounds like Michael. but in the video he says he's not sure. and...what difference does it make who asks him to listen to it. if he listened, he listened.

nobody has ever had to TRY to listen to a song, before, like this.

he's still Quincy Jones. if not, then, those musicologists, or forensic scientists, are not forensic scientists. we can't raise the level of expertise, or lower it, to fit our arguments..
it shouldn't have been necessary to get the forensic people.
or else, we might as well say a lie detector test is admissable in court.

the bottom line is, there is an intangible bug that is causing confusion..and, it's easy to play down that bug, because it's intangible. sony has a dog in this fight..Jones does not. to me, that's saying something.

again..the emperor has no clothes..
and sony is the emperor.
but the emperor is the emperor, right?
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So now we know that he once said he couldn't tell whether it was Michael or not. Now we know he says it sounds like Michael, but it's backed by too many voices to really get in depth with the vocals. What a confusing situation.
Like I said, the man is senile....
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i'd like to find out how old some of those forenskc people are. but i'm sure i'll never find out for sure.
Like a said, the man is senile....

I agree...he seems to believe that the apocalypse is coming over the record industry...I can't stand him since he started bad-mouthing MJ out of spite.
To me, it's simple. If there are any doubts whatsoever, these songs should NOT be on the album.

FFS respect our idol! One of the things I always respected about Michael was his perfectionism. We don't need songs that people doubt are him. It's wrong on every level.

Whatever anyones opinion of Quincy Jones, the Jackson brothers or nephews, will.i.am etc is, the simple fact that there is something fishy about these tracks damages what should be a massive album. It's really a joke and an affront to Michael's legacy..
To me, it's simple. If there are any doubts whatsoever, these songs should NOT be on the album.

FFS respect our idol! One of the things I always respected about Michael was his perfectionism. We don't need songs that people doubt are him. It's wrong on every level.

Whatever anyones opinion of Quincy Jones, the Jackson brothers or nephews, will.i.am etc is, the simple fact that there is something fishy about these tracks damages what should be a massive album. It's really a joke and an affront to Michael's legacy..

The only reason there's doubt is because Michael isn't here to promote it himself, if Michael was here, signing autographs, leaving videos telling people to prepare for this album. We wouldn't be having this discussion....I'm confident with the belief that if 2000 Watts was released today, in the same circumstances, it'd get the same reception from fans as Breaking News did.
who has ever had to listen to a song 'in detail' before?

To me, it's simple. If there are any doubts whatsoever, these songs should NOT be on the album..

the sad reality is that Michael is dead. Now everything will need to be listened and verified and everything will have doubt of some sort about it. I think this is something that we need to get used to.
Whoever listens really Q that much anymore. He is like a zombie from Michael's Thriller. I hear T-pain in my ass!
The only reason there's doubt is because Michael isn't here to promote it himself, if Michael was here, signing autographs, leaving videos telling people to prepare for this album. We wouldn't be having this discussion....I'm confident with the belief that if 2000 Watts was released today, in the same circumstances, it'd get the same reception from fans as Breaking News did.

If Michael was here something like BN would never be released.
the sad reality is that Michael is dead. Now everything will need to be listened and verified and everything will have doubt of some sort about it. I think this is something that we need to get used to.

I disagree. There are plenty of song about which noone would have any doubts. Why release those which are dubious? And more so: making them the lead tracks of the album (smooth said Monster will be the 2nd single.....).
who has ever had to listen to a song 'in detail' before?

and i know there are people who will say that it's not unusual, but it is.
someone on here said the cascios said he sounds like Michael. but in the video he says he's not sure. and...what difference does it make who asks him to listen to it. if he listened, he listened.

nobody has ever had to TRY to listen to a song, before, like this.

he's still Quincy Jones. if not, then, those musicologists, or forensic scientists, are not forensic scientists. we can't raise the level of expertise, or lower it, to fit our arguments..
it shouldn't have been necessary to get the forensic people.
or else, we might as well say a lie detector test is admissable in court.

the bottom line is, there is an intangible bug that is causing confusion..and, it's easy to play down that bug, because it's intangible. sony has a dog in this fight..Jones does not. to me, that's saying something.

again..the emperor has no clothes..
and sony is the emperor.
but the emperor is the emperor, right?

I totally agree.
After all we have seen, read and, most of all, after all we have heard, saying MJ is 100% in those songs is simply not true. His voices is layered among other(s) and that is so easy to hear.

When I was born, Michael was already famous. When I was born, his voice was already icon and unic. That was 35 years ago. Don't ask me to pay "closer attention" to find Michael here or there. We know when he is there 100% and when he is not there 100%.

Bad (zero) promotion, weak first single, no promotion in iTunes, division among fans, confussions, family and "friends" being for/against the album, official statements, lies, anger.... where is the music in all this mess?? :doh:
I disagree. There are plenty of song about which noone would have any doubts. Why release those which are dubious? And more so: making them the lead tracks of the album (smooth said Monster will be the 2nd single.....).

