Quick Question About the re-do of 'We Are The World'


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Providence, RI
After the song is re-done, if it wins a grammy (next year) again for say...song of the year, will the grammy go to MJ and Lione again? since that award goes to the songwriters.
bad news the grammy will go to lione
and michael will miss out
i hear a romour that we are the world will be done but without michael's beatiful voice?
i find out more romours/news as they pop up somewhere on the the net
i get all my information/news/romours from
I hope this song isn't redone (especially without Michael)...this is one of my absolute favorite songs. Michael's demo version is so beautiful.

Is this really true? Who all are they going to have singing it?
The song shouldn't be re-made without Michael's vocals, Michael was the soul of We Are The World. Keeping Michael's vocals in would keep the magic of the song, and also increase sales of the single which would be great for the charity. I think it would be an insult to Michael's memory and family not to keep his vocals in, considering Michael co-wrote it (I heard he wrote most of it) and the song ment a lot to Michael. And their is no way We Are The World would have been re-made without Michael if he was still alive and living among us.
no news/romours about we are the world re-make i find out in a few days more information on we are the world
I doubts its going to happen.. and if it is redone sorry but Lionel (and God bless Lionel) is gonna make a mockery outta this song, without MJ's voice its not going to sell a lot.
If it does help people in Haití, a mean, if it really gets a lot of money for them, I would accept Michael not being there. However, I don't like the idea at all. This is an iconic song and we all (the world, not only MJ fans) relate WATW to MICHAEL JACKSON. It's been so for decades, so I don't like the idea of doing this again without the heart of the song: Michael Jackson. Now, how would this be? Who knows. As we said in another thread, music seem dead without Michael and it's nothing but words and some sounds. But it lacks the feeling and the passion Michael brought to it. WATW was the result of love in action and the main drive behind that was Michael.

If this is meant to Haití, I support it. I would been not that supportive, if it had come just as another "tribute" out of nothing.

Ok, random talk. I went off topic, sorry.
It's happening guys, Quincy was at a private party a few days ago where he confirmed that he's gathering artist (he wouldn't say which ones) on Monday (the day after the grammy's) to "re-vamp" the song for hatti.
The song shouldn't be re-made without Michael's vocals, Michael was the soul of We Are The World. Keeping Michael's vocals in would keep the magic of the song, and also increase sales of the single which would be great for the charity. I think it would be an insult to Michael's memory and family not to keep his vocals in, considering Michael co-wrote it (I heard he wrote most of it) and the song ment a lot to Michael. And their is no way We Are The World would have been re-made without Michael if he was still alive and living among us.

I agree with you. Even though he co-wrote it with Lionel and a bunch of people sang it, I think everyone knows We Are the World as a Michael Jackson song. The producers are making a mistake if they don't include Michael's vocals.
if they re-vamp or whatever they claim to be doing and it turns out that MJ's vocals are NOT included, They will never hear the end of it and will regret it til the end of time!