Questions regarding MJ`s past tours

1) I'm guessing it had something to do with the fact that it was with his brothers...
2) I think by the HIStory Tour Michael had had enough of U.S.A. but I could be wrong.
4) Yes he did plan to tour with 'Vince, but he - along with other artists - cancelled it because of 9/11
5) Maybe he tried, but didn't have time/dates?

I hope I helped a little, sorry I didn't know more.

I am a new one here, so if I posted this thread into wrong sub-topic, I apologize for doing so.

I`d like to know the answers to these questions:

1) Why Michael never took the Victory tour to Europe and all around the world in 1984?

2) Why Michael never took the History tour to South- and North-America in 1997 (USA, Canada)?

3) Why Michael never toured in Canada as a solo performer in 1988-1989 during the Bad tour?

4) Did Michael plan to tour during the Invincible era (2000-2003) and later before This Is It?

5) Why Michael never rescheduled these 3 Washington, Tacoma concerts cancelled in 1988 as he did with LA ones in 1989?

Thank you. I appreciate it.

I've been wondering about #3.

Here's what I think about:

2) He can't perform in the US because of the way the country treated him because of the allegation back in 93'.
3) I still don't understand, maybe the sales weren't good enough in Canada, maybe that's way. I believe it's something else.

That's all I know.
Hi and welcome to MJJC :D ..I love talking/researching about Tour stuff so I will do my best to answer your questions

1) Why Michael never took the Victory tour to Europe and all around the world in 1984?

~There were reports that they were going the Victory tour as a World Tour, but according apparently Michael had wrote Don King (The Tour presenter) he had no interest at the moment and he also said in a speech he was leaving group after the last show in Los Angeles. Michael said when he agreed to do the tour he decided to donate everything he made from it to charity...Also Michael had wanted to call this tour "The Final Curtain" because it was going to be the last tour with the Jacksons...So IMO, I'm not sure if he was too keen on doing the tour, but he decided to do it partly for his family and mostly for fans/helping people.

2) Why Michael never took the History tour to South- and North-America in 1997 (USA, Canada)?

~I'm not 100% sure on this one..Just IMO, but I think the way he was treated by American media and everything had just put him so off...Another guess is maybe he Michael felt he would focus on The Americas in his next tour so he did it this way..

3) Why Michael never toured in Canada as a solo performer in 1988-1989 during the Bad tour?

~Hehe, you can imagine as a Canadian myself I do wonder about that. He could have easily sold out a TON of shows..I really don't know...This is just a guess, but maybe there was a certain restriction of some sort so they had to unfortunately cut Canada out of it...I wish I knew why, hopefully some day we will know for sure.

4) Did Michael plan to tour during the Invincible era (2000-2003) and later before This Is It?

~Yeah he did..I think 9/11 happening was the main reason for cancelling it..Which is really too bad because I love Invincible and would
have loved to seen those songs live.

5) Why Michael never rescheduled these 3 Washington, Tacoma concerts cancelled in 1988 as he did with LA ones in 1989?

Not entirely sure, I know those 3 Tacoma show were canceled after he came down with the flu..It might have been a case of he had to follow a certain touring schedule or it would have put everything out of place..He may have had other commitments to take care of, I can't say for sure.

Hope I helped :)
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Thank you.

Were the possible tour dates available at this time to the fans or not?

Your welcome :D

No there isn't any official tour dates available since there was no press conference or announcement..Michael usually announced his solo world tours either shortly before or after the album release so since he didn't do it before I'm guessing it would have happened in late 2001 or early 2002..The album release was not too far from when 9/11 happened as well =\

I think he would have been doing touring in North America since he did those 30th Anniversary shows in New York :)
1) Are the Destiny tour dates and Triumph tour dates in Wikipedia correct? I am not asking this about Victory, Bad and so on solo tours, because their dates seem to be widely accepted by the fans.

By the way, what was the original source, where were written that Destiny tour had 123 dates, Triumph tour 39 dates, Victory tour 55 dates, Bad tour 123 dates and dangerous tour had 69 dates?

There were no widespread Internet/Wikipedia in 1970`s, 1980`s, 1990`s...

~Yeah I believe Wikipedia has it all right..I think a lot of their references are from other MJ fan sites who keep track of all the Tour information.. I find that Wikipedia is very reliable when it comes to the the Tours because it's just all about facts..Like I think that there might always be some variations in different sites, but in basically most have the same info..

2) How many concerts were cancelled during the Victory, Bad, Dangerous and History tour? Can I find the places and dates somewhere? I have found different dates from Wikipedia and I am not sure, if they are correct. Rescheduled dates are also interesting.

~ Wikipedia should have all the info about cancelling and rescheduling/dates.. I like to use Wikipedia because it's organized in a way I like and it also has a bunch of interesting tidbits and facts which is fun to read :D ..There is other sites out there that do have the Touring info but I've mainly focused on Wikipedia myself..It seems reliable..

3) Is the information true about the cancelled dates of Dangerous tour in Wikipedia? How many concerts were planned to take place in 1993 and did Michael plan to tour in 1994?

I'm 99.9% sure that Wikipedia has the cancelled dates right..I've checked some other Tour sites and they seem to be in line with what Wikipedia says..And yep, Michael definitely had planned to do some touring in 1994, that I know that for sure.

4) Where can I find information about the earlier Jacksons and Jackson 5 tours (tour dates)?

~I like this one..

It doesn't list any of the Pre 1970 shows, but I'm sure there is some sites out there that list them :)