

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I figured that if it happened it would have made the news. Is it True that at the World Music Awards he was Booed? I just watched it and didnt here it at all? has he EVER been booed?
No, he was never booed. I think Rihanna was though when she took the stage after him.

If i'm wrong, please someone correct my ass.
I was there, he wasn't booed!!!

Rhianna was though.. Because everyone expected him to appear at that stage and when she came on, she got booed SO bad. It was a shame though really as she was really good.

I tell you, the atmosphere there was INCREDIBLE. That's the first time I had ever seen Michael, and I will never forget it. All throughout the night, all the stars were saying "now we know who you REALLY came to see" and the crowd would go mental. And whenever there was a pause, the whole arena would chant for Michael.

It was incredible, really, a fantastic feeling, and one that I will treasure forever as the first, and last time I saw Michael.. :cry:
the roof came off that night in a good way.i work for the company that do secuirty there and he was the talk of the staff for weeks after. all those crazy fans. as i sat there smiling to myself lol
about 97% of the audience at WMA were Michael Jackson's fans, everyone was cheering and calling: "Michael! Michael!" during the ceremony which lasted like forever. Rihanna did get booed right after Michael got off the stage, I felt sorry for her. But Michael NEVER got booed!
If i knew that would be the last time i would of saw him i would of listened harder , stared harder screamed louder!