Questions about Michael's Announcement at Victory tour concert


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Is it true that he surprised his family and announced that he would no longer be touring with the J5 before the tour was over? Or was that the last scheduled concert?

Did he really have to get one of his body guards to protect him from Joe?

How did his brothers react?

One more unrelated question. It's kind of disturbing but I wanted to know if it's true.

Did Joseph really use to kick Michael in his private area? I don't remember where I read that but the article said something about Michael having problems because Joe would do that. I hope it's not true.
Michael did announce during the last concert of the Victory Tour that it was the end of the Jackson 5 touring. However, in the later Ebony Magazine interview, he says that he did not intend to leave the Jackson 5.

As far as I know, there was lots of tension during the Victory Tour between the members of the family. I wouldn't be surprised if Michael did get one of his bodyguards to protect him from Joe, but I can't say for sure.

I have heard that Michael was abused in many different ways, such as having lighters held up to his feet while asleep and getting assaulted. Although not proven, some news websites reported that Joe did kick Michael in the testicles and caused him to have fertility issues later in life.
I have heard that Michael was abused in many different ways, such as having lighters held up to his feet while asleep and getting assaulted. Although not proven, some news websites reported that Joe did kick Michael in the testicles and caused him to have fertility issues later in life.

That is awful. What a terrible thing to do to anyone let alone your own son. It's actually quite sick tbh.
It was announced at Dodger Stadium the last show of the Victory tour. I have it on tape. I think i got it from the Jetzi website. The family performs 'Shake your body down to the ground'. Latoya and them all join the family on stage.
I have heard that Michael was abused in many different ways, such as having lighters held up to his feet while asleep and getting assaulted. Although not proven, some news websites reported that Joe did kick Michael in the testicles and caused him to have fertility issues later in life.
that story sounds too wildly exaggerated to believe. The person who took the most abuse from Joe when they were little, that even Michael admits was Marlon.
hi there i am glad that i can enjoy tis site a lot of things i have foun out about Michael trough you ,but i have heard that Michael was taking some pills to stop hi's pasion for kids,and also he was castrate with this pills,what a garbige ,i do not belive this but i want to ask you if you have hear about this?
Love you Michael from the bottom of my heart!
Here's what happened:

Michael didn't enjoy doing the Victory Tour and although it was successful, it dealt with a greal amount of controversy. Around the time of the last couple of shows, Joe, the concert promoters, and the brothers were discussing taking the tour to the UK and other parts of Europe so when Michael overheard it, he made a decision

He announced he was leaving the JACKSONS during the last show

after show and when Michael was walking past Joe, he apparently, he yelled "It's over, Joesph!"
that victory tour was pretty much Joesph making money off of Michael's success..he surely didn't have to do that tour ESPECIALLY after the success of Thriller..i always call it the Thriller tour cuz thats pretty much what it is and what it should have been
some news websites reported that Joe did kick Michael in the testicles and caused him to have fertility issues later in life.

That sounds like pure tabloid lies and exaggeration, and I can't believe people could believe such f**king crap. There is no proof Michael had fertility problems (total bullsh*t). It like saying Michael was asexual when he wasn't, to make Michael appear broken and less than a man. Michael did get beatings from his dad, but they stopped before the Jackson 5 became famous. Michael mainly received verbal abuse from Joesph, it was mainly Jackie and Marlon who got the beatings and they aren't infertile. I doubt Joesph kicked Michael in the testicles, or kicked and punched any of his brothers. I preume he used belts and wipped their backsides, like many schools would use to displine children in the UK before the 1980's which would now be seen as abuse. Joesph was too strict, and a bully but I can't seen him kicking his own son in the testicles. Also the verbal abuse affected Michael more than the beatings he'd get when he answered Joesph back, because the verbal abuse lasted for a long time.

I doubt Michael needed security to protect him from his father Joesph at the Victory Tour press conference. By that time in 1984, the rolls of Joesph being the in control of Michael and the head of the Jackson family had changed, Michael was in control even though he was out voted on many issues on the Victory Tour such as using Don King to promot the tour.

