Question about song writting credits


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Check out this video

It's Brad Buxter talking about the making of Who Is It and in the video he says that when he came in there was a drum track up and a bassline and then he said that he and Michael figured out chords with eachother.

Now what confuses me is that it says that Who Is It is written by Michael himself but if Michael and Brad sat down together to work out chords shouldn't Brad get song writting credits also?

If there's anyone on here who knows a thing or two about song writting i'd be greatfull if you can help me out on this.

Thanks alot :)
my guess is michael imitated the sounds and brad figured out the chords that way.

therefore michael is still the composer because it's his idea.
Michael cant read sheet music so he sings what he wants on to tape or to a person and they put it down on paper etc. So it comes from Michael.
I think that if MJ came up with the melody and they just figured out the chords together...then Brad shuld get credit for arranging the song, not for writing it.