Quick question


Proud Member
Jan 25, 2007
mods can delete after answered. how many copies has invincible sold to date in the unites states. and please provide a link. i \have some shuttin down 2do
A good place to get official figures (any website can make up a number) is on ukmix.org.
the Michael Jackson topic is here:


That forum has many experts (one is called MJDangerous) who have access to official sales data and compile it - not just from the UK, but many countries around the world. Other topics in that forum cover most other artists (old and new).

I think this is the best way for you to go. (i'm not saying that Hoofmark's info is wrong, just that ukmix is a reliable source.
well i bought 5 if that helps LOL

:lol: Yeah I think so too. :lol:

I also have many copies! When the new album comes we should all buy Invincible along with the new album. So Vince will climpe the charts again!
thanx guys, but im guessing there are no recently updated sales? last i knew vince sold 4.5 million in the u.s
thanx guys, but im guessing there are no recently updated sales? last i knew vince sold 4.5 million in the u.s

Really..the only official numbers that I knew of were 2 million in the U.S. and 8 million in total worldwide. But those numbers are atleast 5 years old. Have there been any updated official numbers?
Really..the only official numbers that I knew of were 2 million in the U.S. and 8 million in total worldwide. But those numbers are atleast 5 years old. Have there been any updated official numbers?

the last numbers i got wwas estimated between 10-12million worldwide. it was on some mj club site i checked a few months back. and the certification for the 2million mark was in january of 2002, so thats almost 7yrs, so im pretty sure the 4.5 million is rihgt or higher than that.
lol yea i love shuttin the peeps down with stats and facts lol

:yes: I still get a kick out of doin' that too...

although I seldom get the opportunity anymore cuz folks who know me, know not to go there around me
:yes: I still get a kick out of doin' that too...

although I seldom get the opportunity anymore cuz folks who know me, know not to go there around me

yea they know better, but they mad a comment about vince being a flop, so i threw out the 11million mark, so they came back with well it only sold 2million in the u.s., but the certification was january of 2002, its almost 7yrs now, and it lasted a while b4 it fell out of the charts. by now im sure the 4.5million plus is correct.