Questions regarding Michael's health

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Proud Member
Jan 25, 2009
1st - what's up with Michael's leg here?



2nd - did Michael have upper lip done? Cause if you watch these pics you can see the difference...





3rd - why Michael has red around his mouth in 30th Anniversary concert 2001?



4th (question by Rhilo) -

Ok I have a question to add to this thread. Does anyone if Michael had any allergies (like I'm allergic to shrimps haha), and if so what he was allergic to?
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1. I think he sprained his ankle.

2. Looks more like tattooed lip coloring that extended past his lip line.
Ok I have a question to add to this thread. Does anyone if Michael had any allergies (like I'm allergic to shrimps haha), and if so what he was allergic to?
Ok I have a question to add to this thread. Does anyone if Michael had any allergies (like I'm allergic to shrimps haha), and if so what he was allergic to?

I'll add this in first post ;D
I'm guessing an ankle sprain. And as for that upper lip, I'm guessing the tattooed lipstick went TOO far.
Michael had a condition of "frozen lip" around the Invincible era, due to botched surgery. Wasn't his fault at all, and it looked painful for him to smile - and even sing, as you can see in the 30th anniversary concert - but was later corrected by the time the trial was on. I know it's a bit of a sensitive topic, but you can see in later years (2006 onwards) that his nose returned to the shape it was in the 90s. There was definitely some bad surgery going on during 2001-2003, and I think it was combined with a flare up of his lupus that gave him that slightly off-kilter appearance. I feel sorry for the poor guy. :(

I just want to quote somebody on another board who knows more about this topic than me -

I read that around 2001 a doctor struck a nerve near his mouth which is why his smile was affected and it looked painful for him to smile/laugh at times between 2001-early 2004.

I know I've read that interview too, but I can't remember for the life of me where it would be now.
Michael had a condition of "frozen lip" around the Invincible era, due to botched surgery. Wasn't his fault at all, and it looked painful for him to smile - and even sing, as you can see in the 30th anniversary concert - but was later corrected by the time the trial was on. I know it's a bit of a sensitive topic, but you can see in later years (2006 onwards) that his nose returned to the shape it was in the 90s. There was definitely some bad surgery going on during 2001-2003, and I think it was combined with a flare up of his lupus that gave him that slightly off-kilter appearance. I feel sorry for the poor guy. :(

Thanks for this info. I've always wondered about the change in his lips and the way he smiled during that period. I found it weird - he looked very different. And thanks to you this is one more mystery solved and crossed out from my list. I have a lot more and so the quest for the truth continues.

Also I felt that his lupus flareups were the reason why sometimes he looked bloated and like you said, off-kilter, and he was not quite the Mike that I'm used to. It was very evident during the 30th Anniversary. I wonder though if he also took anti-anxiety medication during this time which was evident in his eyes and the way he moved and talked.
Yes very much so, its a flair up of lupus and the painkillers he was taking for it that made him seem a little misty-eyed and not like himself. I know the Rabbi's book is full of mostly crap, but he speaks about this several times although he incorrectly says it was due to an addiction that Michael was taking certain things. It was definitely to combat the effects of lupus, which can be extremely painful.
1. MJ had been bitten by a brown recluse spider.

2. Looks like he was trying to make his lips look fuller.

3. The story I heard was that Michael had a benign tumor in his mouth, and the doctor who operated touched a nerve, effecting his ability to move his upper lip.
While MJJC does allow discussion of MJs health over all _ we dont want to invade MJ privacy
so do not post any rumours or statement that havent been made public ..

On top of that Please There will be NO specualtion here as to Michaels drug use
or what you percieve actions caused by drugs. Please keep the info factual here and not
to invasive of his privacy.

This started out as a innocent question asking about MJs broken leg but is
now leading into more invasion of privacy .. and specualtion.

Something like this should be taken more serious and not be flying around any
rumor or gossip or specualtion you can find on the topic as if its a game ..

Becuase the topic is changing and leading into invasion of Michaels privacy
and unallowed specualtion and rumors about his healh are being posted

THIS THREAD IS Closed for review by the Amins
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