Question: What Happened to Resolution 600?

Its on hold because Congress is dealing with health care and a few other hot bed issues. If the Dems try to push 600 now it will absolutely be defeated. We will have to be patient.
Its on hold because Congress is dealing with health care and a few other hot bed issues. If the Dems try to push 600 now it will absolutely be defeated. We will have to be patient.

so sad but yes we have to wait we have other pressing issues before Michael becoming a legend.
Its on hold because Congress is dealing with health care and a few other hot bed issues. If the Dems try to push 600 now it will absolutely be defeated. We will have to be patient.

The issue of health care will never be fixed so they are wasting their time on that just might as well move onto 600 because it is ready and waiting to be passed.....Now that is one bill that makes sense.........And just for the record.....Nancy Pelosi....can kiss my ....

WHAT A :mat::angry::mat:

Send mail to Pelosi and UNDERLINE that a man is innocent until proven otherwise!!! send mail:

Told you. Skeletor will never bring it back, she doesn't support it. She's scared it will bring criticism because of those who have negative opinions of MJ. The less senior Dems will do whatever the majority leader says. The Dems are too busy getting ready for the Republican fillibuster on the health care bill.
Thats bullshit! After all Michael did for them too! After all he did for the whole damn WORLD and they won't even give him the basic respect he deserves!
Pelosi is one of the worst things that has happened to America. I can't wait until 2010. Hopefully the majority will change and we can give her the boot!
so sad but yes we have to wait we have other pressing issues before Michael becoming a legend.

lol. We will always have "other pressing issues" - take action or you will wait forever. This won't happen if we just sit around and wait. It takes a loud voice to make the deaf hear.

Anyway, Michael said we've got four years and everything is over. I take him by his word. He was always right. This must be it the end of the world.
Pelosi is one of the worst things that has happened to America. I can't wait until 2010. Hopefully the majority will change and we can give her the boot!
I agree. She is horrible!

Michael deserves to be recognized, although Congress doesn't need to put in writing that Michael is a legend. He already is, and will always remain so.
lol. We will always have "other pressing issues" - take action or you will wait forever. This won't happen if we just sit around and wait. It takes a loud voice to make the deaf hear.

Anyway, Michael said we've got four years and everything is over. I take him by his word. He was always right. This must be it the end of the world.
I saw on here somewhere that he was talking about touring for four years, so they had four years to get the environmental message out. I think it's in the This Is It thread (reviewing the movie, so if you haven't seen the movie yet, don't go into that thread, because it is spoiler after spoiler. :) ) The thread is over in "THIS IS IT - At The Cinema Discussion " forum.
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I wouldn't count on it happening any time soon. The allegations make Michael too 'controversial' to honour.
lol. We will always have "other pressing issues" - take action or you will wait forever. This won't happen if we just sit around and wait. It takes a loud voice to make the deaf hear.

Anyway, Michael said we've got four years and everything is over. I take him by his word. He was always right. This must be it the end of the world.
I don't think MJ meant the world will end in four years. He said something like "We've got four years to get it right, otherwise it's irreversible...the damage we've done."
Meaning, we have to step it up a gear in our action against climate change. Or in four years, the devastating effect we've had on the Earth won't be able to be reversed and we will be living with more erratic weather, more disease, droughts, famine and natural disasters.
Not a nice thought. But not the end of the world.
They are scared to honor him, due to the allegations and the fact that there are a-holes in that place that will probably kill cause they believe the bullcrap.