Quick question!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What is the reason Michael wears tape on his fingers? Does it have to do with the vitiligo or is it simply a fashion statement?
i think its a fashion statment too . it looks cool. latoya jackson once said he wore it because he was always getting bite my the his pet animals when he feed them. i do not know if that story is true though
Fashion statement. :)

It's mentioned in The Making of Moonwalker. The director (or someone) asked MJ why he was wearing "white band aids" on his fingers and MJ said "It helps my character".

Clearly a fashion statement / staging type thing. :D
It's all about creating the MJ phenominon..

It's giving a visual connection to him.

The tape, the armband, the glove, the socks. ALL is to create this BEING that is larger than life.. Gives THE MICHAEL JACKSON a life on its own..

simular to how wrestling does..
The Rock - his eyebrow, glasses, etc..
Undertaker - his outfit/evil like stances etc..

Michael creates a BRAND that is Michael Jackson.. Even the way he sings. If he were to just sing to himself it would not be the same way he does in an album. (not exactly) he ads things that MICHAELIZE it.

That is why when he speaks about other artists like Ne-Yo, he can say. 'He has the Michael Jackson sound'.. He does not say.. "his music sounds like mine"..

Once you create a brand, people buy it. People fall in love with it.. They have something to hold onto.. He knows fans like emulating heros. So he gives them things to feel like they can be like him.. fans will buy/make gloves, jackets/ put the tape & armbands.. These represent MICHAEL..

Gives something PHYSICAL to represent MICHAEL JACKSON.. GREAT PR move
Yes the fashion. I think it may also add to the fact that he wants the viewer to watch his hands as he's making certain dance moves. Once again the same reason why he wears the socks and the white glove. ^_^
I always thought it was to accent his moves. Even though he stated otherwise he may just not be giving away trade secrets.

ooops .......:ph34r:
I've always liked the tape!

Only MJ could wear tape on his fingers and make it look cool!
I read somewhere that that was an old peformers technique. I don't know why.
I read somewhere that that was an old peformer's technique. I don't know what for.
excerpt from Tatiana Thumptzens book The way he made me feel (the way you make me feel girl obviously)

''i asked Michael why he always wore tape wrapped around his finger tips during performances. He explained that the tape gives an ''elusion of extension for dramatics.'' i thought how ingenious , and i told him, ''You are a genius!'' Michael loved this compliment as he smiled from ear to ear. He said sweetly, ''Oh thank you.''

lol i have to give her credit sounds true.. it does create extension and makes you want to look at his hand. magic.. elusion..michael loves that. aka the glove..socks..makes you want to look at certain angles of his body while hes dancing. so i think it goes further than only fashion.
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excerpt from Tatiana Thumptzens book The way he made me feel (the way you make me feel girl obviously)

''i asked Michael why he always wore tape wrapped around his finger tips during performances. He explained that the tape gives an ''elusion of extension for dramatics.'' i thought how ingenious , and i told him, ''You are are a genius!'' Michael loved this compliment as he smiled from ear to ear. He said sweetly, ''Oh thank you.''

lol i have to give her credit sounds true.. it does create extension and makes you want to look at his hand. magic.. elusion..michael loves that. aka the glove..socks..makes you want to look at certain angles of his body while hes dancing. so i think it goes further than only fashion.

yeah, it does. I can imagine that happening just the way she described it.:)
Last time we saw him wear it was on the Bashir interview right at the end where Bashir starts grilling him right? The interesting thing about that is that he only wore it btwn that little break they took. Why would he suddenly think of wearing tape at a time like that.
He has very long fingers... maybe it's also to make his fingers look more powerful or something when performing. Illuminates his movements that bit extra, like the white socks do.... But ya, it's all to do with character, nothing wrong with his fingers. :D But I wouldn't like to be standing in the line of fire when he is pointing one of those tapes atcha, cos I think there be some very forceful electricity coming out of him sometimes!! :p xx
He does it for 2 reasons:
1 fashion indeed ;)
2 his moves are better watchable from a big distance, like the white socks and glove. its all about seeing his moves better :)
I think he's also said that as long as there's children sufffering in the world he'll keep wearing the arm band.
fashion statement. he said during smooth criminal/moonwalker he wanted to create something mysterious for the character so the arm bands and finger tape came into play
i think its a fashion statment too . it looks cool. latoya jackson once said he wore it because he was always getting bite my the his pet animals when he feed them. i do not know if that story is true though

Could be true too. But I believe it's a fashion thing. At the same time it's handy and important because with that, the micro can't slip (cause when you're sweating), that's the same when you wear a clove, you just can hold the micro better.
Yes the fashion. I think it may also add to the fact that he wants the viewer to watch his hands as he's making certain dance moves. Once again the same reason why he wears the socks and the white glove. ^_^

completely agree with you :cheeky:
excerpt from Tatiana Thumptzens book The way he made me feel (the way you make me feel girl obviously)

''i asked Michael why he always wore tape wrapped around his finger tips during performances. He explained that the tape gives an ''elusion of extension for dramatics.'' i thought how ingenious , and i told him, ''You are a genius!'' Michael loved this compliment as he smiled from ear to ear. He said sweetly, ''Oh thank you.''

lol i have to give her credit sounds true.. it does create extension and makes you want to look at his hand. magic.. elusion..michael loves that. aka the glove..socks..makes you want to look at certain angles of his body while hes dancing. so i think it goes further than only fashion.

Aha! That would confirm what I have always thought. I hadn't read that quote before but had heard something similar. The white socks with the highwaters also emphasis his moves. If it doesn't show up against whatever background his moves are lost. Even his moonwalk wouldn't have been as astounding without the visibility of the white socks. Think of how he always hikes his pants up before he does one of his trademark moves. If you have seen the video of the skeletan dancing to his exact moves that was in some ways even more effective than watching MIchael because the movement of the white skeletan was so dramatic.
yeah, def. visual effect. genius way to be able to see his moves better. Gives focus. And pardon, but I don't know if the tape is necessary anymore since his hands are so pale these days anyway, they themselves give a very natural effect.

He has been dressing very differently than he used to. Used to be glitz and glamour and loafers, now it's suit coats, funny tees, and boots. We're used to this different Michael style now. hmmm wonder if this classy style is what will show up on stage...no doubt he'll still want his socks to show, though, so we can see his feet do their thang :)