Michael did the Victroy Tour only because his mother Katherine asked him to do it for his family.
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Why was the Victory tour controversial?

You are right about it needing to be called the Thriller tour. I've been watching a few clips and it seems like half the set list were Michael's songs. I'm not trying to be mean but half the time it seemed liked his brothers were hanging around in the back not really knowing what to do with themselves. He overshadowed them so much by that point.
Why was the Victory tour controversial?

Because of the high ticket prices, having to buy I think 4 tickets, and their being lottery were you didn't get to choose which date you wished to attended. Critics said the high ticket price was unfair on many black fans who couldn't afford the tickets, and the whole ticket price thing was the start in the USA of the blacklash against Michael that would never end in his life time.
Why was the Victory tour controversial?

You are right about it needing to be called the Thriller tour. I've been watching a few clips and it seems like half the set list were Michael's songs. I'm not trying to be mean but half the time it seemed liked his brothers were hanging around in the back not really knowing what to do with themselves. He overshadowed them so much by that point.
-The ticket/ticketmaster controversy
-The whole thing with the concert promoters
-Some of the dealings were disorganized

The set list was

Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
Things I Do For You
Off The Wall
Human Nature
Heartbreak Hotel
She's Out Of My Life
Let's Get Serious
You Like Me Don't You or Dynamite
Tell Me I'm Not Dreamin'
I Want You Back
The Love You Save
I'll Be There
Rock With You
Lovely One
Workin' Day And Night
Beat It
Billie Jean
Shake Your Body Down To The Ground

9 were Michael's, 3 were Jermaine, and 7 were The Jackson 5 or Jacksons
Because of the high ticket prices, having to buy I think 4 tickets, and their being lottery were you didn't get to choose which date you wished to attended. Critics said the high ticket price was unfair on many black fans who couldn't afford the tickets, and the whole ticket price thing was the start in the USA of the blacklash against Michael that would never end in his life time.

Is it safe to assume that Leonard Rowe and Joe were behind this idea? Or is that too simplistic?
Is it safe to assume that Leonard Rowe and Joe were behind this idea? Or is that too simplistic?

I'm not sure if Leonard Rowe was involved, as Joesph mainly worked with Don King on the Victory Tour and Don King knew nothing about the music business. As Michael said, Joesph was a great manager for getting the Jackson 5 signed to Motown but he wasn't a good businessman. Michael talks briefly Joesph lack or business auemen in his autobiography Moonwalk.
My heart is aching, God I hope this is not true what was said about Joe.

Why would he do this to Mike.

Why does any of these people hurt him so much.
hi there i am glad that i can enjoy tis site a lot of things i have foun out about Michael trough you ,but i have heard that Michael was taking some pills to stop hi's pasion for kids,and also he was castrate with this pills,what a garbige ,i do not belive this but i want to ask you if you have hear about this?
Love you Michael from the bottom of my heart!

Robi_meli. . . I am glad that you are taking time to address your questions about Michael here to his fans instead of just believing everything you read.

I am telling you this, what you are asking about is PURE TABLOID LIES AND SENSATIONALISM. Anything that the media writes about Michael that seems extremely weird, out of this world, or just plain sick is 100% untrue.

If you read or hear stuff from people that actually knew Michael, they always reiterate how he was a spiritual man, a kind and loving man, a genuis, a gentle man, a wonderful father, and more normal than anyone would think.

Now who would you believe? Some gossipy tabloids or authors who sensationalize garbage to sell books/magazines about Michael or people that actually knew him in person for many, many years?
Here's what happened:

Michael didn't enjoy doing the Victory Tour and although it was successful, it dealt with a greal amount of controversy. Around the time of the last couple of shows, Joe, the concert promoters, and the brothers were discussing taking the tour to the UK and other parts of Europe so when Michael overheard it, he made a decision

He announced he was leaving the JACKSONS during the last show

after show and when Michael was walking past Joe, he apparently, he yelled "It's over, Joesph!"

I wish he would have did it,they could have did the a scond leg of the tour and added thriller and some songs from the Victory album. I didn't like the set list on the Victory tour.
They didn't perform any songs from the album they were touring to promote, very odd.