Question (MJ related)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi to all,

There’s something I keep thinking of and I’d like to know your thoughts on this matter.
I’ve been a fan for quite a while, but seen him just once in London.
I never went to his hotel, or followed him anywhere so I can’t realy tell what it’s like.
But I’ve seen videos and heard enough over the last couple of years to start doubting if I ever want to be part of such thing. Don’t take this as an offence please!

It’s probably just a small group that losses ‘it’.
I'm talking about, the fans that (consciously)put other people in danger to get to Michael :(
Sometimes I don’t even want to be called a fan anymore, when I see those groups of ‘fans’ that ruin it for the majority.

I’m considering travelling to London or Berlin again, when Michael is there. But to be honest I’m a little scared to do so.
I know many of you have been to the hotels Michael stayed at, does it realy get as bad as is reported?

I admire Michael, and music is a huge part of my life. And I actually miss being part of an MJ community, (so I joined one :p) I’d like to hear from people who have been there, London and Berlin, what it was like??

Again I’m sorry if I offended anyone, I didn’t mean too.

Love, Sunset
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You can't judge yourself or your own experiences based on what others do. Yes, there are those who get silly but there are also those that have wonderful experiences. Michael is what Michael is and what he drawls out of his fans can be a scary thing but out of all the times I've seen him no matter how crazy it got it was still worth every minute of it. The thrill simply outshines the rest.
does it realy get as bad as is reported? Am I overreacting? I’d like to believe I am.

no it doesnt get that bad. if some go crazy its only a small minority and unless mj is in these places in the future for offical trips ie hes actually doing something then there isnt that many fans there anyway compaired to years gone by. you dont have toget involved just stand back and enjoy the sight
I don't know about you guys, but I've never been to one of those things and I would LOVE to do it...not just for the experience of getting a glimpse of Michael (Which I've never had) but to meet and have fun with other fans...I don't care if it gets scary :)
yes alot of crazy things happen when Michael is in London but as Elusive has said , usually its a small minority and alot of the time things get blown out of proportion on the boards by people who were not even there!!

Its soo much fun being outside Michael's hotel, hanging out with fans who over the years have become some of my closet friends. For a few short days you are transported out of your normal life and into Michaels world.

My most happiest memories are from being outside Michael's hotel and during the days after Sept 11, being with the fans at the hotel was the only way I could cope with those scary times.

Dont be put off by the crazyness reported on the boards, the most negative posts are often by those who have never been in that sitution and make judgements on what they have no experience of.
But I’ve seen videos and heard enough over the last couple of years to start doubting if I ever want to be part of such thing

Well let me tell you, it's a lot of fun being there outside Michael's hotel. You get to know with other fans and the feeling there.. is something amazing. But when Michael comes around, you don't have to go with the flow. I mean you don't have to act like the "crazy" ones. You can choose yourself how to behave there ;) It's totally up to you :)
That's actually been my biggest turn off, as a new fan (not even a year yet:lol: ) the fear that I would get the opportunity to go somewhere to see Mr. Jackson for myself, but then this huge crowd of people would just start going totally CRAZY and end up causing like a small riot or something and ruin the moment. I agree that some of the video footage is pretty crazy to watch:unsure: But whatever happens it'll probably still be my biggest dream to see him up close someday :) So I think it'd be worth the chance.:flowers:
on the last 3 public trips to London, the biggest and crazyest was at The Hempel for THE WMA's, the night of the show about 300 people were there, Usually there are are around 50 max, depending on the time of day, weather conditions and if Michael is actually doing anything eg shopping going to dinner etc.

Its very easy to stand back and not get caught up in crazyness if you dont want to. Out of approx 10 to 12 hours in a day outside Michaels hotel, you will spend 90% of your time just hanging around, chanting, getting to know other fans, going to starbucks, getting food and just stairing up at the windows of a 5 star hotel!!

Most days if Michael is beng active you will see him for a max of 10 minutes, other time you could go 2 days with out seeing him, it just depends on what kind of trip it is.

Thank you for the replies. :) I'm glad to hear things usually are blown up.
On other boards it was said one of Michael's kids got hurt, because there were some fans who were too wild, that is not true?
I saw a clip on youtube and it was very upsetting to watch realy...
I'm usually the last person that judges another person, but after some of those clips and stories, I just doubted if I should go...

I'm happy to hear it's not all that bad!
I've never realy met with fans that way either, and I guess if you've never been outside hotels, clips that only show chaos can be a big influence, if I should go in the future or not. So thank you...

Love, Sunset
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I know which clip you are refering too but I wasnt there when it happened so I cant comment on what actuuly happened.

Going to hotels is a great way to meet other fans and dont worry if you dont know anyone or turn up on your own. Very soon you will start talking to people, sharing food, stories etc. Thats how I met one of my closest friends. Back in 2000 I turned up at the Dorchester on my own, got talking to people and now 8 years later we are very close friends in real life. Many people end up forming life long friendships with fans they randomly meet at hotels.

In a way its just like being on the boards, except you get to see and possibley meet Michael every day. Just like the boards, though, not everyone gets on, and arguments break out sometimes.