Question.. If anyone knows


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have a lump right underneath my ear, I just discovered it this morning. Is it serious?Im going to the doctors to get it checked. Maybe its just a lymph node or something? Should i be that concerned?
I have had those. Around our neck area we have many lymph nodes and sometimes they can be triggered so that they even show or hurt a little. Nothing to be scared about. It's natural :)

I remember I got scared when I discovered it. I thought my life was over and headed straight to the doctor.

We should always check out that everything is OK if we discover something "weird", but in most cases everything is fine :)

Hope that helps.
Oh ok thanks a lot!! I feel way much better now!! :flowers:. Im sure everything will be fine!!
u shouldn't worry. i'm sure its nothing. when u get back from the doctor let us know how it went :)
See, nothing to worry about :) But we should always check ourselves if there is something that is not looking or feeling right :)