questions on WMA 2006


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i was just wondering whether it is true that he only sang a few lines becoz his mic got cut off due to being over the 11pm curfew?

and is it true that everything was runnin late and no one wanted to give him his award thats why bon jovi refused and they had to beg beyonce to do it?

and what did mike buy from topman during his time in london during november? i want to know becoz i cant imagine him wearing any of the stuff from there

and also . . . why didnt mike make much effort to look good? his hair looked so cool during jesse jackson bday and james brown funeral, why didnt he do his hair up like that? was it coz of the weather being cold in london?

and most importantly do u think he could have sung better and seemd really nervous and shaky?
The answers to my knowledge in your running order:
Don't know about the mic
Highly doubt no one wanted to give MJ the award
Didnt even know MJ went topman
Michael looked amazing!
And finally Michael never agreed to preform but only to collect his award the whole We Are The World few notes were a add on and he never intended on singing or preform, the whole story about him preforming was created by the media
mj went to topman because phillip green who owns the place was sponsering the WMA he went out to dinner with mj and others and i think afterwards went to topman. we were all like wth hes doing at topman when we found out. standing outsidewatching him shop in there was certainly different.
and what did mike buy from topman during his time in london during november? i want to know becoz i cant imagine him wearing any of the stuff from there
i am not sure if it was in topman (but it was on that shopping trip night) there were photos he was checking some lipgloss
mj went to topman because phillip green who owns the place was sponsering the WMA he went out to dinner with mj and others and i think afterwards went to topman. we were all like wth hes doing at topman when we found out. standing outsidewatching him shop in there was certainly different.
was it that huge topman on Oxford str?
yeah. we were stood at the side entrance with all these builders from over the road lol
yeah. we were stood at the side entrance with all these builders from over the road lol

yeah that was an adventure alright, lost him after Nobu, then got a phone or text cant remember which that he was in TOPSHOP /TOPMAN at Oxford Circus, very mad midnight taxi trip down Oxford Street!

and to answer your questions, the show was a complete shambles right from the start. They were behind schedule even letting us into the arena cos the rhearsals were late finishing, the host Linsey Lohan kept fluffing her lines and even didnt make it onstage for some of her links, there were huge gaps between performers and then the fiasaco at the end. All together not the WMA's best put together show!
so why did mike go to it anyway. he could have turned it down
i wish he did cos atleast then people wouldnt remember his last performance as the awful WMA one in 06

who agree with me
mj went to topman because phillip green who owns the place was sponsering the WMA he went out to dinner with mj and others and i think afterwards went to topman. we were all like wth hes doing at topman when we found out. standing outsidewatching him shop in there was certainly different.

how long was mike in london for? was it only for one day?
and what did he buy from topman? a emo hoodie? lol
Never being old enough to go to any off his concerts the world music awards to me was amazing when i heard him sing those few lines, god i was blown away to be there and hear his beautiful voice made my life!!! Yeah the show was a shambles but michael as always was amazing!!!
i still dont get the whole WMA fiasco .. and was thinking about it today actually

why did noone from MJs management DENY there was going to be a performance.. cos the papers were all full of rumours.. MJ put himself right up for a SLATING afterwards. MJ HIMSELF had to deny there was going to be a performanceon the red carpet before!!! its a total joke! another car crash incident us fans had to witness...

unless MJ did actually count that as a "performance".. i just dont see why his PR people didnt manage it better (did he even have any PR people cos it couldnt have gone any worse IMO)
The Access Hollywood clip of the awards was much clearer in audio. You can hear his voice, damn I remember it gave me goosebumps! "We are the worrrld" *crowd and children's choir goes crazy* " we are the childrren" Oh, I loved it. Problem came when Mike had to sing over Stevie Wonder and Springsteens ad-libs as they were playing a backing track of the song. It was round about that time that they cut the music. Anyway Michael was not "shaky", he looked confident and in control.
how long was mike in london for? was it only for one day?
and what did he buy from topman? a emo hoodie? lol

He was in London for about 10 days, if I remember right. He stayed at The Hemple Hotel in Bayswater. He did alot more than just go to the WMA'S. He went to see Mary Poppins, went out to dinner, went to the Guiness World Records office and collected an award

i still dont get the whole WMA fiasco .. and was thinking about it today actually

why did noone from MJs management DENY there was going to be a performance.. cos the papers were all full of rumours.. MJ put himself right up for a SLATING afterwards. MJ HIMSELF had to deny there was going to be a performanceon the red carpet before!!! its a total joke! another car crash incident us fans had to witness...

unless MJ did actually count that as a "performance".. i just dont see why his PR people didnt manage it better (did he even have any PR people cos it couldnt have gone any worse IMO)

why did he agree to go there tho?

The whole thing was a PR shambles. His the PR spokesperson a Ms Romaine Bain did nothing to stop the rumours of him performing, and it was due to her lack of damage control that the whole thing became such a media circus.

He only ever went to the show to collect an award
lol, I remember I got so upset watching the show, because when Michael started to sing along, those background singers wouldn't shut their mouth. :p

But my god...those few lines he did just gave me goosebumps.

And I actually dont think there was anything wrong with his hair, I loved his hair and outfit.