Question regarding the ''Michael Jackson'' brand


Proud Member
Jan 5, 2007
Guys, I have a question, I know that the name ''Michael Jackson'' is a brand such as Addidas, Coca Cola, Paris Hilton etc .
Does this mean no other singer has the right to publish music under the name ''Michael Jackson''? I mean Michael and Jackson both are pretty common names.. what if a singer called Michael Jackson turns up in 5 years and doesn't wanna publish his stuff under another name?
Or take Michael's son for example the legal name is Michael Jackson (Jr)
what if he decides to do it?

Thanks a bunch :)
Michael does have copyright on the name Michael Jackson so nobody else in the entertainment industry who be allowed to produced music under the name Michael Jackson.

As for Michael Jackson Jr, it depends if Michael copyrighted that name or not. A lot of company's will copyright a group of names and variations of that name to stop others taking that name and trying to make money off of the original name.
I think it is the sme as Vanessa Williams and Vanessa Williams. One of them began acting before the other although the singer was more popular. Well, since the first became known by her name first, she sued the singer and won. Then Vanessa Williams had to start using her middle initial.

So I think if someone with the same name as MJ wanted to be involved in the entertainment business they would have to alter their name at least slightly.
I think that if my name was Michael Jackson and I wanted to be a singer, I would choose a different name. You would not want to even people to think that you are attempting to fill those penny loafers.
interesting question, do these copyright things last forever? i mean like even in 200 years time there still can't be another Michael Jackson? :p