Questions For Michael (merged)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was wondering if there was one question you could have asked Mike, what would it have been? I'm still trying to decide what mine would be, because he was so fascinating that I can't narrow it down to just one, nobody kept the world guessing and talking like MJ, so I'd love to hear what everyone else would have asked him if they were lucky enough to be given the chance to interview him or spend the day with him!
Re: Questions For Michael

Why do you trust Murray?? :(

EDIT.....sorry don't mean to ruin your thread.
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Re: Questions For Michael

Now that he is gone, I would ask him, "Do you know how much you are loved?" But while he was still alive? Hmm. I think that would change a lot, but today, if he were still alive, I would like to ask him something like, "You are obviously full of love and believe in the healing power of love. Where do you think your love comes from and why?" But like you, there are many, many questions I would also like to ask, so I think my "one" question would probably change depending on the day. :)
Re: Questions For Michael

i would ask him to tell me his best moments in his life, or about all his dreams/fantasies, or about whatever interesting stories he wanted to share, also which 80s artists he used to listen during the 80s.
ok its hard, i just thought of another question, i'd like him to tell me how would he imagine his life if he wasn't famous and he didn't sing/dance.
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Re: Questions For Michael

How do you feel about the obsessive fans obsessing over ur body parts? does it scare you or does it flatter you?

do you think your sexy?
Re: Questions For Michael

Michael ,could you give me your phone number in paradise??(so that i can ask him many questions whenever i have one~~)
Re: Questions For Michael

hmmmm idk..

now that he is gone i'll probably ask..

1. What happened the day you died? What REALLY happened?
2. Did you expect to have this much impact after death on the world?
3. What do you really want to happen with the kids? Like how do you want them to be raise and with who? etc (to fix the whole kids issue)
4. If you can come back from the dead would you? why or why not?
oh and one more lol
5. If you can say one last thing to your kids what would it be and why?

but if he was still alive i would ask something like

1. Who is the REAL Michael jackson? Like how is HE in real life...shy, flirty, etc
2. Are you happy with your life?
3. If you can change something about your life what would it be?
4. Did you really ever find true love?
5. Do you have any regrets?
6. What are your real dreams? what would you really want to do in life?
and of course
7. where did you learn to MOVE like that!?!?!? lmao

I have so many question I would ask him if I ever got or would have had the chance. But these are just some that come straight to my mind.
Re: Questions For Michael

addressed to Michael the ARTIST:
1. Which contemporary song (not your own) do you wish you had written and performed? :)
Re: Questions For Michael

Will you marry me and have lots of kids with me?

haha I don't know. It wouldn't be just one question. I have way to much to ask him
Re: Questions For Michael

When he was alive...

"What was the most beautiful thing you ever witnessed in your life...and did it inspire you to write a specific song?"

Now that he has passed...

"What was the happiest moment of your life to look back on..."
Re: Questions For Michael

Oh if he was alive?! Then I'd ask if there's anything I could do for him
Re: Questions For Michael

I do magic so I would ask him if he wanted to see a trick. Would of loved to perform for him.
What would you ask Michael if you met him today?

My goodness...I wouldn't be able to speake. ......I'm pretty sure Micheal should have been president.... Seriously. I love that Michael was a normal person when he talked to people. He had a normal ego. Of course when he was on stage he had his persona., but I'm pretty sure he is just like everyone else...Dang...I'm rambleing... Sorry...
Re: What would you ask Michael if you met him today?

I have been focusing on beingg positive every day. Yes, it hurts becuase people don't see it, but it wears on them...
Re: What would you ask Michael if you met him today?

Michael would you do it all again?
Re: What would you ask Michael if you met him today?

If his death had definitely been natural causes I'd ask:

What 1 piece of advice for life would you give me Michael?

But as it stands, right now sadly I know I would want to know this:

Were you murdered Michael?
Re: What would you ask Michael if you met him today?

I would just want to know if he is alright now.
If he feels all the love for him, i know he does but i'd still ask because in the end thats the only thing that truly matters.
Re: What would you ask Michael if you met him today?

I would want to know when he was the happiest?
Re: What would you ask Michael if you met him today?

Are you happy?
Re: What would you ask Michael if you met him today?

we must have been thinking the same thing Butterfly
Re: What would you ask Michael if you met him today?

If I met Michael today I wouldn't ask him anything but would rather thank him for all that he was, and all that he taught us. I am so incredibly humbled and thankful for the things he has done for other people and I really feel honored to have been able to see and understand what an amazing being he was.

If I did have to ask him something, I'd ask if he is happy and at peace, at last.
Re: What would you ask Michael if you met him today?

I don't know if I would want to ask him something, I would just like to tell him that I love him and how much joy he and his music brings me.