Quincy Jones on BBC4 last night - Michael Bits next week


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Last night on BBC4 there was a documentary on Quincy Jones - he is a legend!

You can watch part 1 again tonight:

00:40 Quincy Jones: the Many Lives of Q
1/2. From the Jazz Age to Hollywood - 1933-1974: A look at the extraordinary career of legendary producer Quincy Jones, who began as a trumpeter with Lionel Hampton.

For your information next week Friday @ 9pm is part 2 where there will be more Michael bits.

9:00 pm Quincy Jones: the Many Lives of Q
2/2. From the King of Pop to Hip Hop - 1975-2008: After recovering from a brain aneurysm, Quincy went on to produce the biggest-selling album of all time: Michael Jackson's Thriller.


Over and out.

I recorded Quincy Jones: the Many Lives of Q last night. A brilliant and very interesting documentary.

Although it wasn't an insult, I wasn't happy to hear the person doing to voice over describing Michael as " the 1980's King of Pop", because Michael will always be the King of Pop because of his genius and success. And the albums Michael made with Quincy Jones have been surpassed in both influence and success by anyone in the 1990's and 2000's.
For your information next week Friday @ 9pm is part 2 where there will be more Michael bits.

9:00 pm Quincy Jones: the Many Lives of Q
2/2. From the King of Pop to Hip Hop - 1975-2008: After recovering from a brain aneurysm, Quincy went on to produce the biggest-selling album of all time: Michael Jackson's Thriller.
Can someone record & upload this please?
:( im assuming we cant watch in the usa :( but thanks for the info~!
Although it wasn't an insult, I wasn't happy to hear the person doing to voice over describing Michael as " the 1980's King of Pop", because Michael will always be the King of Pop because of his genius and success.
That can go many ways. It can alway be taken as the person saying Michael ruled the "80" even though we know he is still the King of pop even in this era.
Thanks for the link StarTrader...but it says it can only be watched in the UK.
So sad...
Let us know how next week's show is...
I'm working again on friday so I'm gonna miss this. Would be cool if someone was willing to record and upload this :)
I hope it will be worth it, apparently they showed snippets from a rare interview that will be included this week
Its on now, interesting..........
Lol they said that the speakers set on fire when Van halen played his beat it solo lol I didnt know know that

That's not saying much for all of the hype where is the meat to back it up.
I thought the Michael Jackson part of Quincy Jones: the Many Lives of Q, was quite boring. I did enjoy watching Quincy Jones, Rod Temperton and Bruce Swedian etc talk about recording Off The Wall and Thriller. But as a long time fan I've heard all that stuff before (which I was expecting anyway), except for Eddie Van Halen geitar playing setting the speakers on fire, LOL !!!

I liked the very short video clip of Michael at a Donna Summer recording session in the very early 1980's, which I'd never seen before. I also liked seeing the inside of the Westlake recording studio where Michael recorded his albums from 1979-87. But it would be nice to see some video footage and more photos of Michael's recording sessions with Quincy Jones from 1979-87. I guess Michael owns all the photos and videos of those recording sessions, so I can't fault the makers of the documentary.

This great 2 part documentary on Quincy Jones not Michael Jackson. But it would be nice to see something involving Michael with something I haven't seen or heard before.
I thought the Michael Jackson part of Quincy Jones: the Many Lives of Q, was quite boring. I did enjoy watching Quincy Jones, Rod Temperton and Bruce Swedian etc talk about recording Off The Wall and Thriller. But as a long time fan I've heard all that stuff before (which I was expecting anyway), except for Eddie Van Halen geitar playing setting the speakers on fire, LOL !!!

I liked the very short video clip of Michael at a Donna Summer recording session in the very early 1980's, which I'd never seen before. I also liked seeing the inside of the Westlake recording studio where Michael recorded his albums from 1979-87. But it would be nice to see some video footage and more photos of Michael's recording sessions with Quincy Jones from 1979-87. I guess Michael owns all the photos and videos of those recording sessions, so I can't fault the makers of the documentary.

This great 2 part documentary on Quincy Jones not Michael Jackson. But it would be nice to see something involving Michael with something I haven't seen or heard before.

Thanks benscarr just as i figured nothing earth shattering or unknown to most fans. I guess we will never get that documentary or the behind the scenes in detail of those great years.
I thought part 2 was very good and though we never saw anything we didn't already know, they did show more than I expected them to. After all, this show was about Quincy and he was already a great producer before he met Michael, put these two genius's together and they reached unimaginable heights :D
I thought part 2 was very good and though we never saw anything we didn't already know, they did show more than I expected them to. After all, this show was about Quincy and he was already a great producer before he met Michael, put these two genius's together and they reached unimaginable heights :D

We'll we know this show was about Quincy but the way some fans hyped up the MJ segment you'd throught they had tons of footage of them working together in the studio is all im saying rather than just say hey yes they will show his history with Michael but the show is largely about Quincy and that would have been better than the hype overkill that started in this thread.

Well that's what y'all get hyping the MJ thing. Quincy is more than "Thriller". ;) Just like Michael is more than "Thriller".

Get the point? Good. :D
Even though I'd like to have seen some unseen video footage or photos of Michael in the documentary. I your just interested in Quincy Jones work with Michael you will find this documentray boring. But anyone that has an interest in Quincy Jones's career like I do, will enjoy this two part documentary because it is brilliant.
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Q ain't gonna go into alot of detail about MJ for various reasons at this stage. this was middle of the road and to be expected at this point. oh I know MJ has alot of rare studio and whatnot stuff with Q but it ain't seeing the light of day any time soon.
Even though I'd like to have seen some unseen video footage or photos of Michael in the documentary. I your just interested in Quincy Jones work with Michael you will find this documentray boring. But anyone that has an interest in Quincy Jones's career like I do, will enjoy this two part documentary because it is brilliant.

Thats true, some parts I was bored because I didnt want to here about Q that much, but others interesting because I didnt know alot about him at all so
I thought the Michael Jackson part of Quincy Jones: the Many Lives of Q, was quite boring. I did enjoy watching Quincy Jones, Rod Temperton and Bruce Swedian etc talk about recording Off The Wall and Thriller. But as a long time fan I've heard all that stuff before (which I was expecting anyway), except for Eddie Van Halen geitar playing setting the speakers on fire, LOL !!!

I liked the very short video clip of Michael at a Donna Summer recording session in the very early 1980's, which I'd never seen before. I also liked seeing the inside of the Westlake recording studio where Michael recorded his albums from 1979-87. But it would be nice to see some video footage and more photos of Michael's recording sessions with Quincy Jones from 1979-87. I guess Michael owns all the photos and videos of those recording sessions, so I can't fault the makers of the documentary.

This great 2 part documentary on Quincy Jones not Michael Jackson. But it would be nice to see something involving Michael with something I haven't seen or heard before.

Yeah, I have that footage of Michael. He along with a bunch of other big deal vocalists sang the backing vocals on Donna Summer's "State of Indipendence", which is a really good song.