^^^Hi there, thx for answering.
Do you have a pic of your snake please ?
How long is he ? What do you keep it in now ? Btw, how would you get him back in his cage if he gets out of it ? What kind of relationship do you have with him ? (how do you interact with him etc..) Can he recognize you ? Do you have other pets ? If yes, would you ever leave him around them ?
You said "he's extremely friendly and has only ever bitten one person which is my stupid brother in law but he deserved it".
Can i ask you what your brother in law did to deserve it, to trigger such a reaction?
I have a picture which I will post after I finish answering your question unfortunately he wouldn't stay out straight and kept curling around so its a little hard to show you how long he is but he's about 2 metres the last time I checked.
I have a 6 foot fish tank that is secure with lock which is set up with a heat lamp, rocks, sticks, water container, leaves and gravel. If by any chance that he did get out of his cage it wouldn't be any trouble to get him back simply because his handled everyday.
So all I would have to do is gently go to pick him up and he will start to wrap himself around me till he's body is fully around my arm then I just put me arm into his tank and he'll unwrap himself back into his cage.
LG comes everywhere with me minus to places where there is alot of people, just incase he gets frightened by the noise or the amount of people and strikes out, but in general he comes to my boyfriends place, my sisters, my parents so I take him everywhere pretty much, I've even taken him on drives with me ect ect.
Usually when I go to get him out of his cage he's usually waiting on his heat lamp for me, so I just unlock his cage open the door and as I've mentioned to you before he just moves up my arm and wraps himself around my arm till he's fully on me.
Because I've had him since he was 6 weeks old and have put in the effort to handling him and showing him that he can trust me, I'm able to do all sorts of things, I can put his rat in his cage and hold onto it and he won't go to eat it till my hand is out of the cage, if I've got to grab him suddenly he won't strike out, I have him wrapped around my neck and I don't have to worry about him choking me.
:yes: he does know who I am, as like I said he knows when its free cage time and as soon as I'm in my room and I open the door he comes out of his rocks and starts to climb up onto my arm straight away if he's not already waiting on his heat lamp.
:yes: I do have other animals, I have 4 Dogs, (ChiChi, Soukie, Sarayah, Seralda), 4 Birds (Max, Sierra, Midget, Dexter), 2 Cats (Kitty, Comet), 2 Guinea Pigs (Milly, Molly) 2 Mice (TJ, DJ), 2 Goldfish (Orange, Vodka) and last but not least my Discus Fish (Tiger). but :no: I wouldn't trust him around them simply because his nautral instincts would most likely cut in and he'd probably strike at them.
:yes: that's right he's extremely friendly, all my sisters kids love him and the youngest is only 3 years of age, but of course I don't let the youngest hold him as we live in the country and we're know well for snakes around out area so I don't want to confuse him and have him think that all snakes are like LG.
:yes: He bit my stupid brother in law, but like I said it was his own entire fault... this particular day LG was due for a feed and I said to everyone that was here not to go and handle LG cause he's due for a feed and he's may bite, so my stupid brother didn't listen and got him out while I was getting him a feed from the pet shop and of course he had been patting one of the dogs and LG could sense it, after you handle any other animal you MUST ALWAYS wash your hands to stop the snake from attacking.
LG started his S form which is how you know a snake is going to attack and Robert (my brother) freaked out and the next minute LG latched onto him and bit him. So once again it wasn't LG's fault simply because I had given everyone instructions to stay away from him and not to handle him.
Anyway here is the picture that you asked for, later on when I get him out if he's going to make it easy for me I'll try and get one with his whole length but like I said he was about 2 metres the last time I measured him
I hope this information has helped you in some way.