Monster?????? :bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed


really... they are destroying this project if they follow this path. It's incredible they are doing this :doh:
If Michael was here something like BN would never be released.

Yet again, here you go talking like you have a monopoly over what Michael would or would not have done!

Do you have any idea how arrogant you sound? You didn't 'know' Michael. You don't know what he would have done! So get down off that 'high horse' of yours, and stop trying to speak for Michael!
I disagree. There are plenty of song about which noone would have any doubts. Why release those which are dubious? And more so: making them the lead tracks of the album (smooth said Monster will be the 2nd single.....).

if you read what I wrote more carefully you'll see that I didn't write "agree - disagree about songs". I said every project will have some sort of doubt about it meaning such as "Michael as a perfectionist isn't here to approve it" . All I'm saying that perhaps the "perfect release" is no longer a possibility.
Yet again, here you go talking like you have a monopoly over what Michael would or would not have done!

Do you have any idea how arrogant you sound? You didn't 'know' Michael. You don't know what he would have done! So get down off that 'high horse' of yours, and stop trying to speak for Michael!

So the best way to do is releasing non-remixed Michael songs. The resulktats that we'll hear will be for sure the resuktat MJ liked. Does the estate do that? No.
if you read what I wrote more carefully you'll see that I didn't write "agree - disagree about songs". I said every project will have some sort of doubt about it meaning such as "Michael as a perfectionist isn't here to approve it" . All I'm saying that perhaps the "perfect release" is no longer a possibility.

Absolutely. I'm of that opinion as well, that you can't please everyone all of the time.

However, I do believe they could and should have done much, much better than what they are doing thus far, regardless of who's singing on the tracks which have caused this mess.
So the best way to do is releasing non-remixed Michael songs. The resulktats that we'll hear will be for sure the resuktat MJ liked. Does the estate do that? No.

You can't release an album full of half-finshed songs, with Michael singing half and mumbling the rest because he hasn't written the lyrics yet!

It's painful enough listening to those when they are a 'bonus' track on a 'proper' album, unless you are a 'die-hard' fanatic who would even pay to hear MJ break wind!!

Some people on here need to realise, Sony is not going to spend money putting out an unfinished, untouched album full of half-baked demos with Michael making up words as he goes along - just because a few thousand 'hardcore' fans want it. It's ludicrous in the extreme!

Unless Sony can produce an album that will appeal to the wider public, and sell a minimum of 3-4 million copies worldwide, then they are not going to bother. Even if they risk losing a few thousand 'hardcore' sales, they will be better off. Surely you understand this?
Yet again, here you go talking like you have a monopoly over what Michael would or would not have done!

Do you have any idea how arrogant you sound? You didn't 'know' Michael. You don't know what he would have done! So get down off that 'high horse' of yours, and stop trying to speak for Michael!

Leopards don't change their spots
Perfectionsists don't suddenly become slapdash

It is patently absurd to suggest that Mike would ever release anything that was not performed, recorded, produced, mixed to the highest technical and aesthetic standards - he never released anything second rate in his whole life.

So, there is no monopoly of opinion here, just the historical facts - to deny history is the ultimate arrogance.
You can't release an album full of half-finshed songs, with Michael singing half and mumbling the rest because he hasn't written the lyrics yet!

It's painful enough listening to those when they are a 'bonus' track on a 'proper' album, unless you are a 'die-hard' fanatic who would even pay to hear MJ break wind!!

Some people on here need to realise, Sony is not going to spend money putting out an unfinished, untouched album full of half-baked demos with Michael making up words as he goes along - just because a few thousand 'hardcore' fans want it. It's ludicrous in the extreme!

Unless Sony can produce an album that will appeal to the wider public, and sell a minimum of 3-4 million copies worldwide, then they are not going to bother. Even if they risk losing a few thousand 'hardcore' sales, they will be better off. Surely you understand this?

And this ^^^ is the ultimate apologists' excuse for raping the archives - bah!
We'll have to wait for the complete album. But if most were songs that weren't even finished half then I don't get it. There must be many songs that were completed (maybe missing the last mix) and were then left out of the album cos they either didn't fit in the line list or made the album to long.

How come Sony can't find those? Maybe cos no one wants to give them to SOny?
Yes we know Michael was a perfectionist but all of the unreleased stuff would have had to have some form of mixing to be suitable for the sounds and standards of today. Michael is timeless and his legacy will live forever. He's not here anymore to put his final stamp on things and that breaks my heart. But his music is a gift and one to be cherished.
And this ^^^ is the ultimate apologists' excuse for raping the archives - bah!

He's right though, Sony is a business, not a fanclub. And there's no way at all, that they'd spend $250 Mil. Just to release albums of unfinished material. So therefore, there's only two options for them, release the music, mix and produce the songs to completion or leave the vaults alone entirely. And while most of us can live with Michael's entire back catalog, from OTW to Invincible, many of his own fans wouldn't be able to grasp the fact that nothing new will ever be released in their lifetime. Sony did what they felt would garner the most revenue, while at the same time doing us all a favor.