Question about Tour Outfits


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Could someone explain this to me (I'm working on some cd covers and want to make sure everything is right...)

On the bad tour I know Michael wore three shirts: silver, red, black. Which shows got which? I know that the white was common, black was tokio? and red was what?

also with dangerous tour: the jackets. the sparkly one was for most of the tour yes? when did he wear the black one with the gold buckles and such.
To my knowledge
Silver--87 leg
Black--88 leg
Red--short 89 third leg

Sparkly jacket--First Leg
Black--Second leg that was going to expand into the US until the allegations came.

I could be wrong though.
Was the red jacket worn on the third leg of the BAD tour? I always thought this (and the black one) were single occasion try outs during the first leg (Japan), wich apparently didn't satisfied MJ who choosed to wear the silver shirt from that point on (with some modification before the second leg)

The sparkly one on Dangerous tour were last worn in Bucharest as far as I know. Don't know about the other european shows, but my guess has always been that that was the jacket he used on every show.. EXCEPT the opening concert in Munich were he used the black one.
Oh your right. I was thinking the Black jacket for the bad tour instead. But I do believe the red one was worn during the third leg.
The buckle jacket was worn at the Brunei concert too.
Okay cool. Its unforutante cause i have a bunch of SUPER high quality photos in the black + buckle jacket but since I'm doing covers for the bucharest show it wouldn't make sense to use those... haha

thanks for the info you guys!