Quick question about the video montage


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
orange county, ca
Now there is a part in that great video montage that I had never seen before. It is the part of Michael walking in the dark, in that military jacket during the thriller era. It happens during the 19 second mark, does anyone know where that was taken from? Also the part that fame and fortune is all illusions at the 49 second mark.

Yeah, I asked the same question in the other thread too. ;)

I'm guessing it was the same day as the Victory Tour press conference where he was wearing the exact same thing.
The "Fame and fortune" quote was from Michael as the Scarecrow in 'The Wiz'.

"Success, fame, and fortune, they're all illusions. All there is that is real is the friendship that two can share."
Now there is a part in that great video montage that I had never seen before. It is the part of Michael walking in the dark, in that military jacket during the thriller era. It happens during the 19 second mark, does anyone know where that was taken from? Also the part that fame and fortune is all illusions at the 49 second mark.


I can't watch it because I'm at work, but the YouTube link above, is that the full video montage from the memorial? :)

If so, thanks for posting, I just loved it. It had so much great footage but, it's so upsetting at the same time though. :(
I was wondering as well, never seen that before. His smile there and sparkle in his eyes though is wonderful as always. I love this montage.