Question about 'Moonwalker'..


Proud Member
Feb 3, 2006
Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
Frankie Lideo as you all know is the bad guy in the movie.. A large scale drug dealer who shows no remorse for his actions. You have all seen the movie..

My question is this.. Why did they chose the name Frankie Lideo? Lideo being an obvious anagram of Dileo, the second name of Michael's manager Frank Dileo n 1988, who also stars in the movie towards the end?

It just seems strange to me that this has been done, why use his name with a character who's clearly evil.. Hmm..
I just think it was meant to be funny. Michael and Frank were sort of viewed as a dynamic duo type team back in the late 80s.
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Yeah, it was meant to be funny, I mean FD even produced the film. :lol:
Yeah an inside joke with Michael and Frankie. If I remember correctly they're still really close friends too.
I always wondered but never thought of asking the question. I think it was a private joke too...